Various Number Theorists' Home Pages/Departmental listings
Complete listing
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- Ahmed Abbes
- Azizi Abdelmalek
- Alex Abercrombie
- Dan Abramovich
- Vincenzo Acciaro
- Jeff Achter
- Boris Adamczewski
- Arnold Adelberg
- Sukumar Das Adhikari
- Faustin Adiceam
- Leonard Adleman
- Moshe Adrian
- Anatoli Nikolaevich Andrianov
- Christian Aebi
- Amod Agashe
- Eleni Agathocleous
- Adebisi Agboola
- Scott Ahlgren
- Topics In Number Theory, Proceedings of a conference in honor of B. Gordon and S. Chowla, Ed. S. Ahlgren, G. Andrews and K. Ono, Kluwer 1999
- Omran Ahmadi
- Martin Aigner
- Menny Aka
- Akihiko Yukie
- Zhiwei Yun
- Amir Akbary
- Shabnam Akhtari
- Renat Kamilevich Akhunzhanov
- Shigeki Akiyama
- Kevser Aktaş
- Ayse Alaca
- Şaban Alaca
- Kevin Allen
- Max Alekseyev
- Yurii Mikhailovich Alexencev
- Claudia Alfes-Neumann
- Jorge Luis Ramírez Alfonsín
- Iskander Aliev
- Emre Alkan
- Giedrius Alkauskas
- Timothy All
- Krishnaswami Alladi
- Review of An Invitation to the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities, Andrew V. Sills, 2017, Reviewed by Krishnaswami Alladi
- Quadratic and Higher Degree Forms, Krishnaswami Alladi, Manjul Bhargava, Dave Savitt, Pham Huu Tiep, Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 31, Springer 2013
- Ramanujan's Place in the World of Mathematics, Krishnaswami Alladi, Birkhäuser 2013
- Partitions, q-Series, and Modular Forms, Ed. Krishnaswami Alladi, Frank Garvan, Series: Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 23, Springer 2012
- Surveys in Number Theory, Ed. Krishnaswami Alladi, Developments in Mathematics, 17 Springer, September 2008
- A Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erdös, K. Alladi, P.D.T.A. Elliott, A. Granville, G. Tenenbaum, Vol 1, Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer 1998
- Demi Allen
- Patrick Allen
- Bill Allombert
- Jean-Paul Allouche
- Dario Alejandro Alpern
- Gert Almkvist
- Levent Alpöge
- Ibrahim Al-Rasasi
- Alejandra Alvarado
- Anthony Várilly Alvarado
- Francesco Amoroso
- U.K. Anandavardhanan
- Katie Anders
- Jens Kruse Andersen
- Nick Andersen
- Greg Anderson
- Julio Andrade
- Titu Andreescu
- George Andrews
- Ramanujan's Lost Notebook, Part II, Bruce Berndt, George Andrews, Springer January 2009
- Ramanujan's Lost Notebook Part I, George Andrews, Bruce Berndt, Springer 2005
- Integer Partitions, George Andrews, Kimmo Eriksson, CUP, December 2004
- Number Theory, G.E. Andrews, Saunders 1971, reissued Dover Books 1995
- The Theory of Partitions, G.E. Andrews, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 2, Addison-Wesley 1976, reissued CUP 1998
- The Continued Fractions Found in the Unorganized Portions of Ramanujan's Notebooks G.E. Andrews, B.C. Berndt, L. Jacobsen, R.L. Lamphere, Memoirs of the AMS 99, AMS 1992
- The Rademacher Legacy to Mathematics, G.E. Andrews, D. Bressoud and L.A. Parsons, Contemporary Mathematics 166, AMS 1994
- Topics In Number Theory, Proceedings of a conference in honor of B. Gordon and S. Chowla, Ed. S. Ahlgren, G. Andrews and K. Ono, Kluwer 1999
- The lost notebook and other unpublished papers, Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar; Introduction by George E. Andrews, Review, Richard Askey, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 19 (1988), 558-560
- Anatoli Andrianov
- Introduction to Siegel Modular Forms and Dirichlet Series, Anatoli Andrianov, Universitext, Springer 2009
- Modular Forms and Hecke Operators, A. N. Andrianov and V. G. Zhuravlev, Translations of Mathematical Monographs, 145, AMS 1995
- Quadratic forms and Hecke operators, Anotolij N. Andrianov, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Vol. 286, 1987, Review, Martin Eichler, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1988), 224-230
- Fedor Andrianov
- Dorin Andrica
- David Angell
- Catalina V. Anghel
- Bruno Anglès
- Samuele Anni
- Automorphic Forms and Related Topics, Ed. Samuele Anni, Jay Jorgenson, Lejla Smajlović, Lynne Walling, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 732, 2019
- Images des représentations galoisiennes, PhD thesis, Samuele Anni, L'Université Bordeaux I, 2013
- Jannis Antoniadis
- Hiroki Aoki
- Luis Arenas
- Juan Arias de Reyna
- Jane Arledge
- Cécile Armana
- Mary Armon
- Trevor Arnold
- Vishal Arul (
- Explicit division and torsion points on superelliptic Curves and jacobians, PhD thesis, Vishal Arul, MIT 2020
- Farzad Aryan
- Anilatmaja Aryasomayjula
- Mahdi Asgari
- Avner Ash
- Summing It Up: From One Plus One to Modern Number Theory, Avner Ash & Robert Gross, Princeton University Press 2016,
MAA Review by Mark Hunacek
- Elliptic Tales: Curves, Counting, and Number Theory, Avner Ash & Robert Gross, Princeton University Press, 2012
- Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers, Avner Ash & Robert Gross, Princeton University Press 2008,
MAA review of Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers
- Asher Auel
- Pascal Autissier
- Roberto Avanzi
- Mariya Olegovna Avdeeva
- Marco Aymone
- Eric Bach
- Analytic Methods in the Analysis and Design of Number-Theoretic Algorithms, MIT Press, 1985. [ACM Distinguished Dissertation Series]
- Algorithmic Number Theory, Vol. 1, E. Bach, J.O. Shallit, MIT Press, August 1996
- Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations, J.-P. Allouche, J. Shallit, CUP 2003, Addenda
- Henrik Bachmann
- Christine Bachoc
- Dmitry Badziahin
- Ricardo Baeza
- Christian Bagshaw
- Shi Bai
- Stephan Baier
- David Bailey
- Aurélien Bajolet
- Roger Baker
- Matt Baker
- Steve Balady
- Jennifer Balakrishnan
- Eugenio Balanzario
- Ramachandran Balasubramanian
- Baskar Balasubramanyam
- Michel Balazard
- Francesco Baldassarri
- Olga Balkanova
- Cristina Ballantine
- François Ballaÿ
- Christian Ballot
- Antal Balog
- Erik Balslev
- Siegfred Baluyot
- Ram Prakash Bambah
- Alex Samuel Bamunoba
- Andrea Bandini
- Debargha Banerjee
- Pradipto Banerjee
- Soumyarup Banerjee
- Efrat Bank
- William Banks
- Kenichi Bannai
- Burcu Baran
- Arthur Baragar
- Ed Barbeau
- Razvan Barbulescu
- Grzegorz Banaszak
- Gintautas Bareikis
- Rupam Barman
- Thomas Barnet-Lamb
- Adrian Barquero-Sanchez
- Alex Barrios
- Fabrizio Barroero
- Francesc Bars
- Alex Bartel
- Robin Bartlett
- Krystyna Bartz
- Nayandeep Deka Baruah
- Ehud Moshe Baruch
- Lior Bary-Soroker
- Julius Basilla
- Francesco Battistoni
- Jens-Dietrich Bauch
- Claus Bauer
- Mark Bauer
- Peter Bauer
- Christoph Baxa
- Abdelmejid Bayad
- Eva Bayer-Fluckiger
- Jonathan Bayless
- Carter Bays
- András Bazsó
- Danilo Bazzanella
- József Beck
- Matthias Beck
- Olivia Beckwith
- Jennifer Beineke
- Paul Beirne
- Karim Belabas
- Numerical Algorithms for Number Theory: Using Pari/GP, Karim Belabas, Henri Cohen, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 254, AMS 2019
- Explicit Methods in Number Theory Rational Points and Diophantine Equations, Karim Belabas, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Pierrick Gaudry, Michael Stoll, Mark Watkins, William McCallum & Bjorn Poonen, Frits Beukers, Samir Siksek, Panoramas et synthèses 36 (2012)
- Le Théorème de Fermat (Karim Belabas and Catherine Goldstein)
- Juliana Belding
- Number theoretic algorithms for elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Juliana Belding, University of Maryland, College Park, 2008
- Constantin-Nicolae Beli
- Renee Be
- Jason P. Bell
- Jean-Robert Belliard
- Joël Bellaïche
- Rebecca Bellovin
- Mikhail Belolipetsky
- Jacques Benatar
- Andreas Bender
- Robert Benedetto
- Lea Beneish
- Paloma Bengoechea
- Stan Benkoski
- Mike Bennett
- Denis Benois
- Attila Bérczes
- Daniel Berend
- Lisa Berger
- Explicit Arithmetic of Jacobians of Generalized Legendre Curves Over Global Function Fields, Lisa Berger, Chris Hall, Rene Pannekoek, Rachel Pries, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Douglas Ulmer, Jennifer Park, Memoirs of the AMS 1295, AMS 2020
- Victor Beresnevich
- Michael Berg
- Geometric modular forms and elliptic curves, (second edition) Haruzo Hida, World Scientific, 2011, MAA Review by Michael Berg
- Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms, and Their L-functions, Álvaro Lozano-Robledo, Student Mathematical Library 58, 2011, AMS, MAA Review by Michael Berg
- The Fourier-Analytic Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity, M.C. Berg, Wiley 2000
- John F. Bergdall
- Laurent Berger
- Rigid Character Groups, Lubin-Tate Theory, and (φ,Γ)-Modules, Laurent Berger, Peter Schneider, Bingyong Xie, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 1275, 2020
- Elliptic Curves, Hilbert Modular Forms and Galois Deformations, L. Berger, G. Böckle, L. Dembélé, M. Dimitrov, T. Dokchitser, J. Voight, Birkhäuser, 2013
- Review of p-adic differential equations, by Kiran Kedlaya, Reviewer: Laurent Berger
- Representations p-adiques de Groupes p-adiques I: Representations Galoisiennes et (ϕ, Γ)-Modules, Edited by: Laurent Berger, Christophe Breuil, Pierre Colmez, Astérisque 319, 2008
- Représentations p-adiques et équations différentialles, PhD, Laurent Berger, Paris VI 2001
- Lisa Berger
- Tobias Berger
- Nicolas Bergeron
- Dominique Bernardi
- Julien Bernat
- Bruce Berndt
- Ramanujan's Lost Notebook, Part II, Bruce Berndt, George Andrews, Springer January 2009
- Hecke's theory of modular forms and Dirichlet series (2nd Printing with revisions), Bruce Berndt, Marvin Knopp, Monographs in Mathematics 5, World Scientific 2007
- Number Theory in the Spirit of Ramanujan, Bruce Berndt, AMS Student Mathematical Library 34 (September) 2006
- Ramanujan's Lost Notebook Part I, George Andrews, Bruce Berndt, Springer 2005
- q-Series with Applications to Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Physics, Ed. Bruce Berndt, Ken Ono, Contemporary Mathematics 291 2001
- Surveys in Number Theory: Papers from the Millennial Conference on Number Theory, Ed. Bruce Berndt et al., A.K. Peters 2002
- Ramanujan: Essays and Surveys, (Ed.) B.C. Berndt, R.A. Rankin, History of Mathematics Series, November 2001, AMS
- Ramanujan's Notebooks Part II, B.C. Berndt, Springer 1998
- Gauss and Jacobi Sums, B.C. Berndt, R.J. Evans, K.S. Williams, Wiley, Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts 21, 1998
- Ramanujan's Notebooks Part V, B.C. Berndt, Springer 1998
- Analytic Number Theory: Proceedings of Conference in Honour of Heini Halberstam (ed) B.C. Berndt, H.G. Diamond, A.J. Hildebrandt, Progress in Mathematics 139, Birkhaüser 1996
- Ramanujan: Letters and Commentary, R.A. Rankin, B.C. Berndt, History of Mathematics 9, AMS 1995
- Ramanujan's Notebooks Part IV, B.C. Berndt, Springer 1994
- The Continued Fractions Found in the Unorganized Portions of Ramanujan's Notebooks G.E. Andrews, B.C. Berndt, L. Jacobsen, R.L. Lamphere, Memoirs of the AMS 99, AMS 1992
- Ramanujan's Notebooks Part III, B.C. Berndt, Springer 1991
- Ramanujan's Notebooks Part I, B.C. Berndt, Springer 1985
- The determination of Gauss sums, Bruce C. Berndt; Ronald J. Evans, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 5 (1981), 107-129
- Rolf Berndt
- Christian Bernert
- Vasily Bernik
- Dan Bernstein
- Pedro Berrizbeitia
- Pierre Berthelot
- Marie-José Bertin
- Csanád Bertók
- Cristiana Bertolin
- Massimo Bertolini
- Daniel Bertrand
- Lubjana Beshaj
- Amnon Besser
- Alex Best
- Adel Betina
- Sandro Bettin
- Alexander Betts
- Frits Beukers
- A passion for numbers, farewell lecture of Frits Beukers 14 November 2019
- Explicit Methods in Number Theory Rational Points and Diophantine Equations, Karim Belabas, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Pierrick Gaudry, Michael Stoll, Mark Watkins, William McCallum & Bjorn Poonen, Frits Beukers, Samir Siksek, Panoramas et synthèses 36 (2012)
- The generalized Fermat equation (Frits Beukers)
- The ABC-conjecture, Frits Beukers, ABC-day, Leiden, September 9, 2005
- The Riemann zeta function and its relatives (Frits Beukers)
- Getaltheorie voor beginners, F. Beukers, Epsilon Uitgaven, Utrecht 1999
- Jean-Paul Bezivin
- Vishal Bhardwaj
- Manjul Bhargava
- Soumya Bhattacharya
- Gautami Bhowmik
- Jean-François Biasse
- Pierre-Yves Bienvenu
- Kirsti Biggs
- Nicolas Billerey
- Margaret Bilu
- Yuri Bilu
- Gai Binyamini
- Bryan Birch
- Chris Birkbeck
- András Birò
- Number Theory, Analysis, and Combinatorics, Proceedings of the Paul Turan Memorial Conference held August 22-26, 2011 in Budapes, Ed. J, Pintz, A. Biró, K. Győry, G. Harcos, M. Simonovits, J. Szabados, De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 2013
- Arunabha Biswas
- Guido Blady
- Die Weil-Restriktionen elliptischer Kurven in der Kryptographie, Diplomarbeit, Guido Blady, Essen 2002
- Don Blasius
- Richard Blecksmith
- Werner Bley
- Marija Bliznac Trebješanin
- Valentin Blomer
- Samuel Bloom
- Thomas Bloom
- Jonathan Bober
- Slide talk - New computations of the Riemann zeta function, Jonathan Bober (joint work with Ghaith Hiary)
- Florin Boca
- Siegfried Böcherer
- Automorphic forms and zeta functions: Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa, Ed. Siegfried Böcherer, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko, Fumihiro Sato , World Scientific 2006
- Gebhard Böckle
- t-Motives: Hodge Structures, Transcendence and Other Motivic Aspects, Gebhard Böckle, David Goss, Urs Hartl, Matthew Papanikolasm European Mathematical Society 2020
- Computations with Modular Forms, Ed. Gebhard Böckle, Gabor Wiese, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 6, Springer 2014
- Elliptic Curves, Hilbert Modular Forms and Galois Deformations, L. Berger, G. Böckle, L. Dembélé, M. Dimitrov, T. Dokchitser, J. Voight, Birkhäuser, 2013
- Cohomological Theory of Crystals over Function Fields, Gebhard Böckle and Richard Pink, EMS Tracts in Mathematics Vol. 9, 2009
- Arnaud Bodin
- Enrico Bombieri
- Raymond van Bommel
- Nicolae Bonciocat
- Andrii Bondarenko
- Dante Bonolis
- Jeremy Booher
- Andrew Booker
- Olivier Bordellès
- Matteo Bordignon
- James Borger
- Alexander Borisov
- Itshak Borosh
- Peter Borwein
- The Riemann Hypothesis: A Resource for the Afficionado and Virtuoso Alike, P. Borwein, S. Choi, B. Rooney, A. Weirathmueller (Eds.), CMS Books in Mathematics XIV, 2008, Springer
- Computational Excursions in Analysis and Number Theory, P. Borwein, CMS Books in Mathematics 11, Springer NY
- A Dictionary of Real Numbers, P. Borwein, J.M. Borwein, Wadsworth 1990
- Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities, P. Borwein, T. Erdélyi, Graduate Text 161, Springer 1995
- Pi: A Source Book, L. Berggren, J. Borwein, P. Borwein, Springer-Verlag 1997
- Joppe Bos
- Wieb Bosma
- Wieb Bosma
- Johan Bosman
- Vincent Bosser
- Alin Bostan
- Nigel Boston
- Félix Baril Boudreau
- Abbey Bourdon
- Jean Bourgain
- Thanasis Bouganis
- Iwasawa Theory 2012, Eds. Thanasis Bouganis, Otmar Venjakob, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 7, Springer 2014,
- Irene Bouw
- Florian Bouyer
- Douglas Bowman
- George Boxer
- David Boyd
- Pascal Boyer
- Hatice Boylan
- Matt Boylan
- David Bradley
- Miljan Brakočević
- Julia Brandes
- Riccardo Brasca
- Johan Bredberg
- Ben Breen
- Andrew Bremner
- Barry Brent
- Richard Brent
- David Bressoud
- A Course in Computational Number Theory, D. Bressoud, S. Wagon, Springer 2000
- Factorization and Primality Testing, D.M. Bressoud, Undergraduate Text, Springer 1989
- The Rademacher Legacy to Mathematics, D.M. Bressoud, G.E. Andrews and L.A. Parsons, Contemporary Mathematics 166, AMS 1994
- Florian Breuer
- Christophe Breuil
- Manuel Breuning
- Walter Bridges
- Keith Briggs
- Martin Bright
- Kathrin Bringmann
- Harmonic Maass Forms and Mock Modular Forms: Theory and Applications, Kathrin Bringmann, Amanda Folsom, Ken Ono, Larry Rolen, AMS Colloquium Publications Volume 64, 2017
- Four Faces of Number Theory, Kathrin Bringmann, Yann Bugeaud, Titus Hilberdink, Jürgen Sander, EMS Publishing House, 2015
- Applications of Poincare series on Jacobi groups Ph.D. Thesis, University of Heidelberg, 2004
- Olivier Brinon
- Nicolas Brisebarre
- David Broadhurst
- Reinier Bröker
- Kevin Broughan
- Frederik Broucke
- David Brown
- Ezra Brown
- The Unity of Combinatorics, Ezra Brown, Richard Guy, The Carus Mathematical Monographs, Volume 36, 2020
- Biscuits of Number Theory, Ed. Ezra Brown, Arthur Benjamin, MAA, 2009
- Three Connections to Continued Fractions, Ezra Brown
- Jim Brown
- Kenneth Brown
- Peter Brown
- Tim Browning
- Quantitative Arithmetic of Projective Varieties, Tim Browning, Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 277, Birkhäuser, 2010
- Analytic Methods for Diophantine Equations and Diophantine Inequalities, H. Davenport (Ed. Tim Browning), CUP 2005
- Counting Rational Points on Curves and Surfaces , DPhil. Thesis, Tim Browning, Oxford 2001
- Dale Brownawell
- Ben Brubaker
- Paul Bruckman (email:
- Jörg Brüdern
- Roelof Bruggeman
- Holomorphic Automorphic Forms and Cohomology, Roelof Bruggeman, Youngju Choie, Nikolaos Diamantis, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 253, No. 1212, AMS, 2018
- Period Functions for Maass Wave Forms and Cohomology, R. Bruggemann, J. Lewis, D. Zagier, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society AMS 2015
- Families of Automorphic Forms, R.W. Bruggeman, Monographs in Mathematics, Volume 88, Birkhäuser 1994, Review, Audrey A. Terras, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (1996), 77-80
- Nils Bruin
- Peter Bruin
- Jan Bruinier
- The 1-2-3 of Modular Forms, Bruinier, J.H., van der Geer, G., Harder, G., Zagier, D., Springer Universitext 2008
- EIS, computing Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series attached to lattices, (M. Kuss and J. Bruinier)
- Armand Brumer
- Farrell Brumley
- François Brunault
- Carmen Bruni
- Juliusz Brzezinski
- Ralph Buchholz
- Johannes Buchmann
- Post Quantum Cryptography, Ed. Dan Bernstein, Johannes Buchmann, Erik Dahmen, Springer 2009
- Binary Quadratic Forms: An Algorithmic Approach, Johannes Buchmann, Ulrich Vollmer, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics , 20, Springer 2007
- Introduction to Cryptography, J. Buchmann, Undergraduate Text Springer 2000
- Paul Buckingham
- Alina Ioana Bucur
- Natalia Viktorovna Budarina
- Mark Budden
- Duncan Buell
- Algorithmic Number Theory, Proceedings of ANTS-VI, Ed. Duncan Buell, Springer 2004
- Computational Perspectives on Number Theory: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of A. O. L. Atkin, Ed. D. A. Buell, J. T. Teitelbaum, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol 7, 1998
- Binary Quadratic Forms, D.A. Buell, Springer 1989 (see errors and php program and tables)
- Yann Bugeaud
- Documenta Mathematica, Extra Vol., Mahler Selecta (2019) eLibM, also see bottom of Michael Baake's page
- Linear Forms in Logarithms and Applications, Yann Bugeaud, IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Vol. 28, 2018,
Review by Allan Stenger
- Four Faces of Number Theory, Kathrin Bringmann, Yann Bugeaud, Titus Hilberdink, Jürgen Sander, EMS Publishing House, 2015
