


Research Area: Algebraic Geometry
Research Interests: moduli spaces of curves, Brill-Noether theory, moduli spaces of sheaves on algebraic surfaces,
K3 surfaces, abelian surfaces, coherent systems

Papers and Preprints:
  1. M. Lelli-Chiesa, Gieseker-Petri divisors and Brill-Noether theory of K3-sections, tesi di Ph.D., available at http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/dissertationen/lelli-chiesa-margherita-2012-09-20/PDF/lelli-chiesa.pdf
  2. M. Lelli-Chiesa, The Gieseker-Petri divisor in Mg for g ≤ 13, Geometriae Dedicata 158 (2012), 149-165.
  3. M. Lelli-Chiesa, Stability of rank-3 Lazarsfeld-Mukai bundles on K3 surfaces, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 107 (2013), 451-479.
  4. M. Lelli-Chiesa, Green’s Conjecture for curves on rational surfaces with an anticanonical pencil, Mathematische Zeitschrift 275 (2013), 899–910.
  5. M. Lelli-Chiesa, Generalized Lazarsfeld-Mukai bundles and a conjecture of Donagi and Morrison, with an Appendix joint with A. L. Knutsen, Advances in Mathematics 268 (2015), 529-563.
  6. A. L. Knutsen, M. Lelli-Chiesa, G. Mongardi, Severi Varieties and Brill-Noether theory of curves on abelian surfaces, Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 749 (2019), 161-200.
  7. A. L. Knutsen, M. Lelli-Chiesa, G. Mongardi, Wall divisors and algebraically coisotropic subvarieties of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 371 (2019), 1403-1438.
  8. M. Lelli-Chiesa, Curves on surfaces with trivial canonical bundle, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 11 (2018), 93-105.
  9. A. L. Knutsen, M. Lelli-Chiesa, S. Verra, Half Nikulin surfaces and moduli of Prym curves, to appear in Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu.
  10. A. L. Knutsen, M. Lelli-Chiesa, S. Verra,  Moduli of non-standard Nikulin surfaces in low genus, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa XXI (2020), 361-384.
  11. M. L. Fania, M. Lelli-Chiesa, J. Pons-Llopis, Ulrich bundles on three dimensional scrolls, to appear in International Mathematics Research Notices.
  12. A. L. Knutsen, M. Lelli-Chiesa, Genus two curves on abelian surfaces, to appear in Annales Scientifiques de L'Ecole Normale Superieure.
  13. M. Lelli-Chiesa, A codimension 2 component of the Gieseker-Petri locus, to appear in Journal of Algebraic Geometry.