- The Problem of Catalan, Yuri Bilu, Yann Bugeaud, Maurice Mignotte, Springer, 2014
- Distribution Modulo One and Diophantine Approximation, Yann Bugeaud, Cambridge Tract 193, 2012
- Dynamical Systems and Diophantine Approximation, Ed. Yann Bugeaud, Françoise Dal'Bo, Cornelia Druţu, Séminaires et Congrès, Volume 19, 2011
- Approximation by Algebraic Numbers, Yann Bugeaud, Cambridge Tract 160, CUP October 2004
- Joe Buhler
- Hung Manh Bui
- Alexandru Buium
- Sanda Bujačić
- Michal Bulant
- Dan Bump
- Weyl Group Multiple Dirichlet Series: Type A Combinatorial Theory, Ben Brubaker, Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Annals of Mathematics Studies Vol. 175, Princeton University Press 2011
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, L-functions and Automorphic Forms, Ed. Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Dorian Goldfeld, Progress in Mathematics Vol. 300, Birkhäuser Basel, 2012
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number Theory, Ed. Solomon Friedberg, Daniel Bump, Dorian Goldfeld, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 75, AMS, Dec 2006
- Algebraic Geometry, D. Bump, World Scientific 1998
- Automorphic Forms and Representations, CUP 1996
- On some applications of automorphic forms to number theory, Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (1996), 157-175
- Automorphic Forms on GL(3,R), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1083, Springer 1984
- Dominik Burek
- Edward Burger
- Annika Burmester
- Jean-François Burnol
- David Burns
- On Refined Conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Type for Hasse-Weil-Artin L-Series, David Burns, Daniel Macias Castillo, Memoirs of the AMS, Vol. 297, No. 1482, 2024
- L-Functions and Galois Representations, Ed. David Burns, Kevin Buzzard, Jan Nekovář, LMS Lecture Notes 320 CUP 2007
- Stark's Conjectures: Recent Work and New Directions, Ed. David Burns, Christian Popescu, Jonathan Sands, David Solomon, Contemporary Mathematics 358, AMS 2004
- Claire Burrin
- Ashay Burungale
- Michael Bush
- Jan Büthe
- Jack Buttcane
- Kazim Büyükboduk
- Kevin Buzzard
- L-functions (Kevin Buzzard)
- L-Functions and Galois Representations, Ed. David Burns, Kevin Buzzard, Jan Nekovář, LMS Lecture Notes 320 CUP 2007
- Kevin Buzzard receives the 2002 LMS Whitehead Prize
- Book Review by Kevin Buzzard of Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem, G. Cornell, J.H. Silverman, G. Stevens, Editors
- The Levels of Modular Representations, PhD Thesis, Kevin Buzzard, Cambridge University
- DongHo Byeon
- Nigel Byott
- Anna Cadoret
- Jin-Yi Cai
- Tianxin Cai
- Yuanqing Cai
- Grant Cairns
- Bryden Cais
- Perfectoid Spaces: Lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School, Editors and authors, Bryden Cais, Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 242, 2019
- Compatibilities, correspondences, and integral structures in p-adic cohomology, PhD thesis, Bryden R. Cais, University of Michigan, 2007
- Talks by Bryden Cais
- Nenad Cakić
- Chris Caldwell
- Frank Calegari
- Neil Calkin
- Ismael Jiménez Calvo
- Francesco Campagna
- Pablo Candela
- Luca Candelori
- Victoria Cantoral Farfán
- Zhenfu Cao
- Laura Capuano
- Luca Caputo
- Mihai Caragiu
- Ana Caraiani
- David Cardon
- Dan Carmon
- Emanuel Carneiro
- Maria Carrizosa
- Problème de Lehmer relatif pour les variétés abéliennes CM, PhD thesis, Maria Carrizosa, Paris VI, 2008
- Daniel Caro
- Robert Cass
- Philippe Cassou-Noguès
- Francesc Castella
- Daniel Macias Castillo
- On Refined Conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Type for Hasse-Weil-Artin L-Series, David Burns, Daniel Macias Castillo, Memoirs of the AMS, Vol. 297, No. 1482, 2024
- On the values of derivatives of Dirichlet and Hasse-Weil L-functions, PhD thesis, Daniel Macias Castillo, Kings College, London, 2011
- Antonio Cauchi
- Martin Čech
- Francesco Cellarosi
- Jean-Paul Cerri
- Spectres euclidiens et inhomogènes des corps de nombres, PhD thesis, Jean-Paul Cerri, Université Nancy 1, 2005, available from Tel
- Umberto Cerruti
- Kęstutis Česnavičius
- Florent Chabaud
- Jasbir Chahal
- Ching-Li Chai
- Tuangrat Chaichana
- Debopam Chakraborthy
- Kalyan Chakraborty
- Taboka Prince Chalebgwa
- Antoine Chambert-Loir
- Fernando Chamizo
- Hei-Chi Chan
- Chan Heng Huat
- Song Heng Chan
- Stephanie Chan
- Tsz Ho Chan
- Wai Kiu Chan (email only)
- Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Wai Kiu Chan, Lenny Fukshansky, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Contemporary Mathematics 587 AMS 2013
- Quadratic Forms-Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry, Ed. Ricardo Baeza, Wai Kiu Chan, Detlev W. Hoffmann, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Contemporary Mathematics 493, AMS 2009
- Vorrapan Chandee
- Chieh-Yu Chang
- Mei-Chu Chang
- Sungkon Chang
- Hugo Chapdelaine
- Scott Chapman
- Denis Xavier Charles
- Pierre Charollois
- Tapas Chatterjee
- Dimitrios Chatzakos
- Sneha Chaubey
- M.P. Chaudhary
- Sara Checcoli
- Mohamed Mahmoud Chems-Eddin
- Evan Chen
- Hao Chen
- Imin Chen
- Shi-Chao Chen
- Chen Shuwen
- William Chen
- A Panorama of Discrepancy Theory, Eds. William Chen, Anand Srivastav, Giancarlo Travaglini, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2107, Springer 2014
- Analytic Number Theory, Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth, Ed. William Chen, Timothy Gowers, Heini Halberstam, Wolfgang Schmidt, Robert Vaughan, CUP 2009
- Irregularities of Distribution, W. Chen, J. Beck, Cambridge Tract 89, CUP 1987
- William Yun Chen
- Yen-Mei Chen
- Yonggao Chen
- Gaëtan Chenevier
- Kell Hiu Fai Cheng
- Qi Cheng
- Wen-Chen Chi
- Gilyoung Cheong
- Giacomo Cherubini
- Masataka Chida
- Shiva Chidambaram
- Nancy Childress
- Lindsay Childs
- Ted Chinburg
- Gautam Chinta
- Karsten Chipeniuk
- Liubomir Chiriac
- Andrés Chirre
- Peter Jaehyun Cho
- Sungmun Cho
- Stephen Choi
- Suh Hyun Choi
- YoungJu Choie
- Holomorphic Automorphic Forms and Cohomology, Roelof Bruggeman, Youngju Choie, Nikolaos Diamantis, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 253, No. 1212, AMS, 2018
- On Robin's criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis (YoungJu Choie, Nicholas Lichiardopol, Pieter Moree, Patrick Solé)
- Kwangho Choiy
- Przemyslaw Chojecki
- Ajai Choudhry (see mention in book by George Szpiro
- Sam Chow
- Gilles Christol
- Vladimir Nikolaevich Chubarikov
- David and Gregory Chudnovsky
- Additive Number Theory, Ed. David Chudnovsky, Gregory Chudnovsky, Springer 2010
- New York Number Theory Seminar 1991-1995, (Ed) D.V. Chudnovsky, G.V. Chudnovsky, H. Cohn, M.B. Nathanson, Springer 1996
- Additive Number Theory: Inverse Problems and the Geometry of Sumsets, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 165, Springer 1996
- New York Number Theory Seminar 1989-1990, (Ed) D.V. Chudnovsky, G.V. Chudnovsky, H. Cohn, M.B. Nathanson, Springer 1991
- Wikipedia article on the Chudnovsky brothers
- Johann Cigler
- Pieter Cijsouw
- Javier Cilleruelo
- Mirela Çiperiani
- Mihai Cipu
- Pete Clark
- Alessandro Cobbe
- Cristian Cobelli
- Todd Cochrane
- Paolo Codeca
- James Cogdell
- Francis Coghlan
- Graeme Cohen (email only)
- Henri Cohen
- Numerical Algorithms for Number Theory: Using Pari/GP, Karim Belabas, Henri Cohen, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 254, AMS 2019
- Explicit Methods for Solving Diophantine Equations, Henri Cohen, Arizona winter School, Tuscon 2006
- Sage Days 16: UPC Barcelona, Spain - Computational Number Theory, June 22-27, 2009 (transcripts and videos of talks including Experimental methods in number theory and analysis by Henri Cohen)
- Number Theory Vol I: Tools and Diophantine Equations Vol II: Analytic and Modern Tools, Henri Cohen, Springer-Verlag - Graduate Texts in Mathematics 239 and 240, May 2007, Errata (pdf)
- Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, H. Cohen, G. Frey, R.M. Avanzi, C. Doche, T. Lange, K. Nguyen, F. Vercauteren, CRC Press, July 2005
- A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory, (Corrected Third Printing), H. Cohen, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 138, Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-55640-0 (Errata), Review, Hale Trotter, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 (1994), 312-318
- Computational class field theory, A course given at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1997 by Henri Cohen (dvi file)
- Advanced topics in computational number theory, H. Cohen, Graduate Text 193, Springer, January 2000
- Binary Cubic Forms and Cubic Number Fields
- Paula Cohen (Paula Tretkoff)
- Stephen Cohen
- Henry Cohn
- Geometry of numbers, C.D. Olds, A. Lax, G. Davidoff, New Library Series 41, MAA 2000 (Review by Henry Cohn)
- Alina Carmen Cojocaru
- Mark Coleman
- Jean-Louis Colliot-Thelene
- Arithmetic Geometry, Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, September 10-15, 2007, Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, Paul Vojta, Pietro Corvaja, Carlo Gasbarri (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2009, 2010
- Pierre Colmez
- Ian Connell
- Brian Conrad
- Notes on the Oxford IUT workshop by Brian Conrad
- Complex Multiplication and Lifting Problems, Ching-Li Chai, Brian Conrad, Frans Oort, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 195, January 2014, AMS
- Grothendieck Duality, B. Conrad, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1750, 2002
- Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, B. Conrad, K. Rubin (Editors), IAS/Park City Mathematics Series 9, AMS 2001
- Keith Conrad
- Marc Conrad
- Brian Conrey
- Review by Brian Conrey of Henryk Iwaniec's book Lectures on the Riemann Zeta Function, Bulletin of the Amer. math. Soc, January 2016
- Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory, Brian Conrey, David Farmer, F. Mezzadri, Nina Snaith, LMS Lecture notes 341, CUP 2007
- The Riemann Hypothesis, B. Conrey, Notices of the AMS, 341-353, March 2003
- Katia Consani
- Petru Constantinescu
- Andrea Conti
- Scott Contini
- Gwynneth Coogan
- Michael Coons
- Shaun Cooper
- Giovanni Coppola
- Nirvana Coppola
- Patrick Corn
- Pietro Cornacchia
- Gunther Cornelissen
- Gary Cornell
- Christophe Cornut
- Chip Corrigan
- Leo Corry
- Pietro Corvaja
- Applications of Diophantine Approximation to Integral Points and Transcendence, Pietro Corvaja, Umberto Zannier, Cambridge Tract 212, 2018
- Integral Points on Algebraic Varieties: An Introduction to Diophantine Geometry, Pietro Corvaja, Hindustan Book Agency, 2016
- Arithmetic Geometry, Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, September 10-15, 2007, Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, Paul Vojta, Pietro Corvaja, Carlo Gasbarri (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2009, 2010
- John Cosgrave
- Edgar Costa
- Patrick Costello
- Renaud Coulangeon
- Jean-Marc Couveignes
- David Covert
- David Cox
- Primes of the Form x2+ny2: Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication, Third Edition with Solutions, David Cox, AMS Chelsea Publishing, Volume 387, December 2022,
- Visualizing the Sieve of Eratosthenes, David N. Cox, AMS Notices, May 2008, 55
- Galois Theory, David Cox, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
- Primes of the Form x2+ny2, David Cox, Wiley 1989
- Nicholas Coxon
- James Coykendall
- William Craig
- John Cremona
- LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Ed. John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, Contemporary Mathematics 796, AMS 2024
- The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database, John E. Cremona, John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight, AMS Notices October, 2021
- MWRANK, a program for finding the rank of an elliptic curve over the rationals (John Cremona)
- Algorithms for Modular Elliptic Curves, J.E. Cremona, CUP 1992
- John Cremona's Elliptic Curve Data
- Modular Curves and Abelian Varieties, Ed. John Cremona, Joan-Carles Lario, Jordi Quer, Ken Ribet, Birkhäuser 2005
- Brendan Creutz
- Wolfgang Creyaufmüller
- Karl-Dieter Crisman
- Ernest Croot
- János A. Csirik
- Michaela Cully-Hugill
- Clifton Cunningham
- Thomas Cusick
- Stream Ciphers and Number Theory, T.W. Cusick, C. Ding, A. Renvall, Akademika, Norway
- The Markhoff and Lagrange Spectra, T.W. Cusick, M.E. Flahive, CBMS Monograph 30, AMS 1989, Review, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 24 (1991), 419-424
- Pamela Cutter
- Tuan Ngo Dac
- Alexander Dahl
- Sander Dahmen
- Ryan Daileda
- Chandan Singh Dalawat
- Pantelis Damianou
- Pranendu Darbar
- Henri Darmon
- Heegner Points, Stark-Heegner Points, and Diagonal Classes, Massimo Bertolini, Henri Darmon, Victor Rotger, Marco Adamo Seveso, Rodolfo Venerucci, Astérisque Volume: 434, 2022
- Henri Darmon was awarded the 2017 Cole Prize in Number Theory
- Arithmetic Geometry, Ed. Henri Darmon, David Alexandre Ellwood, Brendan Hassett, Yuri Tschinkel, Clay Mathematics Proceedings, November 2009
- Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series, Edited by Henri Darmon, Shou-wu Zhang, CUP October 2004
- Periods of Hilbert modular forms and rational points on elliptic curves, Adam Logan and Henri Darmon
- Rational Points on Modular Elliptic Curves, Henri Darmon, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 101, AMS 2004
- Review of Euler Systems, Reviewer: Henri Darmon
- A proof of the full Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture is announced, Henri Darmon, Notices of the AMS, December 1999
- Refined class number formulas for derivatives of L-series, PhD Thesis, Henri Darmon, Harvard 1991
- Omran (Emran) Ahmadi Darvishvand
- Abhijit Das
- Pranabesh Das
- Soumya Das
- Samit Dasgupta
- Jean-François Dat
- Boris Datskovsky
- Austin Daughton
- A Hecke Correspondence for Automorphic Integrals with Infinite Log-Polynomial Periods, PhD thesis, Austin Daughton, Temple University, 2012
- Simon Dauguet
- James Davenport
- Chantal David
- Sinnou David
- Morley Davidson
- Christopher Davis
- Madeline Locus Dawsey
- Mahadi Ddamulira
- Alice Deanin
- Korneel Debaene
- Gregory Debruyne
- Christophe Debry
- Jean-Marie De Koninck
- The Life of Primes in 37 Episodes, Jean-Marie De Koninck, Nicolas Doyon, AMS 2021
- Analytic Number Theory: Exploring the Anatomy of Integers, Jean-Marie De Koninck & Florian Luca, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Number 134, AMS 2012
- Those Fascinating Numbers, Jean-Marie De Koninck, AMS 2009
- Anatomy of Integers, ed. Jean-Marie De Koninck, Andrew Granville, Florian Luca, CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes, 46, August 2008
- 1001 Problems in Classical Number Theory, Jean-Marie De Koninck, Armel Mercier, AMS May 2007
- Paul-Olivier Dehaye
- Anton Deitmar
- Ilaria Del Corso
- Marc Deléglise
- Christophe Delaunay
- Daniel Delbourgo
- Pierre Deligne
- Matt DeLong
- Lassina Dembélé
- Spencer Dembner
- Julian Lawrence Demeio
- Vadim Andreevich Dem'yanenko
- Jan Denef
- Christopher Deninger
- Vinay Deolalikar
- On splitting places of degree one in extensions of algebraic function fields, towers of function fields meeting asymptotic bounds and basis constructions for algebraic-geometric codes,, PhD thesis, Vinay Deolalikar, University of Southern California 1999
- Maarten Derickx
- Bruno Deschamps
- Julie Desjardins
- Yvo Desmedt
- Kévin Destagnol
- Jesse Deutsch
- Lucile Devin
- Elena Deza
- Lucia Di Vizio
- Nikolaos Diamantis
- Fred Diamond
- Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, Volume 1, Ed. Fred Diamond, Payman Kassaei, Minhyong Kim, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 414, CUP 2014
- Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, Volume 2, Ed. Fred Diamond, Payman Kassaei, Minhyong Kim, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 415, CUP 2014
- A First Course in Modular Forms, Fred Diamond, Jerry Shurman, Graduate Text 228, Springer January 2005, Review by Frank Calegari, Bull. AMS. 43 (2006), 415-421
- Harold Diamond
- Beurling Generalized Numbers, Harold Diamond, Wen-Bin Zhang, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 213, AMS 2016
- A Higher-Dimensional Sieve Method With Procedures for Computing Sieve Functions, Harold Diamond, Heini Halberstam, Will Galway, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 177 2008
- Analytic Number Theory, An Introductory Course, Paul Bateman & Harold Diamond, World Scientific, September 2004
- Analytic Number Theory: Proceedings of Conference in Honour of Heini Halberstam (ed) B.C. Berndt, H.G. Diamond, A.J. Hildebrandt, Progress in Mathematics 139, Birkhaüser 1966
- Jack Diamond
- On the p-Adic Log Gamma Function and Its Application to Leopoldt's p-Adic l-Functions, PhD thesis, Jack Diamond, Princeton University 1975
- Francisco Diaz y Diaz
- Robert Dicks
- Martin Dickson
- Detta Dickinson
- Claus Diem
- Rainer Dietmann
- Luis Dieulefait
- Arithmetic and Geometry, Ed. Luis Dieulefait, D.R. Heath-Brown, Yu. V. Manin, B. Z. Moroz, Jean-Pierre Wintenberger, CUP 2015
- Ayhan Dil
- Karl Dilcher
- Gabriel Dill
- Mladen Dimitrov
- Vesselin Dimitrov
- Bogdan Adrian Dina
- Yuchen Ding
- Daniel Disegni
- Atul Dixit
- John Dixon
- Goran Djanković
- Edward Dobrowolski
- Christophe Doche
- Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, H. Cohen, G. Frey, R.M. Avanzi, C. Doche, T. Lange, K. Nguyen, F. Vercauteren, CRC Press, July 2005
- Mahler measure and real roots of certain family of polynomials, PhD thesis, Christophe Doche, University of Bordeaux, 2000
- Bruce Dodson
- Maurice Dodson
- Netan Dogra
- Tim Dokchitser
- Elliptic Curves, Hilbert Modular Forms and Galois Deformations, L. Berger, G. Böckle, L. Dembélé, M. Dimitrov, T. Dokchitser, J. Voight, Birkhäuser, 2013
- Series of lectures on The Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer and parity conjectures for elliptic curves, by Tim Dokchitser (Cambridge), Barcelona, CRM, November 30-December 4, 2009
- Computing special values of L-functions (PARI package by Tim Dokchitser)
- Deformations of p-divisible groups and p-descent on elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Tim Dokchitser, Utrecht 2000
- Vladimir Dokchitser
- Cayo Dória
- David Dorman
- Andrea Dotto
- Ze-Li Dou
- Jason Doucette
- Darrin Doud
- John Doyle
- Greg Doyle
- Nicolas Doyon
- Sary Drappeau
- Konstantinos Draziotis
- Greg Dresden
- François Dress
- Robert Dressler
- Michael Drinen
- Iwasawa mu-Invariants of Selmer Groups, PhD Thesis, Michael Drinen, University of Washington 1999
- Vladimir Drinfel'd
- Michael Drmota
- Paulius Drungilas
- Arturas Dubickas
- MacTutor biography
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proceedings of the Third Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24--28 September 2001, (eds. A. Dubickas, A. Laurinčikas and E. Manstavicius)
- Isabelle Dubois
- Virgile Ducet
- Adrian Dudek
- Eduardo Dueñez
- Andrej Dujella
- Web page with the basic information on Andrej Dujella's new book "Diophantine m-tuples and Elliptic Curves", Springer, 2024.
The page also contains a link to an updated version of a List of Open Problems on Diophantine m-tuples and elliptic curves.
- Lie Groups, Number Theory, and Vertex Algebras, Ed. Dražen Adamović, Andrej Dujella, Antun Milas, Pavle Pandžić, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 768, AMS 2021
- Number Theory, Andrej Dujella, Zagreb, 2021, MAA review, Review by Jean-Paul Allouche
- What is a Diophantine m-tuple? (Andrej Dujella)
- Diophantine m-tuples (Andrej Dujella)
- History of elliptic curves rank records (Andrej Dujella)
- High rank elliptic curves with prescribed torsion (Andrej Dujella)
- Neil Dummigan
- David Dummit
- Evan Dummit
- Ivo Düntsch
- William Duke
- Analytic Number Theory: A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet, Ed. William Duke, Yuri Tschinkel, Clay Mathematics Proceedings 7, AMS 2007
- Continued fractions and modular functions, William Duke, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 42 (2005), 137-162
- Review of Character sums with exponential functions and their applications, S. Konyagin, I. Shparlinski (Reviewer: W. Duke)
- Some old problems and new results about quadratic forms, William Duke, Notices of the AMS, 44, February 1997
- Alexander Dunn
- Sylvain Duquesne
- Seth Dutter
- Daniel Duverney
- Roberto Dvornicich
- Andrew Earnest
- Sumaia Saad Eddin
- Johnny Edwards
- Gove Effinger
- Additive Number Theory of Polynomials over a Finite Field, D.R. Hayes and G.W. Effinger, OUP 1991, Review, R. C. Vaughan, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 28 (1993), 209-212
- Ido Efrat
- Roger Eggleton
- Stephan Ehlen
- Min-king Eie
- Manfred Einsiedler
- Ellen Eischen
- Kirsten Eisenträger
- Özlem Ejder
- Willemien Ekkelkamp
- Daniel El-Baz
- Griff Elder
- Ahmad ElGuindy
- Noam Elkies
- Jordan Ellenberg
- Jesse Elliott
- Peter Elliott
- A Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erdös, K. Alladi, P.D.T.A. Elliott, A. Granville, G. Tenenbaum, Vol 1, Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer 1998
- Duality in Analytic Number Theory, P.D.T.A. Elliott, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 122, CUP 1996
- On the Correlation of Multiplicative and the Sum of Additive Arithmetic Functions, P.D.T.A. Elliott, Memoirs of the AMS 112, no.538, 1994
- Arithmetic Functions and Integer Products, P.D.T.A. Elliott, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 272, Springer 1984, Review, Jean-Marie De Koninck, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1988), 230-247
- Intégration et théorie des nombres, Jean-Loup Mauclaire, Hermann, Paris, 1986, Review, P.D.T.A. Elliott, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1988), 193-209
- Probabilistic Number Theory II: Central Limit Theorems, P.D.T.A. Elliott, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 240, Springer 1980
- Probabilistic Number Theory I: Mean-value Theorems, P.D.T.A. Elliott, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 239, Springer 1979
- Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans
- Christian Elsholtz
- Carsten Elsner
- Matthew Emerton
- Brad Emmons
- Melissa Emory
- Geremías Polanco Encarnación
- Andreas Enge
- Alexei Entin
- David Eppstein
- Stefan Erickson
- Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen
- Driss Essouabri
- Anastassia Etropolski
- Natalie Evans
- Ron Evans
- Jan-Hendrik Evertse
- Effective Results and Methods for Diophantine Equations over Finitely Generated Domains, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry, CUP 2022
- Discriminant Equations in Diophantine Number Theory, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry, New Mathematical Monographs 32, CUP 2016
- Unit equations in Diophantine number theory, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 146, CUP 2016, MAA Review
- Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry, CUP 2015, MAA Review of Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory
- Diophantine Approximation and Abelian Varieties, B. Edixhoven, J.-H. Evertse, Springer Lecture Notes 1566 (second printing 1997)
- Xander Faber
- Alain Faisant
- Gerd Faltings
- Arithmetic and Geometry, Ed. Luis Dieulefait, D.R. Heath-Brown, Yu. V. Manin, B. Z. Moroz, Jean-Pierre Wintenberger, CUP 2015
- The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2015 is awarded in equal shares to Gerd Faltings and Henryk Iwaniec
- Gerd Faltings awarded King Faisal Prize
- Gerd Faltings (Mactutor)
- Lectures on the Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem, Gerd Faltings, Annals of Mathematics Studies 127, Princeton University Press 1992
- Rational Points, G. Faltings, G. Wüstholz, Aspects of Mathematics 6, 1998, Vieweg
- Hershel Farkas
- Bernadette Faye
- Alessandro Fazzari
- Arno Fehm
- Brooke Feigon
- Gilles Felber
- Adam Tyler Felix
- Arran Fernandez
- Andrea Ferraguti
- Fabio Ferri
- Ivan Fesenko
- A Collection of Manuscripts Written in Honour of John H. Coates on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Ed. Ivan Fesenko, Stephen Lichtenbaum, Bernadette Perrin-Riou, Peter Schneider, Documenta Mathematica 4, 2006
- A Collection of Manuscripts Written in Honour of Kazuya Kato on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday, Ed. S. Bloch, I. Fesenko, L. Illusie, M. Kurihara, S. Saito, T. Saito, P. Schneider, Documenta Mathematica, 2003
- Invitation to higher local fields, (editors) Ivan Fesenko and Masato Kurihara, Geometry and Topology Monographs, Volume 3, 2000
- Course Notes for Algebraic Number Theory, Ivan Fesenko
- Local Fields and Their Extensions: A Constructive Approach, I. Fesenko, S.V. Vostokov, Translations of Mathematical Monographs 121, AMS 1993
- Claus Fieker
- Paul Fili
- Alan Filipin
- Michael Filaseta
- Daniel File
- Carrie Finch-Smith
- Steve Finch
- Luís Renato Abib Finotti
- Jessica Fintzen
- Andrew Fiori
- Daniel Fiorilli
- Farideh Firoozbakht (email address)
- Stéphane Fischler
- Tom Fisher
- Francesc Fité
- Matthias Flach
- Mary Flahive
- The Markhoff and Lagrange Spectra, T.W. Cusick, M.E. Flahive, CBMS Monograph 30, AMS 1989
- Valérie Flammang
- Achim Flammenkamp
- Daniel Flath
- Introduction to Number Theory, Daniel Flath, Wiley 1988
- Yuval Flicker
- Alexandra Florea
- Jan Florek
- Victor Flynn
- Brandon Fodden
- Karrolyne Fogel
- David Folk
- Amanda Folsom
- Oleg Fomenko
- Tiago J. Fonseca
- Felix Fontein
- David Ford
- Rodney Forcade
- Kevin Ford
- Ben Forrás
- Otto Forster
- Maria Fox
- Mikolaj Fraczyk
- Cameron Franc
- Zachary Franco (
- Johann Franke
- Machiel van Frankenhuysen
- Nikos Frantzikinakis
- Craig Franze
- Claire Frechette
- David Mandell Freeman
- Christopher Frei
- Günther Frei
- Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse, Ed. Günther Frei, Franz Lemmermeyer, Peter Roquette, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 5, Springer 2014
- Emil Artin und Helmut Hasse: Die Korrespondenz 1923-1934, Günter Frei, Peter Roquette, with assistance from Franz Lemmermeyer, Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2008, Online version,
Review by Javier Fresán;
- Tristan Freiberg
- Gregory Freiman
- Eberhard Freitag
- Complex analysis, Eberhard Freitag, Rolf Busam, Springer 2005
- Siegelsche Modulfunktionen, E. Freitag, Springer 1983 (no longer listed by Springer)
- Hilbert Modular Forms, E. Freitag, Springer 1990, Review, Gerard van der Geer, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 441-445
- Nuno Freitas
- Sam Frengley
- Javier Fresán
- Dan Fretwell
- Róbert Freud
- Gerhard Frey
- The Way to the Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem Gerhard Frey, 2009
- Fermat's Last Theorem and Elliptic Curves - Gerhard Frey
- Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, H. Cohen, G. Frey, R.M. Avanzi, C. Doche, T. Lange, K. Nguyen, F. Vercauteren, CRC Press, July 2005
- Lectures on cryptography, Heraklion, Crete 2003, (Gerhard Frey)
- Michael Fried
- Field Arithmetic, Michael Fried, Moshe Jarden, revised edition, Ergebnisse Volume 11, Springer 2005
- Solomon Friedberg
- Weyl Group Multiple Dirichlet Series: Type A Combinatorial Theory, Ben Brubaker, Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Annals of Mathematics Studies Vol. 175, Princeton University Press 2011
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, L-functions and Automorphic Forms, Ed. Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Dorian Goldfeld, Progress in Mathematics Vol. 300, Birkhäuser Basel, 2012
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number Theory, Ed. Solomon Friedberg, Daniel Bump, Dorian Goldfeld, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 75, AMS, Dec 2006
- On some applications of automorphic forms to number theory, Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (1996), 157-175
- Holley Friedlander
- John Friedlander
- Prime Numbers: A Much Needed Gap Is Finally Found, John Friedlander, AMS Notices, June-July 2015
- Opera de Cribro, John Friedlander, Henryk Iwaniec, Vol 57, AMS Colloquium Publication, May 2010
- Book Reviews: An introduction to sieve methods and their applications (Alina Carmen Cojocaru and M. Ram Murty); Opera de cribro (John Friedlander and Henryk Iwaniec)
- Review by John Friedlander of Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis, Notices AMS 53, September (2006) 883-885
- Eduardo Friedman
- Christian Friesen
- Zachary Friggstad
- Sophie Frisch
- Dmitry Frolenkov
- Christiane Frougny
- Clemens Fuchs
- Arithmetic and Geometry: Ten Years in Alpbach, Ed. Gisbert Wüstholz, Clemens Fuchs, Annals of Mathematics Studies 202, Princeton University Press, 2019
- On Some Applications of Diophantine Approximations, a translation of C.L. Siegel's Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen, with a commentary by C. Fuchs and U. Zannier, Birkhäuser 2014
- Quantitative finiteness results for Diophantine equations, PhD thesis, Clemens Fuchs, TU Graz, 2002
- Elena Fuchs
- Michael Fuchs
- Fujita Yasutsugu
- Kazuhiro Fujiwara
- Masahiko Fujiwara
- Yo ni mo utsukushii sugaku nyumon (An Introduction to the World's Most Elegant Mathematics), Fujiwara Masahiko, Ogawa Yoko, Chikuma Shobo
- Harukanaru Kenburijji: Ichi sugakusha no Igirisu, Cambridge far away - One mathematician's England (England from the eyes of a mathematician), Masahiko Fujiwara, Shinchosa 1991
- Lenny Fukshansky
- Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Wai Kiu Chan, Lenny Fukshansky, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Contemporary Mathematics 587 AMS 2013
- Algebraic points of small height with additional arithmetic conditions,, PhD. thesis, Lenny Fukshansky, University of Texas at Austin, 2004
- Jens Funke
- Hidekazu Furusho
- Hillel Furstenberg
- Jenny Fuselier
- Hypergeometric Functions Over Finite Fields, Jenny Fuselier, Ling Long, Ravi Ramakrishna, Holly Swisher, Fang-Ting Tu, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 2022
- Hypergeometric functions over finite fields and relations to modular forms and elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Jenny Fuselier, Texas A&M University, 2007
- István Gaál
- Mikhail Rashidovich Gabdullin
- Wojciech Gajda
- Stevan Gajović
- Aurélien Galateau
- Steven Galbraith
- Luis Gallardo
- Homero R. Gallegos-Ruiz
- Yves Gallot
- Will Galway
- Adam Gamzon
- Wee Teck Gan
- Automorphic Forms Beyond GL2: Lectures from the 2022 Arizona Winter School, Ellen Elizabeth Eischen, Wee Teck Gan, Aaron Pollack, Zhiwei Yun, Ed. Hang Xue, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Vol. 279, 2024
- Eisenstein Series and Applications, Wee Teck Gan, Stephen S. Kudla, Yuri Tschinkel (Eds.) Progress in Mathematics 258, Birkhäuser 2007
- Herbert Gangl
- Abhik Ganguli
- Satadal Ganguly
- Shuhong Gao
- Ziyang Gao
- Moubariz Garaev
- Elisa Lorenzo García
- Stephan Ramon Garcia
- Natalia Garcia-Fritz
- Lynn Garner
- Paul Garrett
- Holomorphic Hilbert Modular Forms, Paul Garrett, Wadsworth-Brooks-Cole, 1990, Review, Michael Harris, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 184-195, Errata to the review
- Modular Forms, T. Miyake, Springer 1989 (no longer listed by Springer), Review, Paul B. Garrett, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 24 (1991), 234-245
- Vignettes on Automorphic and Modular Forms, Representation , L-functions and Number
- Bibliography for Automorphic and Modular Forms, L-functions and Representation
- Thomas Garrity
- Jérôme Gärtner
- Derek Garton
- Ramunas Garunkstis
- Frank Garvan
- Carlo Gasbarri
- Joachim von zur Gathen
- Éric Gaudron
- Pierrick Gaudry
- Bruno Gauthier
- HYPERG V 1.0, Maple package devoted to symbolic computation on hypergeometric series (Bruno Gauthier)
- GUESS, Maple package to guess closed form for a sequence of numbers (Bruno Gauthier)
- Sébastien Gauthier
- Fan Ge
- Max Gebhardt
- Toby Gee
- Gerard van der Geer
- Modular Forms on Schiermonnikoog, Ed. Bas Edixhoven, Gerard van der Geer, Ben Moonen, CUP 2008
- Number Fields and Function Fields - Two Parallel Worlds, Ed. Gerard van der Geer, Ben Moonen, Progress in Mathematics, 239, Birkhäuser 2005
- Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond, B. Engquist, W. Schmid, (Ed), Springer 2000 (contains articles by Darmon, Faltings, Koblitz, Van der Geer)
- Hilbert Modular Forms, E. Freitag, Springer 1990, Review, Gerard van der Geer, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 441-445
- Hilbert Modular Surfaces, G. van der Geer, Ergebnisse der Mathematik 16, Springer 1988, Review, Gerd Faltings, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (1989), 247-251
- Introduction to Coding Theory and Algebraic Geometry, Jacobus H. van Lint, Gerard van der Geer, Oberwolfach Seminars, 12, Birkhäuser 1988
- Lennart Gehrmann
- Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler
- Stephen Gelbart
- On Certain $L$-Functions, Ed. James Arthur, James Cogdell, Steve Gelbart, David Goldberg, Dinikar Ramakrishnan, Jiu-Kang Yu, 13, Clay Mathematics Proceedings, 2011
- Riemann's zeta function and beyond, Stephen Gelbart, Stephen Miller, Bull. AMS 41 (2004), 59-112
- Review by Stephen Gelbart of Advanced Analytic Number Theory: L-Functions, Carlos Moreno
- An Introduction to the Langlands Program, Ed. Joseph Bernstein, Stephen Gelbart, Birkhaüser 2003
- Tyler Genao
- David Geraghty
- Jürgen Gerhard
- Alfred Geroldinger
- Maxim Gerspach
- Ellen Gethner
- Jayce Getz
- Betül Gezer
- Eknath Ghate
- Adela Gherga
- Dragos Ghioca
- Alex Ghitza
- Amit Ghosh
- Anish Ghosh
- Badih Ghusayni
- Average Frobenius Distributions for Elliptic Curves: Extremal Primes and Koblitz's Conjecture, PhD thesis, Luke M. Giberson, Clemson University, 2017
- Alexandru Gica
- Mark Giesbrecht
- R. J. Hans Gill
- Roland Gillard
- Sally Gilles
- Timothy Gillespie
- Henri Gillet
- Jean Gillibert
- Martine Girard
- Points de Weierstrass et jacobiennes de courbes algébriques de genre 3, PhD thesis, Martine Girard, Paris VII 2000
- Sumit Giri
- Kurt Girstmair
- Bernhard Gittenberger
- Darren Glass
- Amy Glen
- Bart Goddard
- Hemar Godinho
- Teoria dos números, S. Shokranian, M. Soares, H. Godinho, Editora Universidade de Brasilia (1994)
- Eva Goedhart
- Edray Goins
- Robert Gold
- Dorian Goldfeld
- Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL(n,R), Dorian Goldfeld, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 99, CUP 2015
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, L-functions and Automorphic Forms, Ed. Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Dorian Goldfeld, Progress in Mathematics Vol. 300, Birkhäuser Basel, 2012
- Number Theory, Analysis and Geometry, In Memory of Serge Lang, Springer 2012
- Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol. 1, Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 129, 2011
- Review by Ramin Takloo-Bighash of Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group, Volume I, by Dorian Goldfeld
- Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol. 2, Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 130, 2011
- Collected Works of Hervé Jacquet, Ed. Dorian Goldfeld, AMS Collected Works , Volume 23, 2011
- Photos from the 60th Birthday conference for Dorian Goldfeld, Columbia University New York, May 18-23, 2007 (C.J. Mozzochi)
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number Theory, Ed. Solomon Friedberg, Daniel Bump, Dorian Goldfeld, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 75, AMS, Dec 2006
- Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL(n,R), Dorian Goldfeld, CUP, 2006
- Explicit Formulas for Regularized Products and Series, J.A. Jorgenson, S. Lang, D. Goldfeld, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1593, Springer 1994, ISBN 3-540-56873-3
- Dorian Goldfeld: The Gauss class number problem
- Leo Goldmakher
- Luca Goldoni
- Catherine Goldstein
- Larry Joel Goldstein
- Susan Goldstine
- Dan Goldston
- Shafi Goldwasser
- Carlos Alexis Gómez
- Yasuro Gon
- Felipe Gonçalves
- Alexander Goncharov
- Danielle Gondard
- Steven Gonek
- Ke Gong
- Enrique González-Jiménez
- Haydar Göral
- Heidi Goodson
- Dan Gordon
- Eyal Goren
- Ofir Gorodetsky
- Alexander Gorodnik
- Takeshi Goto
- Frank Gounelas
- Fernando Gouvêa
- Review of The Quadratic Reciprocity Law, a collection of classical proofs, Oswald Baumgart, Edited and Translated by Franz Lemmermeyer, Birkhäuser 2015, by Fernando Gouvêa
- MAA review by Fernando Gouvêa of Peter Roquette's book The Riemann Hypothesis in Characteristic p in Historical Perspective
- Review of Dan Flath's book: Introduction to Number Theory, by Fernando Q. Gouvêa
- Review of Roquette's Contributions to the History of Number Theory in the 20th Century by Fernando Gouvêa
- Review by Fernando Q. Gouvêa of Goro Shimura's The Map of My Life
- A Short Course in Automorphic Functions, Joseph Lehner, Dover, 1966 (MAA review by Fernando Q. Gouvêa)
- Review of Cohomology of Number Fields, J. Neukirch, A. Schmidt, K. Wingberg (Reviewer: F.Q. Gouvêa) Bulletin AMS 39, 101-107, 2002
- Advances in Number Theory, (ed. F. Gouvêa, N. Yui), Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, 1991, Kingston, OUP 1993
- Third edition of p-adic Numbers: An Introduction, Fernando Gouvêa,
MAA Review by Allen Stenger
- Arithmetic of Diagonal Hypersurfaces over Finite Fields, F.Q. Gouvêa, N. Yui, LMS Lecture Notes 209, CUP, 1995, ISBN 0-521-49834-1
- Arithmetic of p-adic Modular Forms, F. Gouvêa, Lecture Notes 1304, Springer 1988
- Timothy Gowers
- Peter Grabner
- Peter Gräf
- Andrew Graham
- Sid Graham
- Louis Granboulan
- Robert Granger
- David Grant
- Jon Grantham
- Andrew Granville
- The Man Who Loved Problems: Richard K. Guy, Andrew Granville and Carl Pomerance, AMS Notices, April 2022
- Number Theory Revealed: A Masterclass, Andrew Granville, Miscellaneous Books, Vol. 127, AMS, 2019
- Number Theory Revealed: An Introduction, Andrew Granville, AMS Textbook, 2019,
Review by Nathan McNew
- Primes in intervals of bounded length, Andrew Granville, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 52 (2015), 171-222
- Anatomy of Integers, ed. Jean-Marie De Koninck, Andrew Granville, Florian Luca, CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes, 46, August 2008
- Equidistribution in Number Theory, An Introduction, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Equidistribution in Number Theory, Montreal, Canada, 11-22 July 2005, ed. Andrew Granville, Zeev Rudnick, NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 237, Springer 2007
- It is easy to determine whether a given integer is prime, Andrew Granville, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 42 (2005), 3-38
- Review of Alf van der Poorten's Notes on Fermat's Last Theorem by Andrew Granville
- Andrew Granville's Binomial Page
- A Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erdös, K. Alladi, P.D.T.A. Elliott, A. Granville, G. Tenenbaum, Vol 1, Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer 1998
- Review of BBC's Horizon program , "Fermat's Last Theorem" (Andrew Granville) Notices of the AMS, January 1997
- Georges Gras
- Marie-Nicole Gras
- Hester Graves
- Problems in the Theory of Modular Forms, M. Ram Murty, Michael Dewar, Hester Graves, Springer 2016
- Problems in the Theory of Modular Forms, M. Ram Murty, Michael Dewar, Hester Graves, Hindustan Book Agency, 2015
- On Euclidean Ideal Classes, PhD thesis, Hester K. Graves, U. Michigan 2009
- Neven Grbac
- Gary Greaves
- Barry Green
- Ben Green
- Holly Green
- Ralph Greenberg
- Lectures and videos by John Coates, David Loeffler and Sarah Zerbes, Romyar Sharifi, Christopher Skinner and Ralph Greenberg, Arizona Winter School 2018: Iwasawa Theory
- Iwasawa Theory, Projective Modules, and Modular Representations, Ralph Greenberg, 211, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 2011
- Memories of Professor Iwasawa, (Ralph Greenberg)
- 120 minutes at the house of Professor Kenkichi Iwasawa (Ralph Greenberg)
- Arithmetic theory of elliptic curves, J. Coates, R. Greenberg, K. Ribet, K. Rubin, C. Viola (Ed), Springer Lecture Notes 1716, 1999
- Aaron Greicius
- Cornelius Greither
- George Grekos
- Sigrid Grepstad
- Loïc Grenié
- Bernd Greuel
- Michael Griffin
- Richard Griffon
- Harald Grobner
- Benedict Gross
- Rob Gross
- Summing It Up: From One Plus One to Modern Number Theory, Avner Ash & Robert Gross, Princeton University Press 2016,
MAA Review by Mark Hunacek
- Elliptic Tales: Curves, Counting, and Number Theory, Avner Ash & Robert Gross, Princeton University Press, 2012
- Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers, Princeton University Press 2008,
MAA review of Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers
- Samuel Gross
- Giada Grossi
- David Gruenewald
- Helen Grundman
- Aleksander Grytczuk
- Maciej Grześkowiak
- Jordi Guàrdia
- +Ideals, A package for ideal arithmetic in number fields (Jordi Guàrdia, Jesús Montes & Enric Nart)
- Walter Gubler
- Pavel Guerzhoy
- Jesús Guillera Goyanes
- Aurore Guillevic
- Xevi Guitart
- Ahmet Güloğlu
- Keiichi Gunji
- Paul Gunnells
- Li Guo
- Victor J. W. Guo
- Xuejun Guo
- Shamita Dutta Gupta
- Shyam Sunder Gupta
- Lance Gurney
- Damián Gvirtz-Chen
- Katalin Gyarmati
- Kálmán Győry
- Effective Results and Methods for Diophantine Equations over Finitely Generated Domains, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry, CUP 2022
- Discriminant Equations in Diophantine Number Theory, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry, New Mathematical Monographs 32, CUP 2016
- Unit equations in Diophantine number theory, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 146, CUP 2016, MAA Review
- Number Theory, Analysis, and Combinatorics, Proceedings of the Paul Turan Memorial Conference held August 22-26, 2011 in Budapes, Ed. J, Pintz, A. Biró, K. Győry, G. Harcos, M. Simonovits, J. Szabados, De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 2013
- Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry, CUP 2015, MAA Review of Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory
- Number Theory and Its Applications, Ed. S. Kanemitsu, K. Győry, Developments in Mathematics 2, Kluwer 1999
- Jaeho Haan
- Andrew Haas
- Philipp Habegger
- Laurent Habsieger
- Yoshitaka Hachimori
- Peter Hackman
- Anna Haensch
- C. Douglas Haessig
- Tom Hagedorn
- Heekyoung Hahn
- Hahn, Sang Geun
- Farshid Hajir
- Lajos Hajdu
- Immanuel Halupczok
- Chris Hall
- Explicit Arithmetic of Jacobians of Generalized Legendre Curves Over Global Function Fields, Lisa Berger, Chris Hall, Rene Pannekoek, Rachel Pries, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Douglas Ulmer, Jennifer Park, Memoirs of the AMS 1295, AMS 2020
- Sean Hallgren
- Emmanuel Hallouin
- Immanuel Halupczok
- Karin Halupczok
- Spencer Hamblen
- Samuel Hambleton
- Kyle Hambrook
- Safuat Hamdy
- Alia Hamieh
- William Hammond
- Jaroslav Hančl
- Jonathan Hanke
- Guillaume Hanrot
- Rajinder Jeet Hans-Gill
- David Hansen
- Brandon Hanson
- Wolfgang Happle
- Takashi Hara
- Ryotaro Harada
- David Harari
- David Harbater
- Gergely Harcos
- Number Theory, Analysis, and Combinatorics, Proceedings of the Paul Turan Memorial Conference held August 22-26, 2011 in Budapes, Ed. J, Pintz, A. Biró, K. Győry, G. Harcos, M. Simonovits, J. Szabados, De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 2013
- New bounds for automorphic L-functions, PhD thesis, Gergely Harcos, Princeton Universiy 2003
- Günter Harder
- Eisenstein Cohomology for GLN and the Special Values of Rankin-Selberg L-Functions, Anantharam Raghuram, Günter Harder, Annals of Mathematics Studies 203, Princeton University Press, 2019
- The 1-2-3 of Modular Forms, Bruinier, J.H., van der Geer, G., Harder, G., Zagier, D., Springer Universitext 2008
- Seth Hardy
- Kevin Hare
- Glyn Harman
- Prime-Detecting Sieves, Glyn Harman, Princeton University Press 2007
- Metric Number Theory, G. Harman, OUP 1998
- Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums and their Applications in Number Theory, Edited by G.R.H. Greaves, G. Harman, M.N. Huxley, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997
- Ajchara Harnchoowong
- Adam Harper
- Joshua Harrington
- Michael Harris
- Shimura Varieties, Ed. Thomas Haines, Michael Harris, LMS Lecture Notes 457, 2020
- The Perfectoid Concept: Test Case for an Absent Theory, Michael Harris
- Formes Automorphes (II): Le Cas Du Groupe GSp(4), Ed. Jacques Tilouine, Henri Carayol, Michael Harris and Marie-France Vigneras, Astérisque 302, 2005
- Introduction to the Langlands program, reviewed by Michael Harris, Bulletin of the AMS, 41 (2004), 257-266
- The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties, M. Harris, R. Taylor, Annals of Mathematics Studies 151, Princeton University Press, 2001
- Lecture notes on the local Langlands correspondence (Michael Harris)
- Holomorphic Hilbert Modular Forms, Paul Garrett, Wadsworth-Brooks-Cole, 1990, Review, Michael Harris, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 184-195, Errata to the review
- Robert Harron
- William Hart
- Urs Hartl
- David Harvey
- Elchin-Hasanalizade
- Yuji Hasegawa
- Ryūta Hashimoto
- Maximilian Hasler
- Mehdi Hassani
- Jeffrey Hatley
- Shin Hattori
- Pentti Haukkanen
- Miriam Hausman
- Elmer Hayashi
- Shuichi Hayashida
- Alan Haynes
- Xiaoguang He
- Roger Heath-Brown
- Roger Heath-Brown: a Life in Mathematics, interviewed by Ben Green
- Arithmetic and Geometry, Ed. Luis Dieulefait, D.R. Heath-Brown, Yu. V. Manin, B. Z. Moroz, Jean-Pierre Wintenberger, CUP 2015
- Roger Heath-Brown (Wikipedia)
- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Sixth Edition, G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright, Edited by Roger Heath-Brown and Joseph Silverman, Foreward by Andrew Wiles, OUP 2008
- The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, Second Edition, E.C. Titchmarsh, Second edition revised by D. R. Heath-Brown, OUP 1987
- Norbert Hegyvári
- Volker Heiermann
- Dennis Hejhal
- Ola Helenius
- Harald Helfgott
- Peter Hellekalek
- David Helm
- François Hennecart
- Thierry Henocq
- Doug Hensley
- Sebastián Herrero
- Florian Herzig
- Florian Hess
- Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
- Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
- Clemens Heuberger
- Randell Heyman
- Ghaith Hiary
- Hachem Hichri
- Haruzo Hida
- Elementary Modular Iwasawa Theory, Haruzo Hida, World Scientific, Series on Number Theory and Its Applications: Volume 16, 2021
- p-Adic Aspects of Modular Forms, Edited by Baskar Balasubramanyam, Haruzo Hida, A. Raghuram, Jacques Tilouine, World Scientific 2016
- Elliptic Curves and Arithmetic Invariants, Haruzo Hida, Springer Monograph in Mathematics, Springer 2013
- Geometric modular forms and elliptic curves, (second edition) Haruzo Hida, World Scientific, 2011, Review by Michael Berg
- Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory, Haruzo Hida, OUP 2006
- p-Adic Automorphic Forms on Shimura Varieties, H. Hida, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, 2004
- Modular Forms and Galois Cohomology, H. Hida, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, CUP 2000
- On the Search of Genuine p-adic Modular L-Functions for GL(n), H. Hida, Memoires de la Société Mathématique de France, 1998
- Elementary Theory of L-functions and Eisenstein Series, H. Hida, LMS Lecture Notes 26, CUP 1993, Review, Glenn Stevens, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 67-71
- Murahara Hideki
- Titus Hilberdink
- A.J. Hildebrand
- Divisors, Richard R. Hall, Gérald Tenenbaum, Cambridge Tract 90, CUP 2008, Review, Adolf Hildebrand Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (1990), 159-165
- Richard Hill
- Wade Hindes
- Marc Hindry
- Jürgen Hinz
- Noriko Hirata-Kohno
- Minoru Hirose
- Michael Hirschhorn
- Markus Hittmeir
- Wei Ho
- Lê Thái Hoàng
- Leonhard Hochfilzer
- Mark van Hoeij
- IntBasis, a maple package for computing with algebraic curves (Mark van Hoeij)
- Martin Hofer
- Tommy Hofman
- Jerome William Hoffman
- Jeff Hoffstein
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography, J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J.H. Silverman, Undergraduate Text, Springer, August 2008, Errata
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number Theory, Ed. Solomon Friedberg, Daniel Bump, Dorian Goldfeld, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 75, AMS, Dec 2006
- On some applications of automorphic forms to number theory, Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (1996), 157-175
- Abigail Hoit
- Joshua Holden
- Judy Holdener
- David Holmes
- Andreas Holmstrom
- Roman Holowinsky
- Carina Letong Hong
- Jeff Hooper
- Azizul Hoque
- Fritz Hörmann
- Ivan Horozov
- Akinari Hoshi
- Fei Hou
- Robert Hough
- Patrick Hough
- Qin Hourong
- Thomas Houtmann
- Benjamin Howard
- Everett Howe
- John Hsia
- Ming-Lun Hsieh
- Catherine Hsu
- Daniel Hu
- Yong Hu
- Guodong Hua
- Bingrong Huang
- Jingjing Huang
- Yifeng Huang
- Zhizhong Huang
- James Huard
- Annette Huber-Klawitter
- Chris Hughes
- Thomas Hulse
- Peter Humphries
- Joseph Hundley
- Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol. 1, Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 129, 2011
- Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol. 2, Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 130, 2011
- Siegel zeros of Eisenstein series on GL(n), PhD thesis, Joseph Hundley, Columbia University, 2002
- Bao Viet Le Hung
- Pin-Chi Hung
- Werner Hürlimann
- Mumtaz Hussain
- Kevin Hutchinson
- Benjamin Hutz
- Martin Huxley
- Martin Huxley's summary of the New York conference
- Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums and their Applications in Number Theory, Edited by G.R.H. Greaves, G. Harman, M.N. Huxley, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997
- Area, Lattice Points, and Exponential Sums, M.N. Huxley, LMS Monograph 13, OUP 1996 (with errata)
- The Distribution of Prime Numbers, M.N. Huxley, OUP 1972
- Duc Khiem Huynh
- Douglas Iannucci
- Moustafa Ibrahim
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
- Automorphic Forms, Eds. B. Heim, M. Al-Baali, T. Ibukiyama, F. Rupp, Springer 2014
- Bernoulli Numbers and Zeta Functions, Tsuneo Arakawa, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko, Springer Monographs in Mathematics XI, 2014
- Automorphic forms and zeta functions: Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa, Ed. Siegfried Böcherer, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko, Fumihiro Sato , World Scientific 2006
- Maria Inez Icaza
- Yumiko Ichihara
- Fumio Ichimura
- Evis Ieronymou
- Jun-Ichi Igusa
- Yasutaka Ihara
- Tamotsu Ikeda
- Bo-Hae Im
- Özlem Imamoglu
- Review of Franz Lemmermeyer's book Reciprocity laws, from Euler to Eisenstein, by Özlem Imamoglu, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 44 (2007), 647-652
- Ilker Inam
- Karl-Heinz Indlekofer
- Patrick Ingram
- Eugen Ionascu
- Sorina Ionica
- Alex Iosevich
- Adrian Iovita
- Sean Irvine
- Alastair Irving
- Noburo Ishii
- Shahrina Ismail
- Shunji Ito
- Tetsushi Ito
- Jan-Willem van Ittersum
- Alexander Ivanov
- Henryk Iwaniec
- Lectures on the Riemann Zeta Function, Henryk Iwaniec, University Lecture Series 62, AMS 2014;
- Review by Brian Conrey of Henryk Iwaniec's book Lectures on the Riemann Zeta Function, Bulletin of the Amer. Math. Soc, January 2016
- The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2015 is awarded in equal shares to Gerd Faltings and Henryk Iwaniec
- What is the Parity Phenomenon?, John Friedlander and Henryk Iwaniec, Notices of the AMS, August 2009, Volume 56, 817-818
- Opera de Cribro, John Friedlander, Henryk Iwaniec, Vol 57, AMS Colloquium Publication, May 2010
- Andrzej Schinzel, Selecta, Ed. Henryk Iwaniec, Wladyslaw Narkiewicz, Jerzy Urbanowicz, Heritage of European Mathematics Series, Volume 1, European Mathematical Society Publishing House 2007
- Analytic Number Theory, Henryk Iwaniec, Emmanuel Kowalski, Colloquium Publications 53, AMS 2004
- Review by Alexandru Zaharescu of Analytic number theory by Henryk Iwaniec and Emmanuel Kowalski
- Progress in Number Theory, Ed. K. Györy, H. Iwaniec, J. Urbanowicz, De Gruyter 1999
- Topics in Classical Automorphic Forms, H. Iwaniec, Graduate Studies 17, AMS 1997
- Terence Jackson
- From Polynomials to Squares, T.H. Jackson, Institute of Physics Publishing 1995
- From Number Theory to Secret Codes, T.H. Jackson, Adam Hilger 1987
- Number Theory, T.H. Jackson, Library of Mathematics, Routlege and Kegan Paul, 1975
- Michael Jacobson Jr.
- Solving the Pell Equation, Michael Jacobson Jr., Hugh Williams, CMS Books in Mathematics, Springer 2009
- Subexponential Class Group Computation in Quadratic Orders, Doctoral Thesis, Michael Jacobson, TU Darmstadt 1999
- Computational Techniques in Quadratic Fields, MSc, Michael Jacobson Jr., University of Manitoba 1995
- Borka Jadrijević
- Jörg Jahnel
- Anuj Jakhar
- Graham Jameson
- Marie Jameson
- Arijit Jana
- Jonas Jankauskas
- Uwe Jannsen
- Fabian Januszewski
- Gerald Janusz
- Moshe Jarden
- Abelian Varieties and Number Theory, Ed. Moshe Jarden, Tony Shaska, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 767, AMS 2021
- Field Arithmetic, Michael Fried, Moshe Jarden, revised edition, Ergebnisse Volume 11, Springer 2005
- Frazer Jarvis
- Jean-François Jaulent
- Ariyan Javanpeykar
- Tomasz Jędrzejak
- Arnaud Jehanne
- Paul Jenkins
- Christopher Jennings-Shaffer
- Rob de Jeu
- Somnath Jha
- Chungang Ji
- Guanghua Ji
- Chaohua Jia
- Jia Lirui
- Xingde Jia
- Dihua Jiang
- Yunping Jiang
- Naomi Jochnowitz
- Christian Johansson
- Fredrik Johansson
- Jennifer M. Johnson
- Jennifer Johnson-Leung
- R. Wells Johnson
- Henri Johnston
- Edna Jones
- James P. Jones
- John Jones
- LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Ed. John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, Contemporary Mathematics 796, AMS 2024
- The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database, John E. Cremona, John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight, AMS Notices October, 2021
- Discriminant Exponent Calculator (John Jones)
- Number fields of low degree : (John Jones, Arizona State University)
- Arithmetic Geometry, J. Jones, N. Childress, Contemporary Mathematics 174, AMS 1994
- Lenny Jones
- Nathan Jones
- Rafe Jones
- Robin de Jong
- Bruce Jordan
- Jay Jorgenson
- Automorphic Forms and Related Topics, Ed. Samuele Anni, Jay Jorgenson, Lejla Smajlović, Lynne Walling, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 732, 2019
- Posn(R) and Eisenstein Series, Serge Lang, Jay Jorgenson, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1868, Springer 2005
- Andrei Jorza
- Kirti Joshi
- Frédéric Jouhet
- Florent Jouve
- David Joyner
- Caroline Junkins
- Ana Jurasić
- Wolfgang Jurkat
- Matti Jutila
- Abhishek Juyal
- Yasuyuki Kachi
- Jerzy Kaczorowski
- Habiba Kadiri
- Takaaki Kagawa
- Bruno Kahn
- Elvis Kahoro
- Mahesh Kakde
- Vítězslav (Vita) Kala
- Alexander B. Kalmynin
- Erich Kaltofen
- Ken Kamano
- Sheldon Kamienny
- Neelam Kandhil
- Ben Kane
- Daniel Kane
- Hajime Kaneko
- Ikuya Kaneko
- Masanobu Kaneko
- Bernoulli Numbers and Zeta Functions, Tsuneo Arakawa, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko, Springer Monographs in Mathematics XI, 2014
- The Conference on L-functions, Fukuoka, February 18-23 2006, Ed. Lin Weng, Masanobu Kaneko, World Scientific 2007
- Automorphic forms and zeta functions: Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa, Ed. Siegfried Böcherer, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko, Fumihiro Sato , World Scientific 2006
- Rafael von Känel
- Shigeru Kanemitsu
- Number Theory: Arithmetic in Shangri-La, Proceedings of the 6th China-Japan Seminar, Shanghai, China, 15-17 August 2011, edited by Shigeru Kanemitsu, Hongze Li and Jianya Liu, World Scientific 2013
- Dreaming in Dreams, Proceedings of the 5th China-Japan Seminar, Higashi-Osaka, Japan, 27-31 August 2008, edited by Takashi Aoki, Shigeru Kanemitsu and Jianya Liu, World Scientific 2009
- Number Theory and Its Applications, Ed. S. Kanemitsu, K. Györy, Developments in Mathematics 2, Kluwer 1999
- Number theoretic methods, Ed. Shigeru Kanemitsu, Chaohua Jia, Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer 2002
- Zeta Functions, Topology and Quantum Physics, (Eds.) T. Aoki, S. Kanemitsu, M. Nakahara, Y. Ohno, Developments in Mathematics, 14, Springer 2005
- Ming-Hsuan Kang
- Ernst Kani
- Hurwitz spaces (Ernst Kani)
- The Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, E. Kani, R.A. Smith, J.Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988.
- Kalyani Kansal
- Giorgos N. Kapetanakis
- Nathan Kaplan
- Oleg Karpenkov
- Fabian Karwatowski (email:
- Payman Kassaei
- Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, Volume 1, Ed. Fred Diamond, Payman Kassaei, Minhyong Kim, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 414, CUP 2014
- Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, Volume 2, Ed. Fred Diamond, Payman Kassaei, Minhyong Kim, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 415, CUP 2014
- p-adic modular forms over Shimura curves over Q, PhD thesis, Payman Kassaei, MIT 1999
- Hendrik Kasten
- Imre Kátai
- Takenori Kataoka
- Shin-ichi Katayama
- Kazuya Kato
- Number Theory 2: Introduction to Class Field Theory, Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs Vol 240, AMS 2011
- Number Theory 1, Fermat's Dream, Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, Translation of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 186, AMS 2000
- Documenta Mathematica Extra Volume for Kazuya Kato's Fiftieth Birthday (2003)
- Svetlana Katok
- S. A. Katre
- Hidenori Katsurada
- Masanori Katsurada
- Nicholas Katz
- Convolution and Equidistribution: Sato-Tate Theorems for Finite-Field Mellin Transforms, Nicholas M. Katz, AM-180, Princeton University Press, 2012, Review by Emmanuel Kowalski
- The l-adic revolution in number theory, a video of a talk by Nick Katz at the IHES Colloquium in honour of Alexander Grothendieck, January 12, 2009
- Lang-Trotter revisited, Nicholas M. Katz, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 46 (2009), 413-457
- Moments, monodromy, and perversity: Diophantine perspective, Nicholas Katz, Annals of Mathematics Studies 159, 2005, PUP, review by Michael Larsen
- Twisted L-Functions and Monodromy, N.M. Katz, Annals of Mathematics Studies 150, Princeton University Press, 2001
- Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues and Monodromy, N.M. Katz, P. Sarnak, AMS Colloquium Publications Vol 45 1999
- Exponential Sums and Differential Equations, N.M. Katz, Annals of Mathematics Studies 124, Princeton University Press 1990, Exponential sums over finite fields and differential equations over the complex numbers, Nicholas M. Katz, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 23 (1990), 269-309
- Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups, Annals of Mathematics Studies 116, Princeton University Press 1988
- Arithmetic moduli of elliptic curves, N.M. Katz, B. Mazur, Annals of Mathematics Studies 108, Princeton University Press 1985
- Shu Kawaguchi
- Enis Kaya
- Matija Kazalicki
- Jon Keating
- Kevin Keating
- Rodney Keaton
- Kiran Kedlaya
- Perfectoid Spaces: Lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School, Editors and authors, Bryden Cais, Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 242, 2019
- p-adic Differential Equations, Kiran Kedlaya, Series: Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics (No. 125) CUP, 2010
- Notes on class field theory, Kiran S. Kedlaya
- 18.785: Analytic Number Theory (MIT, Spring 2007, Kiran Kedlaya)
- Conferences in Arithmetic Geometry (Kiran Kedlaya)
- Math 254B (Number Theory), lecture notes on class field theory, abelian extensions of number fields etc (Kiran Kedlaya)
- Eugen Keil
- Timo Keller
- Wilfred Keller
- Bernd Kellner
- Lilybelle Cowland Kellock
- Dubi Kelmer
- Monsuru Akangbe Kenku
- Zachary A. Kent
- Bryce Denis Kerr
- Refik Keskin
- Marc Keßeböhmer
- Yukako Kezuka
- Lily Khadjavi
- Rizwanur Khan
- Sudesh Kaur Khanduja
- Chandrashekhar Khare
- Maleeha Khawaja
- Ilya Khayutin
- Kamal Khuri-Makdisi
- Haseo Ki
- Masanari Kida
- Abhiram Kidambi
- Omar Kihel
- Toshiyuki Kikuta
- Timothy Kilbourn
- Congruence properties of Fourier coefficients of modular forms, PhD thesis, Timothy Kilbourn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007
- Lloyd Kilford
- Byoung Du Kim
- Byungchan Kim
- Chang Heon Kim
- Dohyeong Kim
- Henry Kim
- Kwang Hyun Kim
- Minhyong Kim
- Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, Volume 1, Ed. Fred Diamond, Payman Kassaei, Minhyong Kim, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 414, CUP 2014
- Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, Volume 2, Ed. Fred Diamond, Payman Kassaei, Minhyong Kim, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 415, CUP 2014
- Seoyoung Kim
- Sungjin Kim
- Wansu Kim
- Yeansu Kim
- Ian Kiming
- Iwao Kimura
- Guido Kings
- Eren Mehmet Kıral
- Peter Kirschenhofer
- Yasuhiro Kishi
- Hershy Kisilevsky
- Mark Kisin
- Isao Kiuchi
- Jetjaroen Klangwang
- Martin Klazar
- Dmitry Kleinbock
- Remke Nanne Kloosterman
- Krzysztof Klosin
- Jürgen Klüners
- Oleksiy Klurman
- Dominic Klyve
- Michael Knapp
- Andrew Knightly
- Kuznetsov's Trace Formula and the Hecke Eigenvalues of Maass Forms, A. Knightly, C. Li, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 224, 2013
- Traces of Hecke Operators, Andrew Knightly, Charles Li, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 133, January 2007
- Representations of unitary groups and associated Galois representations, PhD thesis, Andrew Knightly, UCLA 2000
- Arnold Knopfmacher
- Heiko Knospe
- Mits Kobayashi
- Shinichi Kobayashi
- Neal Koblitz
- Random Curves: Journeys of a Mathematician, Neal Koblitz, Springer 2008
- Algebraic Aspects of Cryptography , N. Koblitz, Springer 1998
- P-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis and Zeta-Functions, (2nd edn.) N. Koblitz, Graduate Text 54, Springer 1996.
- A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography, N. Koblitz, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 114, 2nd Edition, Springer 1994
- Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms, N. Koblitz, Springer Graduate Text 97, 2nd Edition 1993
- P-adic Analysis, A Short Course on Recent Work, N. Koblitz, LMS Lectures Notes 46, CUP 1980
- Simon Kochen
- Lukas Kofler
- David Kohel
- Frobenius Distributions: Lang-Trotter and Sato-Tate Conjectures, Ed. David Kohel, Igor Shparlinski, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 663, 2016, AMS
- Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory 2009, Edited by: David Kohel and Robert Rolland, Contemporary Mathematics 521, September 2010
- Endomorphism rings of elliptic curves over finite fields, PhD Thesis, David Kohel, Berkeley December 1996
- Stefan Kohl
- FactInt, Advanced Methods for Factoring Integers (Stefan Kohl)
- Bülent Köklüce
- Grigori Kolesnik
- Van der Corput's Method for Exponential Sums, S.W. Graham and G. Kolesnik, LMS Lecture Notes 126, CUP 1991
- Mihail Kolountzakis
- Victor Kolyvagin
- Manfred Kolster
- Takao Komatsu
- Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields - 2010, Ed. Takao Komatsu, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1264, Springer 2010
- Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields, DARF2007/2008, Ed. Takao Komatsu, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 976, 2008
- Takuya Konno
- Elisavet Konstantinou
- Aristides Kontogeorgis
- Alex Kontorovich
- Sergei Vladimirovich Konyagin
- Gene S. Kopp
- Jaap Korevaar
- Maxim Aleksandrovich Korolev
- Otto Körner
- Michiel Kosters
- Juraj Kostra
- Tadej Kotnik
- Dimitris Koukoulopoulos
- Angelos Koutsianas
- Tünde Kovács
- Ella Kovalevskaya (email only)
- Emmanuel Kowalski
- An introduction to probabilistic number theory, Emmanuel Kowalski, CUP 2021
- Convolution and Equidistribution: Sato-Tate Theorems for Finite-Field Mellin Transforms, Nicholas M. Katz, AM-180, Princeton University Press, 2012, Review by Emmanuel Kowalski
- E. Kowalski's blog
- The Large Sieve and its Applications, Arithmetic Geometry, Random Walks and Discrete Groups, Emmanuel Kowalski, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics (No. 175) CUP 2008
- Un cours de théorie analytique des nombres, Emmanuel Kowalski, Cours Spécialisés-Collection SMF 13, 2004
- Analytic Number Theory, Henryk Iwaniec, Emmanuel Kowalski, Colloquium Publications 53, AMS 2004
- The rank of the jacobian of modular curves: analytic methods, PhD thesis, Emmanuel Kowalski, Rutgers University, 1998
- Peter Koymans
- Cor Kraaikamp
- Kenneth Kramer
- Jakub Krásenský
- Christian Krattenthaler
- HYP, Mathematica package for manipulation and identification of binomial and hypergeometric series and identities (Christian Krattenthaler)
- HYPQ, Mathematica package for manipulation and identification of q-binomial and basic hypergeometric series and identities (Christian Krattenthaler)
- Hypergéométrie et Fonction Zêta de Riemann, Christian Krattenthaler, Tanguy Rivoal, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 186, February 2007
- Ekkehard Krätzel
- Alain Kraus
- Dijana Kreso
- Aloys Krieg
- Modular Forms on Half-Spaces of Quaternions, A. Krieg, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1143, Springer 1985 (no longer listed by Springer)
- Elliptische Funktionen und Modulformen, Max Koecher, Aloys Krieg, Springer Lehrbuch, 1998
- Holly Krieger
- Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy
- Simon Kristensen
- Daniel Kriz
- David Krumm
- Alexander Kruppa
- Gerald Kuba
- Jonas Kubilius
- Borys Kuca
- Radan Kucera
- Isao Kiuchi
- Ömer Küçküksakalli
- Stephen Kudla
- Aichi Kudo
- Manfred Kühleitner
- Ulf Kühn
- Ramanujachary Kumanduri
- Arvind Kumar
- Abhinav Kumar
- Narasimha Kumar
- V. Vinay Kumaraswamy
- Angel Kumchev
- Klaus Künnemann
- Debanjana Kundu
- Wentang Kuo
- Vivian Kuperberg
- Masato Kurihara
- Development Of Iwasawa Theory: The Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth, Ed. Masato Kurihara, Kenichi Bannai, Tadashi Ochiai, Takeshi Tsuji, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 86, 2020
- Number Theory 3: Iwasawa Theory and Modular Forms, Nobushige Kurokawa, Masato Kurihara, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs 242, AMS 2012
- A Collection of Manuscripts Written in Honour of Kazuya Kato on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday, Ed. S. Bloch, I. Fesenko, L. Illusie, M. Kurihara, S. Saito, T. Saito, P. Schneider, Documenta Mathematica, 2003
- Robert Kurinczuk
- Pär Kurlberg
- Nobushige Kurokawa
- Number Theory 2: Introduction to Class Field Theory, Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs Vol 240, AMS 2011
- Number Theory 1, Fermat's Dream, Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, Translation of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 186, AMS 2000
- A Collection of Manuscripts Written in Honour of Kazuya Kato on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday, Ed. S. Bloch, I. Fesenko, L. Illusie, M. Kurihara, S. Saito, T. Saito, P. Schneider, Documenta Mathematica, 2003
- Kağan Kurşungöz
- Masato Kuwata
- Chung-Hang (Kevin) Kwan
- Jean-Pierre Labesse
- John Labute
- Jeff Lagarias
- Shanta Laishram
- Matilde Lalín
- Tünde Lality-Kovács
- Brian LaMacchia
- Mario Lamberger
- Youness Lamzouri
- Kai-Wen Lan
- Aaron Landesman
- Bruce Landman
- Jaclyn Lang
- Tanja Lange
- Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, H. Cohen, G. Frey, R.M. Avanzi, C. Doche, T. Lange, K. Nguyen, F. Vercauteren, CRC Press, July 2005
- Efficient Arithmetic on Hyperelliptic Curves, PhD thesis, Tanja Lange, Essen 2001
- Robert Langlands
- Alessandro Languasco
- Dominic Lanphier
- Vichian Laohakosol
- Erez Lapid
- Kostadinka Lapkova
- Joan Lario
- Daniel Larsen
- Michael Larsen
- Dan Lascu
- Alain Lasjaunias
- Yuk-Kam Lau
- François Laubie
- Alan Lauder
- Antanas Laurinčikas
- The Lerch zeta-function, A. Laurinčikas, R. Garunkstis
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proceedings of the Third Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24--28 September 2001, (eds. A. Dubickas, A. Laurinčikas and E. Manstavicius)
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Volume 4, New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Edited by A. Laurinčikas, E. Manstavicius and V. Stakenas, VSP Science 1997
- Limit Theorems for the Riemann Zeta Function, A. Laurinčikas, Mathematics and its Applications 352, Kluwer 1996
- Kristin Lauter
- Aleksandr Fedorovich Lavrik
- Brian Lawrence
- Christopher Lazda
- Daniel Le
- Maohua Le
- Noah Lebowitz-Lockard
- Pierre Le Boudec
- Samuel Le Fourn
- Odile Lecacheux
- Emmanuel Lecouturier
- Andrew Ledoan
- Ethan S. Lee
- Eun Hye Lee
- Jun Ho Lee
- Min Lee
- Yoonbok Lee
- Yoonjin Lee
- Larry Lehman
- R. Sherman Lehman
- Antonio Lei
- Dimitrios Lekkas
- Robert Lemke Oliver
- Franz Lemmermeyer
- 4000 Jahre Zahlentheorie , Geschichte - Kulturen - Menschen I. Von Babel bis Abel, Franz Lemmermeyer, Springer 2023
- Quadratic number fields, Franz Lemmermeyer, Springer 2023; MAA review
- The Quadratic Reciprocity Law, a collection of classical proofs, Oswald Baumgart, Edited and Translated by Franz Lemmermeyer, Birkhäuser 2015, Review by Fernando Gouvêa
- Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse, Ed. Günther Frei, Franz Lemmermeyer, Peter Roquette, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 5, Springer 2014
- Survey of Euclidean Number Fields (ps file 371K) (Franz Lemmermeyer)
- Quadratische Zahlkörper, Lecture notes by Franz Lemmermeyer
- Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Elliptic Curves, Lecture course by Franz Lemmermeyer
- Emil Artin und Helmut Hasse: Die Korrespondenz 1923-1934, Günter Frei, Peter Roquette, with assistance from Franz Lemmermeyer, Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2008, Online version,
Review by Javier Fresán
- Pell equation bibliography, 1658-1943 (Franz Lemmermeyer)
- Algebraic Number Theory, Lecture Notes by Franz Lemmermeyer
- Helmut Hasse und Emmy Noether, Die Korrespondenz 1925-1935, Commentary by Franz Lemmermeyer and Peter Roquette, Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2006
- Historical commentary on Hilbert's Zahlbericht, by Franz Lemmermeyer and Norbert Schappacher (ps file)
- Pedro Lemos
- Stefan Lemurell
- Arjen Lenstra
- Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr.
- Explicit Methods in Number Theory Rational Points and Diophantine Equations, Karim Belabas, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Pierrick Gaudry, Michael Stoll, Mark Watkins, William McCallum & Bjorn Poonen, Frits Beukers, Samir Siksek, Panoramas et synthèses 36 (2012)
- Review by Hendrik Lenstra and Peter Stevenhagen of Solving the Pell Equation, Michael Jacobson Jr., Hugh Williams, CMS Books in Mathematics, Springer 2009
- The Development of the Number Field Sieve, A.K. Lenstra and H.K. Lenstra Jr., LNM 1554, Springer 1993
- Algorithms in algebraic number theory, H. W. Lenstra, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 26 (1992), 211-244
- Antonio Rojas León
- Antonino Leonardis
- Edwin León Cardenal
- Kalle Leppälä
- Franck Leprévost
- Reynald Lercier
- Amandine Leriche
- Miguel Lerma
- Poj Lertchoosakul
- Mikaël Lescop
- Didier Lesesvre
- Jonah Leshin
- Sylla Lesseni
- Autour d'une conjecture de B. Gross relative à l'existence de corps de nombres de groupe de Galois non résoluble et ramifiés en un unique premier p petit, PhD, Sylla Lesseni, Université Bordeaux, 2005
- Steve Lester
- Matthew Lettington
- Günter Lettl
- Vsevolod Lev
- Aaron Levin
- John Lewis
- Claude Levesque
- Pawel Lewulis
- Pierre Lezowski
- Euclid, a C program for computing the Euclidean minimum of a number field given by a polynomial (Pierre Lezowski)
- Chao Li
- Charles Li
- Han Li (李涵)
- Hongze Li
- Number Theory: Arithmetic in Shangri-La, Proceedings of the 6th China-Japan Seminar, Shanghai, China, 15-17 August 2011, edited by Shigeru Kanemitsu, Hongze Li and Jianya Liu, World Scientific 2013
- Jinjiang Li
- Junxian Li
- Shuguang Li
- Wanlin Li
- Winnie Li
- Xian-Jin Li
- Xiannan Li
- Yingkun Li
- Wen-Chin Liaw
- Stephen Lichtenbaum
- Jared Lichtman
- Horst von Lienen
- Henri Lifchitz
- Donghyeok Lim
- Meng Fai Lim
- Subong Lim
- Bingchen Lin
- Yongxiao Lin
- Scott Lindhurst
- Ling San
- Benjamin Linowitz
- Michael Lipnowski
- Kálmán Liptai
- Daniel Litt
- Huafeng Liu
- Jianya Liu
- New developments in the additive theory of prime numbers, Jianya Liu, Tao Zhan, World Scientific 2015
- Number Theory: Arithmetic in Shangri-La, Proceedings of the 6th China-Japan Seminar, Shanghai, China, 15-17 August 2011, edited by Shigeru Kanemitsu, Hongze Li and Jianya Liu, World Scientific 2013
- Dreaming in Dreams, Proceedings of the 5th China-Japan Seminar, Higashi-Osaka, Japan, 27-31 August 2008, edited by Takashi Aoki, Shigeru Kanemitsu and Jianya Liu, World Scientific 2009
- Ji-Cai Liu
- Kui Liu
- Qing Liu
- Ruochuan Liu
- Sheng-Chi Liu
- Tong Liu
- Yifeng Liu
- Yu-Ru Liu
- Zheng Liu
- Liu Zhiguo
- Zhixin Liu
- David Loeffler
- Adam Logan
- George Lomadze
- Davide Lombardo
- Ling Long
- Ignazio Longhi
- Arithmetic Geometry over Global Function Fields, Eds. Gebhard Böckle, David Goss, Dinesh Thakur, Douglas Ulmer, Francesc Bars, Ignazio Longhi, Fabien Trihan, Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona, Birkhäuser, 2014
- Matteo Longo
- Falko Lorenz
- Algebraische Zahlentheorie, Falko Lorenz, Spectrum Akademischer Verlag, 1993 (MR95e:11116)
- Dino Lorenzini
- Oliver Lorscheid
- Stéphane Louboutin
- Daniel Loughran
- Benoit Louvel
- Jeremy Lovejoy
- David Lowry-Duda
- Álvaro Lozano-Robledo
- Number Theory and Geometry: An Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry, Álvaro Lozano-Robledo, Pure and Applied Undergraduate Text, Volume 35, AMS, 2019, Errata
- Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms, and Their L-functions, Álvaro Lozano-Robledo, Student Mathematical Library 58, 2011, AMS,
Review by Michael Berg
- On elliptic units and p-adic Galois representations attached to elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Boston University 2004
- John Loxton
- Diophantine Analysis, J.H. Loxton, A.J. Van der Poorten (Editors), LMS Lecture Notes Series 109, CUP 1986
- Guangshi Lü
- Jonathan Lubin
- David Lubicz
- Florian Luca
- Analytic Number Theory: Exploring the Anatomy of Integers, Jean-Marie De Koninck & Florian Luca, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Number 134, AMS 2012
- Anatomy of Integers, ed. Jean-Marie De Koninck, Andrew Granville, Florian Luca, CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes, Volume: 46, August 2008
- 17 Lectures on Fermat Numbers, M. Krizek, F. Luca, L. Somer, CMS books in mathematics 9, Springer 2002
- Lutz Lucht
- Mark Lucianovic
- Kurt Ludwick
- Judith Ludwig
- Ronald van Luijk
- Allysa Lumley
- Benjamin Lundell
- Rashi Sanjay Lunia
- Wenzhi Luo
- Cezar Lupu
- Neil Lyall
- Nik Lygeros
- Chris Lyons
- Charles MacCluer
- André Macedo
- Jim MacDougall
- John Mack
- Allan Macleod
- Dan Madden
- Manfred Madritsch
- Péter Maga
- Akos Magyar
- Valéry Mahé
- Kamalakshya Mahatab
- Karl Mahlburg
- Helmut Maier
- Christian Maire
- Vincent Maillot
- Céline Maistret
- Bibekananda Maji
- Alexandre Maksoud
- Gunter Malle
- Beth Malmskog
- Behailu Mammo
- Mark Manasse
- Elisabetta Manduchi
- Michelle Manes
- Alexander Mangerel
- Murugesan Manickman
- Muhammad Manji
- Jayanta Manoharmayum
- Eugenijus Manstavicius
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proceedings of the Third Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24--28 September 2001, (eds. A. Dubickas, A. Laurinčikas and E. Manstavicius)
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Volume 4, New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Edited by A. Laurinčikas, E. Manstavicius and V. Stakenas, VSP Science 1997
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Volume 2, New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Edited by E. Manstavicius and F. Schweiger, VSP Science 1997
- Guillermo Mantilla-Soler
- Elena Mantovan
- Guo Shuai Mao
- Zhengyu Mao
- Gihan Marasingha
- Antonio Miguel Oller Marcén
- Raffaele Marcovecchio
- Frantisek Marko
- Louis Marmet
- Oscar Marmon
- Antoine Marnat
- Diego Marques
- Stefano Marseglia
- David Marshall
- Simon Marshall
- Roman Marszałek
- Greg Martin
- Math 539, 2005, Lecture notes on analytic number theory by Greg Martin
- Kimball Martin
- Yves Martin
- Jacques Martinet
- Zuzana Masáková
- Nicolas Mascot
- Marc Masdeu
- John Masley
- Riad Masri
- David Masser
- Henri Massias
- Luca Mastella
- Tapani Matala-Aho
- Ahmed Matar
- Guillermo Matera
- Yuri Matiyasevich
- Crop circles drawn by Riemann's zeta function and some other its nearby properties, Yuri Matiyasevich
- Numerical observations on zeta and related functions, a project of Yuri Matiyasevich
- Finite Euler products (Yuri Matiyasevich)
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of some Hankel matrices related to the zeta and L-functions, a talk by Yuri Matiyasevich
- Approximation of Riemann's zeta function by finite Dirichlet series: multiprecision numerical approach (preprint, Gleb Beliakov, Yuri Matiyasevich)
- The Riemann hypothesis and eigenvalues of related Hankel matrices I (preprint, Yu. V. Matiyasevich)
- Zeroes of Riemann's zeta function on the critical line with 20000 decimal digits accuracy, Yuri Matiyasevich and Gleb Beliakov
- Calculation of Riemann's zeta function via interpolating determinants, preprint, Yuri Matiyasevich
- Annotated slides of a talk by Yuri Matiyasevich on November 22, 2012, at Zeta functions, a conference at the Independent University of Moscow
- New conjectures about zeroes of Riemann's zeta function, Yuri Matiyasevich
- Alan Turing and Number Theory, Video by Yuri Matiyasevich, June 2012, Alan Turing Centenary Conference, Manchester
- Hidden Life of Riemann's Zeta Function, Yuri Matiyasevich
- An artless method for calculating approximate values of zeros of Riemann's zeta function, Yuri Matiyasevich
- Hilbert's tenth problem page
- Hilbert's tenth problem, Yuri Matiyasevich 1993
- Kaisa Matomäki
- Benjamin Matschke
- Kohji Matsumoto
- Makoto Matsumoto
- Kazuo Matsuno
- Charles Matthews
- Keith Matthews
- Lilian Matthiesen
- Kathrin Maurischat
- Eugene Mikhailovich Matveev
- Christian Mauduit
- Farley Mawyer
- Daniel Mayer
- Jacob Mayle
- James Maynard
- Mike Mays
- Gérard Maze
- Eshita Mazumdar
- Barry Mazur
- The Chern Medal 2022: Barry Mazur
- Afterword to the article Arithmetic on curves (Barry Mazur) BAMS 55, 353-358, 2018
- Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis, Barry Mazur, William Stein, CUP 2016, MAA Review
- How can we construct abelian Galois extensions of basic number fields?, Barry Mazur, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (2011), 155-209
- Finding meaning in error terms, Barry Mazur, Bulletin of the AMS, 45 (2008), 185-228
- Average ranks of elliptic curves: tension between data and conjecture, Baur Bektemirov, Barry Mazur, William Stein, Mark Watkins, Bull. American Math. Soc. posted February 15, 2007
- Article by Barry Mazur on the Tate-Sato conjecture (pdf)
- About the cover: Diophantus's Arithmetica, Barry Mazur, Bull. AMS. 43 (2006), 399-401
- What is a Motive?, Barry Mazur, AMS Notices, 1214-1217, 51 November 2004
- Perturbations, deformations, and variations (and "near-misses") in geometry, physics, and number theory, Barry Mazur, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 41 (2004), 307-336
- Kolyvagin Systems, B. Mazur, K. Rubin, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 168, AMS 2004
- Barry Mazur 60th Birthday Conference photo
- Barry Mazur awarded a 2000 Steele Prize
- Mathematics: Frontiers and Perspectives, Ed. V. Arnold, M. Atiyah, P. Lax, B. Mazur, AMS 2000
- Questions about powers of numbers, Barry Mazur, Notices of the AMS, Feb 2000, Vol 47
- Deformation of Galois Representations and Modular Forms, Lecture notes of Barry Mazur by Chuck Doran and Siman Wong, International Press, Harvard 1995
- p-Adic Monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, G. Stevens, B. Mazur, Contemporary Mathematics 165, AMS 1994
- On the passage from local to global in number theory, B. Mazur, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 29 (1993), 14-50
- Arithmetic on curves, Barry Mazur, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1986), 207-259
- Arithmetic moduli of elliptic curves, N.M. Katz, B. Mazur, Annals of Mathematics Studies 108, Princeton University Press 1985
- William McCallum
- Dermot McCarthy
- Gary McConnell
- Jud McCranie
- Leon McCulloh
- Kevin McCurley
- Wayne McDaniel
- Kevin McGown
- Gary McGuire
- Richard McIntosh
- James McKee
- David McKinnon
- Jimmy McLaughlin
- Cam McLeman
- Christine McMeekin
- Ken McMurdy
- Nathan McNew
- Caleb McWhorter
- Jaban Meher
- Mahya Mehrabdollahei
- Jay Mehta
- Patrick Meisner
- Giuseppe Melfi
- Mentzelos Melistas
- Ricardo Menares
- Alfred Menezes
- Xianchang Meng
- Hartmut Menzer
- Lázló Mérai
- Mircea Merca
- Loic Merel
- Jori Merikoski
- Michael Mertens
- Jean-François Mestre
- Romeo Meštrović
- Tauno Metsänkylä
- Tom Meurman
- Diane Meuser
- István Mező
- Philippe Michel
- Giacomo Micheli
- Yoichi Mieda
- Tsuyoshi Miezaki
- Teddy Mignot
- Maurice Mignotte
- Preda Mihăilescu
- Hiroshi Mikawa
- Djordje Milićević
- Micah Milinovich
- Piermarco Milione
- John C. Miller
- Robert L. Miller
- Stephen D. Miller
- Riemann's zeta function and beyond, Stephen Gelbart, Stephen Miller, Bull. AMS 41 (2004), 59-112
- Math 574 - A Graduate course in automorphic forms and representations (Stephen D. Miller)
- Database of Automorphic L-functions (Stephen D. Miller)
- Cusp Forms on SL(3,Z)\SL(3,R)/SO(3,R), PhD, Stephen D. Miller, Princeton 2000
- Steven J. Miller
- Victor Miller
- James Milne
- The Riemann hypothesis over finite fields: from Weil to the present day, James Milne
- Review of the Collected Works of John Tate (J.S. Milne)
- Elliptic Curves, James S. Milne, Booksurge Publishing 2006
- Arithmetic Duality Theorems, James S. Milne, Booksurge Publishing 2006
- Course Note: Algebraic number theory, Class field theory, Algebraic Geometry, Elliptic Curves, Modular functions and forms, Abelian varieties, Etale Cohomology
- Djordjo Milovic
- Yoshio Mimura
- Ján Mináč
- Zachary Miner
- Gintautas Misevicius
- Piotr Miska
- Raj Kumar Mistri
- Vladimir Mitankin
- Patrick Mitchell
- Michitaka Miyauchi
- Yuma Mizuno
- Yasushi Mizusawa
- Shinichi Mochizuki
- Colette Moeglin
- Marko Moisio
- Chung Pang Mok
- Bodo Möller
- Santiago Molina Blanco
- Herbert Möller
- Richard Moloney
- Giuseppe Molteni
- Maurizio Monge
- Andreas Mono
- Paul Monsky
- Hugh Montgomery
- Exploring the Riemann Zeta function, Hugh Montgomery, Ashkan Nikeghbali, and Michael Th. Rassias, editors, Springer 2017, MAA review
- Early Fourier Analysis, Hugh Montgomery, Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts 22, AMS 2014
- Multiplicative Number Theory I, H.L. Montgomery, R.C. Vaughan, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 97, CUP, September 2012,
MAA Review
- Ten Lectures on the Interface Between Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis, H.L. Montgomery, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, AMS 1994
- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, I. Niven, H.S. Zuckermann, H.L. Montgomery, (5th edition), Wiley 1991
- Computational Laboratories in Number Theory (CLINT) (Hugh Montgomery)
- Topics in Multiplicative Number Theory, Hugh L. Montgomery, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 227, Springer 1971
- Peter Montgomery
- Dustin Moody
- Yong Suk Moon
- Ben Moonen
- François Morain
- Jorge Morales
- Pieter Moree
- Dynamics: Topology and Numbers, Ed. Pieter Moree, Anke Pohl, L'ubomír Snoha, Tom Ward, Contempory Mathematics 744, AMS, 2020
- Dynamical Numbers: Interplay between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Ed. Sergiy Kolyada, Yuri Manin, Martin Möller, Pieter Moree, Thomas Ward, Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 532, AMS 2010
- Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn, the enchanter of friable integers, a survey on the work in analytic number theory of N.G. de Bruijn, by Pieter Moree
- Artin's Primitive Root Conjecture - A Survey, Pieter Moree
- Some number-theoretical constants arising as products of rational functions of p over primes, (Steve Finch, Pieter Moree and Gerhard Niklasch)
- On the psixyology of Diophantine equations, P. Moree, PhD thesis 1993, Leiden
- Carlos Moreno
- Sums of Squares of Integers, Carlos J. Moreno, Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr., Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 37, CRC Press 2005
- Advanced Analytic Number Theory: L-Functions, Carlos Moreno, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 115, 2005
- Review by Stephen Gelbart of Advanced Analytic Number Theory: L-Functions, Carlos Moreno
- Algebraic Curves Over Finite Fields: Error-Correcting Codes and Exponential Sums, C. Moreno, Cambridge Tract 97, CUP 1991, Review, J. W. P. Hirschfeld, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 27 (1992), 327-332
- Laurent Moret-Bailly
- Andrea Mori
- Takayuki Morisawa
- Atushi Moriwaki
- Masanori Morishita
- Yasuo Morita
- Bhavin Moriya
- Stefano Morra
- Travis Morrison
- Jackson Salvatore Morrow
- Matthew Morrow
- Eric Mortenson
- Richard Patrick Morton
- Élie Mosaki
- Nikolay Moshchevitin
- Michael Mossinghoff
- M. I. Mostafa
- Anton Mosunov
- Yoichi Motohashi
- Analytic Number Theory. vol.1. The distribution of prime numbers, Yoichi Motohashi, Asakura Books, Tokyo 2009. ISBN 978-4-254-11821-6 (translation into English being undertaken)
- Analytic Number Theory. vol.2. The zeta analysis, Yoichi Motohashi, Asakura Books, Tokyo 2009. ISBN 978-4-254-11822-3 (translation into English being undertaken)
- Spectral Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, Y. Motohashi, Cambridge Tract 127, CUP 1997
- Analytic Number Theory, Edited by Y. Motohashi, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997
- Lectures on Sieve Methods and Prime Number Theory, Y. Motohashi, Springer 1995, ISBN 3-540-12281-8
- Lectures on Sieve Methods and Prime Number Theory, Y. Motohashi, Tata Lecture Notes 72, 1983
- Ali Mouhib
- Philippe Moustrou
- Hossein Movasati
- Akshat Mudgal
- Julia Mueller
- Goran Muic
- Anirban Mukhopadhyay
- Mohammed Zuhair Mullath
- Gary Mullen
- Helmut Müller
- Peter Müller
- Katharina Müller
- Volker Müller
- Tobias Mühlenbruch
- Jan Steffen Müller
- Marc Munsch
- Ritabrata Munshi
- Yuya Murakami
- Leo Murata
- Nadir Murru
- Kumar Murty
- Number Theory Related to Modular Curves: Momose Memorial Volume, Ed. Joan-Carles Lario, V. Kumar Murty, Contemporary Mathematics 701 AMS 2018
- The Mathematical Legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan, M. Ram Murty, V. Kumar Murty, Springer 2013
- Algebraic Curves and Cryptography, Edited by: V. Kumar Murty, Fields Institute Communications, 58, AMS 2010
- Non-vanishing of L-Functions and Applications, M.R. Murty, V.K. Murty, Progress in Mathematics 157, Birkhaüser 1997
- Number Theory, Ed. V.K. Murty, M. Waldschmidt, Contemporary Mathematics, 210 AMS 1997
- Ram Murty
- An introduction to the circle method, M. Ram Murty, Kaneenika Sinha, Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 104, AMS, 2023
- Problems in the Theory of Modular Forms, M. Ram Murty, Michael Dewar, Hester Graves, Springer 2016
- Problems in the Theory of Modular Forms, M. Ram Murty, Michael Dewar, Hester Graves, Hindustan Book Agency, 2015
- Transcendental Numbers, Ram Murty, Purusottam Rath, Springer, 2014
- The Mathematical Legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan, M. Ram Murty, V. Kumar Murty, Springer 2013
- Problems in Analytic Number Theory, M.R. Murty, Graduate Text in Mathematics 206, 2nd edition, Springer 2008
- An Introduction to Sieve Methods and Their Applications, Alina Cojocaru, Ram Murty, LMS Student Texts 66, December 2005
- Book Reviews: An introduction to sieve methods and their applications (Alina Carmen Cojocaru and M. Ram Murty); Opera de cribro (John Friedlander and Henryk Iwaniec)
- Introduction to p-adic Analytic Number Theory, M. Ram Murty, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics 27, AMS 2002
- Problems in Algebraic Number Theory, J. Esmonde, M.R. Murty, Graduate Text 190, Springer 1999
- Review of Elementary Methods in Number Theory, M. Nathanson (by M. Ram Murty)
- Non-vanishing of L-Functions and Applications, M.R. Murty, V.K. Murty, Progress in Mathematics 157, Birkhaüser 1997
- Selberg's conjectures and Artin $L$-functions, M. Ram Murty, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 (1994), 1-14
- Elliptic Curves and Related Topics, R. Murty, H. Kisilevsky, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 4, AMS 1994
- Theta Functions, R. Murty, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 1, AMS 1993
- An Introduction to the Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function, S.J. Patterson, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 14, CUP, ISBN 0-521-49905-4, Review, M. Ram Murty, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (1989), 226-22
- Simone Muselli
- Joseph Muskat
- Simon Myerson
- Shoyu Nagaoka
- D.S. Nagaraj
- Sunil Naik
- Kit Nair
- Sivasankar Nair
- Filip Najman
- Jin Nakagawa
- Yoshinobu Nakai
- Ken Nakamula
- Hiroaki Nakamura
- Takashi Nakamura
- Shin Nakano
- Maki Nakasuji
- Kenichi Namikawa
- Hiroaki Narita
- Władysław Narkiewicz
- The Story of Algebraic Numbers in the First Half of the 20th Century: From Hilbert to Tate, Władysław Narkiewicz, Springer 2019
- Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century, Władysław Narkiewicz, Springer 2012
- Andrzej Schinzel, Selecta, Ed. Henryk Iwaniec, Władysław Narkiewicz, Jerzy Urbanowicz, Heritage of European Mathematics Series, Volume 1, European Mathematical Society Publishing House 2007
- The Development of Prime Number Theory, W. Narkiewicz, Monographs in Mathematics XII, Springer 2000
- Polynomial Mappings, W. Narkiewicz, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1600, Springer 1995 (no longer listed by Springer)
- Elementary and Analytic Theory of Algebraic Numbers, (Third Edition), W. Narkiewicz, Springer 2004
- Classical Problems in Number Theory, W. Narkiewicz, Mathematical Monograph 62, PWN 1986
- Uniform Distribution of Sequences of Integers in Residue Classes, W. Narkiewicz, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1087, Springer 1984
- Number Theory, (English Edition, World Scientific, 1983 (ISBN: 9971-950-26-X)
- Mangala Narlikar
- Eric Naslund
- Bartosz Naskręcki
- Maria M. Nastasescu
- Melvyn Nathanson
- Combinatorial Number Theory, Proceedings of the Integers Conference 2007, Carrollton, Georgia, USA, October 24-27, 2007, Ed. Bruce Landman, Melvyn Nathanson, Jaroslav Nešetril, Richard Nowakowski, Carl Pomerance, Aaron Robertson, de Gruyter 2009
- Additive Number Theory: Density Theorems and the Growth of Sumsets, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, April 2008
- Unusual Applications of Number Theory, M. Nathanson, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 64, AMS May 2004
- Elementary Methods in Number Theory, M.B. Nathanson, Graduate Text in Mathematics 195, Springer 2000
- Additive Number Theory: The Classical Bases, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 164, Springer 1996
- Additive Number Theory: Inverse Problems and the Geometry of Sumsets, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 165, Springer, 1996
- New York Number Theory Seminar 1991-1995, (Ed) D.V. Chudnovsky, G.V. Chudnovsky, H. Cohn, M.B. Nathanson, Springer 1996
- New York Number Theory Seminar 1989-1990, (Ed) D.V. Chudnovsky, G.V. Chudnovsky, H. Cohn, M.B. Nathanson, Springer 1991
- Tejaswi Navilarekallu
- Gabriele Nebe
- Review of J.Martinet's Perfect lattices in Euclidean spaces, by Gabriele Nebe
- Paul D. Nelson
- Yuri Nesterenko (email only)
- James Newton
- Rachel Newton
- Nathan Ng
- Ngoc Ai Van Nguyen
- Dong Quan Ngoc Nguyen
- Phong Nguyen
- Thomas Nicely
- Dan Nichols
- Andreas Nickel
- Florin Nicolae
- Jean-Louis Nicolas
- Marc-Hubert Nicole
- Harald Niederreiter
- Applied Number Theory, Harald Niederreiter, Arne Winterhof, Springer 2015
- Algebraic Curves and Finite Fields: Cryptography and Other Applications, Ed. Harald Niederreiter, Alina Ostafe, Daniel Panario, Arne Winterhof, Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics 16, De Gruyter 2014
- Rational Points on Curves over Finite Fields, H. Niederreiter, C. Xing, Lecture Note Series 285, CUP 2001
- Introduction to Finite Fields and Their Applications, H. Niederreiter, R. Lidl, (Second Edition), CUP 1994
- Pace Nielsen
- Ashkan Nikeghbali
- Igor Nikolaev
- Kumiko Nishioka
- Abderrahmane Nitaj
- Wieslawa Niziol
- Rob Noble
- Landon Curt Noll
- Rutger Noot
- Asbjørn Christian Nordentoft
- Sam Northshield
- Aivaras Novikas
- Lukáš Novotný
- Werner Georg Nowak
- Andrzej Nowicki
- Ramon Nunes
- Gábor Nyul
- Kevin O'Bryant
- Tadashi Ochiai
- Iwasawa Theory and Its Perspective, Volume 2, Tadashi Ochiai, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Vol. 280, 2024
- Iwasawa Theory and Its Perspective, Volume 1, Tadashi Ochiai, AMS 2023
- Development of Iwasawa Theory - the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth
- Development Of Iwasawa Theory: The Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth, Ed. Masato Kurihara, Kenichi Bannai, Tadashi Ochiai, Takeshi Tsuji, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 86, 2020
- Takayuki Oda
- Andrew Odlyzko
- Evan O'Dorney
- Takeshi Ogasawara
- Hiroyuki Ogawa
- Andrew Ogg
- Yasuo Ohno
- Shun Ohkubo
- Jose Alves Oliveira
- René Olivetto
- Michel Olivier
- Rikard Olofsson
- Sami Omar
- Cathy O'Neil
- Wilson Ong
- Yoshihiro Ônishi
- Ken Ono
- Harmonic Maass Forms and Mock Modular Forms: Theory and Applications, Kathrin Bringmann, Amanda Folsom, Ken Ono, Larry Rolen, AMS Colloquium Publications Volume 64, 2017
- My Search for Ramanujan, How I learned to count, Ken Ono, Amir Aczel, Springer 2016
- The Last Words of a Genius, by Ken Ono, Notices AMS December 2010
- Freeman Dyson's challenge for the future: The mock theta functions, Public lecture by Ken Ono, October 2, 2007, UCD School of Mathematical Scieces
- Ken Ono's Ramanujan visit
- The Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coefficients of Modular Forms and q-series, Ken Ono, CBMS Monograph 102, AMS, January 2004
- q-Series with Applications to Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Physics, Ed. Bruce Berndt, Ken Ono, Contemporary Mathematics 291 2001
- Topics In Number Theory, Proceedings of a conference in honor of B. Gordon and S. Chowla, Ed. S. Ahlgren, G. Andrews and K. Ono, Kluwer 1999
- Takashi Ono>
- Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory, T. Ono, Plenum 1990
- Variations on a Theme of Euler: Quadratic Forms, Elliptic Curves and Hopf Maps, T. Ono, Plenum 1994
- Frans Oort
- Early history of the Riemann Hypothesis in positive characteristic, Franz Oort and Norbert Schappacher, ALM 35, Higher Education Press and International Press, 2016, pp. 595-631
- Complex Multiplication and Lifting Problems, Ching-Li Chai, Brian Conrad, Frans Oort, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 195, January 2014, AMS
- Hans Opolka
- H.L.S. Orde
- Jeanine Van Order
- Bryce Orloski
- Eli Orvis
- Manuel O'Ryan
- Robert Osburn
- Nikolai Osipov
- Alina Ostafe
- Cormac O'Sullivan
- Nicola Oswald
- Kazuto Ota
- Noriyuki Otsubo
- Hassan Oukhaba
- Yi Ouyang
- Marius Overholt
- Roger Oyono
- Enver Ozdemir
- Ekin Özman
- Christof Paar
- Allison Pacelli
- Ariel Martín Pacetti
- Amílcar Pacheco
- Carlo Pagano
- Jesse Pajwani
- Aprameyo Pal
- Laura Paladino
- Neea Palojärvi
- Bharathwaj Palvannan
- Daniel Panario
- Alexei Panchishkin
- Introduction to Modern Number Theory, (2nd edition of Number Theory I), Yu.I. Manin, A.A. Panchishkin, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 49, 2005, Springer
- Non-Archimedean L-Functions and Arithmetical Siegel Modular Forms, M. Courtieu, A.A. Panchishkin, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1471, Springer 2003
- Number Theory I, Y.Manin, A. Panchiskin, Parshin et. al., Encylopaedia of Mathematics 4907, Springer 1995
- Sebastian Pancratz
- Prem Prakash Pandey
- Łukasz Pańkowski
- Pablo Panzone
- Matt Papanikolas
- Mihran Papikian
- Francesco Pappalardi
- George Pappas
- Jeehoon Park
- Jennifer Park
- Explicit Arithmetic of Jacobians of Generalized Legendre Curves Over Global Function Fields, Lisa Berger, Chris Hall, Rene Pannekoek, Rachel Pries, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Douglas Ulmer, Jennifer Park, Memoirs of the AMS 1295, AMS 2020
- Scott Parsell
- Aleksei Nikolaevich Parshin
- Alayne Parson
- Vladimir Igorevich Parusnikov
- Vytautas Paškūnas
- Paul Pasles
- Hector Pasten
- Sunil Kumar Pasupulati
- Andrzej Paszkiewicz
- Vandita Patel
- Ross Paterson
- Siddhi Pathak
- Alexander Patkowski
- Stefan Patrikis
- Samuel Patterson
- Frédéric Paugam
- Biplab Paul
- Jennifer Paulhus
- LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Ed. John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, Contemporary Mathematics 796, AMS 2024
- Elliptic factors in Jacobians of low genus curves, PhD thesis, Jennifer Paulhus, University of Illinois, 2007
- Sebastian Pauli
- Alexander Paulin
- Fabien Pazuki
- Tomislav Pejković
- Cihan Pehlivan
- Lerna Pehlivan
- Federico Pellarin
- Sarah Peluse
- Temenoujka Peneva
- Riccardo Pengo
- Dave Penniston
- Rene Peralta
- Domingo Gómez Pérez
- Rudolph Perkins
- Alexander Perlis
- On Weil's paper Numbers of solutions of equations in finite fields, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (1949)
- Robert Perlis (email only)
- Marc Perret
- Bernadette Perrin-Riou
- A Collection of Manuscripts Written in Honour of John H. Coates on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Ed. Ivan Fesenko, Stephen Lichtenbaum, Bernadette Perrin-Riou, Peter Schneider, Documenta Mathematica 4, 2006
- Theorie d'Iwasawa des Representations p-Adiques Semi-Stables, B. Perrin-Riou, Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France 84, AMS 2001
- Fonctions L p-adiques des Représentations p-adiques, B. Perrin-Riou, Astérisque 229, 1995
- Antonella Perucca
- Giulio Peruginelli
- Yves-François Petermann
- Kate Petersen
- Attila Pethõ
- Joachim Petit
- Bogdan Petrenko
- Yiannis Petridis
- Ian Petrow
- Clayton Petsche
- The distribution of Galois orbits of low height, PhD, Clayton Petsche, University of Texas at Austin, 2003
- Manfred Peter
- Emmanuel Peyre
- M. Tip Phaovibul
- Patrice Philippon
- Phong Bui Minh
- Qinghua Pi
- Margherita Piccolo
- Lillian Pierce
- The Vinogradov Mean Value Theorem [after Bourgain, Demeter and Guth, and Wooley], Lillian Pierce, June 17, 2017, Institut Henri Poincaré
- The 3-Part of Class Numbers of Quadratic Fields, MSc Thesis, Lillian Pierce, Oxford University, 2004
- The pair correlation of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function, Senior Thesis, Lillian Pierce, Princeton University, 2002
- Jonathan Pila
- Vincent Pilloni
- Wong Wei Pin
- Richard Pinch
- István Pink
- Chris Pinner
- Ákos Pintér
- János Pintz
- Number Theory, Analysis, and Combinatorics, Proceedings of the Paul Turan Memorial Conference held August 22-26, 2011 in Budapes, Ed. J, Pintz, A. Biró, K. Győry, G. Harcos, M. Simonovits, J. Szabados, De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 2013
- Yitang Zhang and Daniel Goldston, János Pintz, Cem Yalçin Yildirim receive the 2014 AMS Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory
- Landau's problems on primes (János Pintz)
- Anna-Maria Pippich
- Ameya Pitale
- Nigel Pitt
- Arnold Pizer
- Alain Plagne
- Vladimir Petrovich Platonov
- Dave Platt
- Javier Pliego
- Simon Plouffe
- Roger Plymen
- Anthony Poëls
- Anke Pohl
- Michael Pohst
- Aaron Pollack
- Paul Pollack
- GitHub - PPPollack/Unreal-Analysis: repo for problem book on p-adic numbers, Paul Pollack, The Ross Mathematics Program Foundation 2024 (The book is free and open source. An inexpensive ($15) physical copy is also available for purchase on Amazon)
- Steps into Analytic Number Theory:
A Problem-Based Introduction, Paul Pollack, Akash Singha Roy, Problem Books in Mathematics, Springer, 2021,
- Review by Allen Stenger
- A Conversational Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory: Arithmetic Beyond ℤ, Paul Pollack, AMS Student Mathematical Library 84, 2017, MAA review
- Not Always Buried Deep: A Second Course in Elementary Number Theory, Paul Pollack, AMS November 2009, Errata
- Prime polynomials over finite fields, PhD thesis, Paul Pollack, Dartmouth College, 2008
- Informal notes and talks, Paul Pollack
- Robert Pollack
- John M. Pollard
- Mark Pollicott
- Andrew Pollington
- Carl Pomerance
- The Man Who Loved Problems: Richard K. Guy, Andrew Granville and Carl Pomerance, AMS Notices, April 2022
- Analytic Number Theory In Honor of Helmut Maier's 60th Birthday, Ed. Carl Pomerance, Michael Rassias, Springer 2015
- Combinatorial Number Theory, Proceedings of the Integers Conference 2007, Carrollton, Georgia, USA, October 24-27, 2007, Ed. Bruce Landman, Melvyn Nathanson, Jaroslav Nešetril, Richard Nowakowski, Carl Pomerance, Aaron Robertson, de Gruyter 2009
- The Niven Lectures, (Carl Pomerance) March 21-23, 2005, University of British Columbia
- Primes, a computational perspective, C. Pomerance, R. Crandall, Springer 2000
- A Tale of Two Sieves, C. Pomerance, AMS Notices, December 1996
- Prime Numbers and Computer Methods for Factorization, H. Riesel, Progress in Mathematics 126, Birkhaüser 1994, ISBN 0-8176-3743-5, Review, Carl Pomerance, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1988), 61-65
- Jamie Pommersheim
- Jacek Pomykała
- Prapanpong Pongsriiam
- Corentin Pontreau
- Bjorn Poonen
- A p-adic approach to rational points on curves, Bjorn Poonen, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. September 2020
- Rational Points on Varieties, Bjorn Poonen, AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume 186, 2017
- Explicit Methods in Number Theory Rational Points and Diophantine Equations, Karim Belabas, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Pierrick Gaudry, Michael Stoll, Mark Watkins, William McCallum & Bjorn Poonen, Frits Beukers, Samir Siksek, Panoramas et synthèses 36 (2012)
- Undecidability in Number Theory, Bjorn Poonen, Notices AMS 55, 2008
- Arithmetic of higher-dimensional algebraic varieties, Yuri Tschinkel, Bjorn Poonen, Progress in Mathematics 226, Birkhäuser 2003
- Cris Poor
- Cristian Popescu
- Arithmetic of $L$-functions, Ed. Cristian Popescu, Karl Rubin and Alice Silverberg, Volume 18, IAS/Park City Mathematics Series, AMS 2011
- Stark's Conjectures: Recent Work and New Directions, Ed. David Burns, Christian Popescu, Jonathan Sands, David Solomon, Contemporary Mathematics 358, AMS 2004
- Stefan Porubský
- Lukas Pottmeyer
- Dimitrios Poulakis
- Chanwit Prabpayak
- Dipendra Prasad
- Kartik Prasanna
- Sean Prendiville
- Wladimir Pribitkin
- Rachel Pries
- Explicit Arithmetic of Jacobians of Generalized Legendre Curves Over Global Function Fields, Lisa Berger, Chris Hall, Rene Pannekoek, Rachel Pries, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Douglas Ulmer, Jennifer Park, Memoirs of the AMS 1295, AMS 2020
- WIN--Women in Numbers: Research Directions in Number Theory, Ed. Alina-Carmen Cojocaru, Rachel Pries, Renate Scheidler, Fields Institute Communications 60, AMS March 2011
- Igo Pritsker
- Nikolai Proskurin
- Glen Pugh
- Sudhir Pujahari
- Yuri Pupyrev
- Anna Puskás
- Zhi Qi
- Patricia Quattrini
- Roland Queme
- Jordi Quer
- Emily Quesada-Herrera
- F. Patrick Rabarison
- Lazar Radicevic
- Maciej Radziejewski
- Maksym Radziwill
- Anantharam Raghuram
- Eisenstein Cohomology for GLN and the Special Values of Rankin-Selberg L-Functions, Anantharam Raghuram, Günter Harder, Annals of Mathematics Studies 203, Princeton University Press 2019
- p-Adic Aspects of Modular Forms, Edited by Baskar Balasubramanyam, Haruzo Hida, A. Raghuram, Jacques Tilouine, World Scientific 2016
- The Bloch-Kato Conjecture for the Riemann Zeta Function, John Coates, A. Raghuram, R. Sujatha, CUP 2015
- Some topics in Algebraic Groups: Representation theory of GL2(D) where D is a division algebra over a non-Archimedean local field, PhD thesis, A. Raghuram, TIFR 1999
- C.S. Rajan
- Wissam Raji
- A.R. Rajwade
- Squares, A.R. Rajwade, LMS Lecture Notes Series 171, CUP 1993
- Csaba Rakaczki
- Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona
- Niranjan Ramachandran
- Ravi Ramakrishna
- B. Ramakrishnan
- Dinakar Ramakrishnan
- On Certain $L$-Functions, Ed. James Arthur, James Cogdell, Steve Gelbart, David Goldberg, Dinikar Ramakrishnan, Jiu-Kang Yu, 13, Clay Mathematics Proceedings, 2011
- Fourier Analysis on Number Fields, D. Ramakrishnan, R.J. Valenza, Graduate Text 186, Springer 1999
- Olivier Ramaré
- Francois Ramaroson
- A.M.S. Ramasamy or
- Sujatha Ramdorai
- The Bloch-Kato Conjecture for the Riemann Zeta Function, John Coates, A. Raghuram, R. Sujatha, CUP 2015
- Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjectures over Totally Real Fields, Ed. John Coates, Peter Schneider, Sujatha Ramdorai, Otmar Venjakob, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 29, 2013
- Galois Cohomology of Elliptic Curves: Second Edition, John Coates, R. Sujatha (publication of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
- Indian mathematician Ramdorai Sujatha receives the 2006 Ramanujan prize
- Venkkadachalam Ramesh
- Nick Ramsey
- Wayne Raskind
- Michael Rassias
- Exploring the Riemann Zeta function, Hugh Montgomery, Ashkan Nikeghbali, and Michael Th. Rassias, editors, Springer 2017 , MAA review
- Goldbach's Problem, Michael Rassias, Springer 2017
- Analytic Number Theory In Honor of Helmut Maier's 60th Birthday, Ed. Carl Pomerance, Michael Rassias, Springer 2015
- Problem-Solving and Selected Topics in Number Theory in the Spirit of the Mathematical Olympiads, Michael Rassias, Springer 2011
- Arash Rastegar
- Nicolas Ratazzi
- Purusottam Rath
- Randall Rathbun
- Nicole Raulf
- Martin Raum
- Ulrich Rausch
- Anwesh Ray
- Marusia Rebolledo-Dhuin
- Jonathan Garcia Rebellón
- Don Redmond
- Gaël Rémond
- Tian Ren
- Ren Xiumin
- Wendell Ressler
- Jonathan Reynolds
- Eric Reyssat
- Bruce Reznick
- Irina Rezvyakova
- Sávio Ribas
- Floric Tavares Ribeiro
- Paulo Ribenboim email: mathstat@mast.QueensU.CA
- The Collected Papers of Wilhelm Ljunggren, Ed. Paulo Ribenboim, Queen's papers in pure and applied mathematics 115, 2003
- My Numbers, My Friends , P. Ribenboim, Monographs in Mathematics, Springer 2000
- Classical Theory of Algebraic Numbers, P. Ribenboim, Universitext, Springer 1999
- The Theory of Classical Valuations, P. Ribenboim, Springer 1999
- Fermat's Last Theorem for Amateurs, P. Ribenboim, Springer 1999
- The New Book of Prime Number Records, 3rd Edition, P. Ribenboim, Springer 1996, Review of first edition, S. S. Wagstaff Jr., Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 365-369
- Catalan's Conjecture, Review of P. Ribenboim, Academic Press 1994, (Alan Baker) Bulletin Volume 32 Issue 1, January 1995, pages 110-112
- The Little Book of Bigger Primes, P. Ribenboim, Springer 2004
- 13 Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem, P. Ribenboim, Springer 1979
- Algebraic Numbers, P. Ribenboim, Wiley 1972
- L'Arithmétique des corps, P. Ribenboim, Hermann, Paris 1972
- Ken Ribet
- Brouwer Medal 2017 awarded to Kenneth A. Ribet
- Ken Ribet's 2017 lecture on Fermat's Last Theorem
- Interview with new AMS President Kenneth A. Ribet, AMS Notices, March 2017
- Ken Ribet talks about his experiences with Sage
- Computational Arithmetic Geometry, Ed. Kristin E. Lauter, Ken Ribet, Contemporary Mathematics 463, August 2008
- Ribet-Stein notes on Serre's conjecture (pdf)
- Modular Curves and Abelian Varieties, Ed. John Cremona, Joan-Carles Lario, Jordi Quer, Ken Ribet, Birkhäuser 2005
- Arithmetic theory of elliptic curves, J. Coates, R. Greenberg, K. Ribet, K. Rubin, C. Viola (Ed), Springer Lecture Notes 1716, 1999
- Galois representations and modular forms, Kenneth A. Ribet, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (1995), 375-402
- Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, J.H. Silverman, J. Tate, (second printing), Undergraduate Text, Springer 1992, Review, William R. Hearst III; Kenneth A. Ribet, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (1994), 248-252
- Alex Rice
- Rodolphe Richard
- Harry Richman
- Florian Richter
- John Rickert
- Olav Richter
- James Rickards
- Guillaume Ricotta
- Donald Rideout
- Herman te Riele
- Anna Rio
- Morten S. Risager
- Rishikesh
- Lower order terms of moments of L-functions, PhD thesis, Rishikesh, University of Waterloo, 2011
- Christophe Ritzenthaler
- Jöel Rivat
- Ronald Rivest
- Tanguy Rivoal
- On Dwork's p-Adic Formal Congruences Theorem and Hypergeometric Mirror Maps, E. Delaygue, T. Rivoal, J. Roques, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 246, No. 1163, AMS, 2016
- Arithmetic and Galois Theories of Differential Equations, Ed. Lucia Di Vizio, Tanguy Rivoal, Séminaires et Congrès 23, 2011
- Hypergéométrie et Fonction Zêta de Riemann, Christian Krattenthaler, Tanguy Rivoal, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 186, February 2007
- Propriétés diophantiennes de la fonction zêta de Riemann aux entiers impairs, PhD, Tanguy Rivoal, Université de Caen, 2001
- Neville Robbins
- Alain Robert
- A Course in p-adic Analysis, A. Robert, Graduate Text 198, Springer 2000
- Introduction to modular forms, A. Robert, Queen's papers in pure and applied mathematics 45, 1976
- Elliptic Curves: notes from postgraduate lectures given in Lausanne 1971/72, A. Robert, Springer Lecture Notes 326, 1973
- Damien Robert
- Olivier Robert
- Gerardo González Robert
- Brooks Roberts
- David Roberts
- Leanne Robertson
- Guy Robin
- Sinai Robins
- Margaret Robinson
- Book Review of An introduction to the theory of local zeta functions, Jun-ichi Igusa (by Margaret Robinson)
- Nicolas Robles
- Xavier-François Roblot
- Robby Robson
- Igor Rochev
- Oliver Roche-Newton
- Andrew Rockett
- Brad Rodgers
- Edva Roditty-Gershon
- David Roe
- Eric Roettger
- Mathew Rogers
- David Rohrlich
- Larry Rolen
- Robert Rolland
- Beth Romano
- Peter Roquette
- The Riemann Hypothesis in Characteristic p in Historical Perspective, Peter Roquette, Springer, 2018; MAA review by Fernando Gouvêa
- Contemplations of an octogenarian mathematician (Peter Roquette)
- Contributions to the History of Number Theory in the 20th Century, Peter Roquette, European Mathematical Society Publishing House, 2013
- Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse, Ed. Günther Frei, Franz Lemmermeyer, Peter Roquette, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 5, Springer 2014
- Emil Artin und Helmut Hasse: Die Korrespondenz 1923-1934, Günter Frei, Peter Roquette, with assistance from Franz Lemmermeyer, Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2008, Online version,
Review by Javier Fresán;
- Helmut Hasse und Emmy Noether Die Korrespondenz 1925-1935, Commentary by Franz Lemmermeyer and Peter Roquette, Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2006
- Collected papers of Peter Roquette, editors: Anthony V. Geramita and Paulo Ribenboim, Queens University 118, 2002
- Manuscripts by Peter Roquette (Class Field Theory in characteristic p - its origin and development, In Memoriam Helmut Hasse, Exponential sums. The estimate of Hasse-Davenport-Weil, etc)
- Julien Roques
- Harvey Rose
- Julian Rosen
- Michael Rosen
- Remarks on the History of Fermat's Last Theorem - Michael Rosen, 16 February 2016
- Number Theory in Function Fields, M. Rosen, Graduate Text 210, Springer 2001
- A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, K. Ireland and M. Rosen, (Corrected Second Printing) Graduate Text 84, Springer 1993
- The Arithmetic of Function Fields, Proceedings of a Workshop at Ohio State University, June 17-26, 1991, Ed. D. Goss, D.R. Hayes, M. Rosen, de Gruyter 1992
- Zev Rosengarten
- Jason Rosenhouse
- Lior Rosenzweig
- Damian Rössler
- Giovanni Rosso
- Holly Rosson
- Victor Rotger
- Heegner Points, Stark-Heegner Points, and Diagonal Classes, Massimo Bertolini, Henri Darmon, Victor Rotger, Marco Adamo Seveso, Rodolfo Venerucci, Astérisque Volume: 434, 2022
- Abelian varieties with quaternionic multiplication and their moduli, PhD thesis, Victor Rotger, Universitat de Barcelona, 2003
- Andrzej Rotkiewicz
- Anne de Roton
- Généralisation du critère de Beurling-Nyman à la classe de Selberg, PhD. thesis, Anne de Roton, Université Bordeaux I, 2003
- Jeremy Rouse
- Sudhansu Sekhar Rout
- Josep Gonzalez Rovira
- Eric Rowland
- Akash Singha Roy
- Arindam Roy
- Damien Roy
- Ranjan Roy
- Emmanuel Royer
- Min Ru
- Karl Rubin
- Arithmetic of $L$-functions, Ed. Cristian Popescu, Karl Rubin and Alice Silverberg, Volume 18, IAS/Park City Mathematics Series, AMS 2011
- Kolyvagin Systems, B. Mazur, K. Rubin, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 168, AMS 2004
- p-adic L-functions and p-adic representations, by B. Perrin-Riou, Reviewer K. Rubin, Bull. AMS. 39, 2002, 557-562
- Ranks of elliptic curves, K. Rubin, A. Silverberg, Bull. AMS. 39, 2002, 455-474
- Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, B. Conrad, K. Rubin (Editors), IAS/Park City Mathematics Series 9, AMS 2001
- Arithmetic theory of elliptic curves, J. Coates, R. Greenberg, K. Ribet, K. Rubin, C. Viola (Ed), Springer Lecture Notes 1716, 1999
- The Solving of Fermat's Last Theorem, Karl Rubin, Ohio State University Distinguished Lecture May 22, 1997
- Right triangles and elliptic curves (slides by Karl Rubin)
- Euler Systems, K. Rubin, Annals of Mathematics Studies, Princeton University Press 2000
- Perspectives in Mathematics Vol 3: The Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication, E. de Shalit, Academic Press 1987, Review, Karl Rubin, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 108-112
- Michael Oded Rubinstein
- Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo
- Juanjo Rué
- Hans-Georg Rück
- Zeev Rudnick
- Equidistribution in Number Theory, An Introduction, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Equidistribution in Number Theory, Montreal, Canada, 11-22 July 2005, ed. Andrew Granville, Zeev Rudnick, NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 237, Springer 2007
- Robert Rumely
- Bernhard Runge
- Wolfgang Ruppert
- Jerzy Rutkowski
- Imre Ruzsa
- Nathan Ryan
- Maria Sabitova
- Mohamed Sadek
- Hatice Şahinoǧlu
- Abhishek Saha
- Brundaban Sahu
- Mohamed Saïdi
- Anupam Saikia
- Takeshi Saito
- Autour des Motifs: Asian-French Summer School on Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: Volume III, Takeshi Saito, Laurent Clozel, Jörg Wildehaus, Panoramas et Syntheses Vol. 49, AMS 2016
- Fermat's Last Theorem: Basic Tools, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Iwanami Series in Modern Mathematics 243, November 2013
- Number Theory 3: Iwasawa Theory and Modular Forms, Nobushige Kurokawa, Masato Kurihara, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs 242, AMS 2012
- Number Theory 2: Introduction to Class Field Theory, Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs Vol 240, AMS 2011
- Number Theory 1, Fermat's Dream, Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, Translation of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 186, AMS 2000
- Yiannis Sakellaridis
- Sajad Salami
- Daniel Barrera Salazar
- Adriana Salerno
- Vladislav Khasanovich Salikhov
- Gabriel Villa Salvador
- Riccardo Salvati Manni
- Bruno Salvy
- Detchat Samart
- Charles Samuels
- J¨rgen Sander
- Tom Sanders
- Csaba Sándor
- József Sándor
- Jonathan Sands
- Carlo Sanna
- Takamichi Sano
- Yannick Saouter
- K. Saradha
- Diophantine Equations, 2005 Mumbai conference in honour of T.N. Shorey, Ed: N. Saradha, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India , AMS 2007
- Natarajan Saradha
- Naser Talebizadeh Sardari
- András Sárközy
- Peter Sarnak
- Peter Sarnak, Winner of Wolf Prize in Mathematics - 2014
- Some commentary on Atle Selberg's mathematics, Dennis Hejhal, Peter Sarnak
- Automorphic Forms and Applications, Ed. Peter Sarnak, Freydoon Shahidi, AS/Park City Mathematics Series, 12, AMS, 2007
- Henryk Iwaniec, Peter Sarnak and Richard Taylor receive the 7th Ostrowski Prize
- Problems of the Millennium: The Riemann Hypothesis, Peter Sarnak, 2004
- Selected Works of Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, Ed. J. Cogdell, S. Gindikin, P. Sarnak. AMS Collected Works 15, 2000
- Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues and Monodromy, N.M. Katz, P. Sarnak, AMS Colloquium Publications Vol 45 1999
- Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry, N.M. Katz, P. Sarnak, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 36 (1999) 1-26
- Selberg's Eigenvalue Conjecture:, Peter Sarnak, Notices of the AMS, November 1995
- The Riemann Zeta-Function, A.A. Karatsuba, S.M. Voronin, Translated by N. Koblitz, de Gruyter, 1992, Review, Peter Sarnak, Bulletin Volume 32 Issue 2, April 1995, pages 251-253
- Some Applications of Modular Forms, P. Sarnak, Cambridge Tract 99, CUP 1990
- Yoshitaka Sasaki
- Fumihiro Sato
- Automorphic forms and zeta functions: Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa, Ed. Siegfried Böcherer, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko, Fumihiro Sato , World Scientific 2006
- Nobuo Sato
- Paul Savala
- Diana Savin
- David Savitt
- Quadratic and Higher Degree Forms, Krishnaswami Alladi, Manjul Bhargava, Dave Savitt, Pham Huu Tiep, Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 31, Springer 2013
- p-adic Geometry: Lectures from the 2007 Arizona Winter School, ed. David Savitt and Dinesh S. Thakur, University Lecture Series 45 September 2008
- Modularity of some potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations, PhD. thesis, Dave Savitt, Harvard University 2001
- Ben Savoie
- Will Sawin
, slides by Will Sawin
- Edward Schaefer
- Norbert Schappacher
- Early history of the Riemann Hypothesis in positive characteristic, Franz Oort and Norbert Schappacher, ALM 35, Higher Education Press and International Press, 2016, pp. 595-631
- El "outsider" de la teoría de los números. Vida y obra de Kurt Heegner (Norbert Schappacher)
- The Shaping of Arithmetic after C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, (Ed.) Catherine Goldstein, Norbert Schappacher, Joachim Schwermer, Springer 2006
- Regulators in Analysis, Geometry, and Number Theory, Ed. A. Reznikov, N. Schappacher, Birkhäuser 1999
- Historical commentary on Hilbert's Zahlbericht, by Franz Lemmermeyer and Norbert Schappacher (ps file)
- Victor Scharaschkin
- Rudolf Scharlau
- Renate Scheidler
- Jordan Schettler
- Damaris Schindler
- Oliver Schirokauer
- Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta
- Hans Peter Schlickewei
- Johannes Schleischitz
- Wolfgang Ch. Schmid
- Alexander Schmidt
- Bernhard Schmidt
- Harry Schmidt
- Ralf Schmidt
- Thomas Schmidt
- Wolfgang Schmidt
- Wikipedia article about Wolfgang Schmidt
- Analytic Number Theory, Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth, Ed. William Chen, Timothy Gowers, Heini Halberstam, Wolfgang Schmidt, Robert Vaughan, CUP 2009
- Equations over finite fields: an elementary approach, Second Edition, Wolfgang M. Schmidt, Kendrick Press 2003 (also see review in MathSciNet)
- Selecta, Edmund Hlawka, E. Hlawka, P.M. Gruber, W.M. Schmidt, Springer 1990
- Equations over Finite Fields, W. Schmidt, LNM 536, Springer 1976
- Susanne Schmitt
- Elliptic Curves: A computational approach, Susanne Schmitt, Horst Zimmer, Studies in Mathematics 31, De Gruyter 2003
- Berechnung der Mordell-Weil Gruppe parametrisierter elliptischer Kurven, Diploma Thesis, Susanne Schmitt, Universität des Saarlandes, 1995
- Berechnung der Mordell-Weil Gruppe elliptischer Kurven über algebraischen Zahlkörpern, PhD Thesis, Susanne Schmitt, Universität des Saarlandes, 1999
- Peter Schneider
- Rigid Character Groups, Lubin-Tate Theory, and (φ,Γ)-Modules, Laurent Berger, Peter Schneider, Bingyong Xie, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 1275, 2020
- Galois Representations and (φ, Γ)-Modules, Peter Schneider, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, CUP 2017
- Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjectures over Totally Real Fields, Ed. John Coates, Peter Schneider, Sujatha Ramdorai, Otmar Venjakob, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 29, 2013
- A Collection of Manuscripts Written in Honour of John H. Coates on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Ed. Ivan Fesenko, Stephen Lichtenbaum, Bernadette Perrin-Riou, Peter Schneider, Documenta Mathematica 4, 2006
- Robert Schneider
- Leila Schneps
- Claus-Peter Schnorr
- Johannes Schoissengeier
- Anthony Scholl
- Peter Scholze
- Why abc is still a conjecture (Peter Scholze and Jacob Stix)
- Titans of Mathematics Clash Over Epic Proof of ABC Conjecture (Qantamagazine, September 2018)
- Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, Annals of Mathematics Studies Volume 207, 2020
- Perfectoid Spaces: Lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School, Editors and authors, Bryden Cais, Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 242, 2019
- Arnold Schönhage
- René Schoof
- Éric Schost
- Richard Schroeppel
- Rainer Schulze-Pillot
- Einführung in Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Springer-Lehrbuch, 2015
- Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Wai Kiu Chan, Lenny Fukshansky, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Contemporary Mathematics 587 AMS 2013
- Quadratic Forms-Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry, Ed. Ricardo Baeza, Wai Kiu Chan, Detlev W. Hoffmann, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Contemporary Mathematics 493, AMS 2009
- Pete Schumer
- Markus Schwagenscheidt
- Andreas Schweizer
- Fritz Schweiger
- Multidimensional continued fractions, F. Schweiger, OUP 2000
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Volume 2, New Trends in Probablilty and Statistics, Edited by E. Manstavicius and F. Schweiger, VSP Science 1997
- Ergodic Theory of Fibred Systems and Metric Number Theory, F. Schweiger, OUP 1995
- Joachim Schwermer
- Reduction Theory and Arithmetic Groups, Joachim Schwermer, CUP 2022
- Creating a life: Emil Artin in America, Della Dumbaugh and Joachim Schwermer, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc 50 (2013), 321-330
- Minkowski in Königsberg 1884: A talk in Lindemann's colloquium, Joachim Schwermer, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, 2010
- The Shaping of Arithmetic after C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, (Ed.) Catherine Goldstein, Norbert Schappacher, Joachim Schwermer, Springer 2006
- Eira Scourfield
- Robert Sczech
- Abdellah Sebbar
- Alisa Sedunova
- François Séguin
- Kristian Seip
- James Sellers
- Shankar Sen
- Mehmet Haluk Şengün
- Soogil Seo
- Vlad Serban
- Jean-Pierre Serre
- Sinan Sertöz
- Marco Adamo Seveso
- Pietro Sgobba
- Min Sha
- Nimish Shah
- Freydoon Shahidi
- The Genesis of the Langlands Program, Julia Mueller, Freydoon Shahidi, CUP 2022
- Advances in the Theory of Automorphic Forms and their L-functions, Dihua Jiang, Freydoon Shahidi, David Soudry, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 664, AMS 2016
- Eisenstein Series and Automorphic L-Functions, Freydoon Shahidi, Colloquium Publications 68, 2010 (not yet published)
- George Shakan
- Ehud de Shalit
- Perspectives in Mathematics Vol 3: The Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication, E. de Shalit, Academic Press 1987, Review, Karl Rubin, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 108-112
- Jeff Shallit
- The Logical Approach To Automatic Sequences: Exploring Combinatorics on Words with Walnut, J. Shallit, CUP 2022
- Neverending Fractions, An Introduction to Continued Fractions, Jonathan Borwein, Alf van der Poorten, Jeffrey Shallit, Wadim Zudilin, CUP, 2014
- Algorithmic Number Theory, Vol. 1, J.O. Shallit, Eric Bach, MIT Press August 1996)
- Andrew Shallue
- Ananth Shankar
- Oruganti Shanker
- Karam Deo Shankhadhar
- Xuancheng Shao
- Romyar Sharifi
- Tony Shaska
- Abelian Varieties and Number Theory, Ed. Moshe Jarden, Tony Shaska, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 767, AMS 2021
- Algebraic Curves and Their Applications, Ed. Lubjana Beshaj, Tony Shaska, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 724, 2019
- Mark Sheingorn
- Sudhanshu Shekhar
- Thomas Shemanske
- Hironori Shiga
- Junichi Shigezumi
- Shun Shimomura
- Sug Woo Shin
- Lekata Shiokawa
- Ken-ichi Shiota
- Rachel Shipsey
- Wai Chee Shiu
- Peter Shiu
- Ilya D. Shkredov
- Alexandra Shlapentokh
- Amin Shokrollahi
- Ari Shnidman
- Tarlak N. Shorey
- Complex Analysis with Applications to Number Theory, T.N. Shorey, Springer 2020
- Diophantine approximations, Diophantine equations, transcendence and applications, T.N. Shorey
- Exponential Diophantine Equations, T.N. Shorey and R. Tijdeman, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 87, CUP 1987, Review, J. L. Brenner, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 145-146
- Jack Shotton
- Victor Shoup
- Igor Shparlinski
- 2022 George Szekeres Medal awarded to Igor Shparlinski
- Frobenius Distributions: Lang-Trotter and Sato-Tate Conjectures, Ed. David Kohel, Igor Shparlinski, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 663, 2016, AMS
- Number Theory and Related Fields, Ed. Jonathan Borwein, Igor Shparlinski, Wadim Zudilin, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 43, 2013
- Cryptographic applications of analytic number theory, Igor Shparlinski, Birkhaüser, 2003.
- Recurrence sequences, G. Everest, A.J. van der Poorten, I. Shparlinski, T. Ward, AMS Surveys and Monographs (to appear)
- Character Sums with Exponential Functions and their Applications, S. Konyagin, I. Shparlinski, CUP 1999
- Finite fields: Theory and computation, I. Shparlinski, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999
- Number theoretic methods in cryptography: Complexity lower bounds, I. Shparlinski, PCS 17, Birkhäuser, 1999
- Computational and Algorithmic Problems in Finite Fields, I. Shparlinski, Kluwer 1992
- Zhai Shuai
- Wenguang Zhai
- Andrei Shubin
- Dan Shumow
- Jerry Shurman
- Mark Shusterman
- Jonas Siaulys
- Nikita Sidorov
- Jeroen Sijsling
- Samir Siksek
- Lior Silberman
- Giorgos Siligardos
- Graham Sills
- Tomás Oliveira e Silva
- Alice Silverberg
- Explicit Arithmetic of Jacobians of Generalized Legendre Curves Over Global Function Fields, Lisa Berger, Chris Hall, Rene Pannekoek, Rachel Pries, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Douglas Ulmer, Jennifer Park, Memoirs of the AMS 1295, AMS 2020
- Collected Papers V of Goro Shimura, Ed. Alice Silverberg, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Springer, 2016
- Arithmetic of $L$-functions, Ed. Cristian Popescu, Karl Rubin and Alice Silverberg, Volume 18, IAS/Park City Mathematics Series, AMS 2011
- Ranks of elliptic curves, K. Rubin, A. Silverberg, Bull. AMS. 39, 2002, 455-474
- Draft of PCMI Lecture Notes on Open Questions in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (Alice Silverberg) (ps file 803K)
- Joe Silverman
- Rational points on, and the arithmetic of, elliptic curves: A tale of two books (and an article), J.H. Silverman, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. January 5, 2017
- Some Problems of Unlikely Intersections in Arithmetic and Geometry, Umberto Zannier, with appendices by David Masser, Princeton University Press 2012, Review by Joe Silverman
- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Sixth Edition, G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright, Edited by Roger Heath-Brown and Joseph Silverman, Foreward by Andrew Wiles, OUP 2008
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography, J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J.H. Silverman, Undergraduate Text, Springer, August 2008, Errata
- The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems, J.H. Silverman, Springer-Verlag Graduate Text 241, Spring 2007
- Book Review of Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves, S.A. Stepanov, Kluwer 1994 (by J.H. Silverman)
- Diophantine Geometry, An Introduction, M. Hindry, J.H. Silverman, Graduate Text 201, Springer 2000
- Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem, G. Cornell, J.H. Silverman, G. Stevens (Editors), Springer 1997 (Review: Kevin Buzzard)
- Arithmetic Geometry, (ed. J.H. Silverman, G. Cornell), Springer 1986
- The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, J.H. Silverman, 2nd edition, 2009, Springer Graduate Text in Mathematics 106
- Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, J.H. Silverman, J. Tate, (second printing), Undergraduate Text, Springer 1992, Review, William R. Hearst III; Kenneth A. Ribet, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (1994), 248-252, Errata
- Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, J.H. Silverman, Graduate Text 151, Springer, 1994, Errata
- A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, J.H. Silverman, Prentice Hall, Fall 1996
- Introduction to Arakelov Theory, S. Lang, Springer 1988, Review, Joseph H. Silverman, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 171-176
- Raivydas Šimėnas
- Denis Simon
- Aleksander Simonič
- Christopher Sinclair
- Saurabh Kumar Singh
- Kaneenika Sinha
- Jonah Sinick
- Matti K. Sinisalo
- Warren Sinnott
- Nicolás Sirolli
- Olof Sisask
- Sankar Sitaraman
- Jimena Sivak-Fischler
- Matthew Skerrit
- Christopher Skinner
- Marius Skałba
- Berit Skjernaa
- Howard Skogman
- Alexei Skorobogatov
- Nils-Peter Skoruppa
- Ladislav Skula
- Neil Sloane
- Lejla Smajlović
- Nigel Smart
- Bart de Smit
- Reken mee met ABC (Bart de Smit, Gillien Geuze), Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (5th series) 8 (2007), 26-30
- Alexander Smith
- Barry Smith
- Ben Smith
- Ethan C. Smith
- Geoffrey Degener Smith
- Hanson Smith
- Chris Smyth
- Around the unit circle, James McKee, Chris Smyth, Springer Universitext, 2021
- Ramanujan's tau function τ(n) for n up to 1,000,000 (Chris Smyth)
- Number Theory and Polynomials, Ed. James McKee, Chris Smyth, Series: London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 352, May 2008, CUP
- Nina Snaith
- Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory, Brian Conrey, David Farmer, F. Mezzadri, Nina Snaith, LMS Lecture notes 341, CUP 2007
- Recent Perspectives in Random Matrix Theory and Number Theory, Ed. F. Mezzadri, Nina Snaith, LMS Lecture notes 322, CUP 2005
- Random matrix theory and zeta functions, PhD thesis, Nina Snaith, University of Bristol 2000 (ps 3162K)
- Noah Snyder
- Anders Södergren
- Adriana Sofer
- Efthymios Sofos
- Ivan Soldo
- Ragnar Soleng
- David Solomon
- Jozsef Solymosi
- Anna Somoza
- Jack Sonn
- Keiju Sono
- Vijay Sookdeo
- Claus Sorensen
- Jon Sorenson
- Florence Soriano-Gafiuk
- K. Soundararajan
- Finite Fields, with Applications to Combinatorics, Kannan Soundararajan, AMS Student Mathematical Library, Volume 99, 2022
- Tao's resolution of the Erdös discrepancy problem, K. Soundararajan, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. September 11, 2017
- Mathematicians Discover Prime Conspiracy
- Notes on additive combinatorics K. Soundararajan
- Notes on transcendental number theory (Math 249A, 2010), K. Soundararajan
- Small gaps between prime numbers: The work of Goldston-Pintz-Yildirim, K. Soundararajan, Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc. 44 (2007), 1-18
- Athanasios Sourmelidis
- Gökhan Soydan
- Gerson Sparer
- Craig Spencer
- Joel Spencer
- Lukas Spiegelhofer
- Jürgen Spilker
- Florin Spinu
- Johannes Sprang
- Florian (Ian) Sprung
- Ramesh Sreekantan
- Anitha Srinivasan
- Anupam Srivastav
- Priyamvad Srivastav
- Eric Stade
- Hayden Stainsby
- Katherine Stange
- Pantelimon Stanica
- Jim Stankewicz
- Valeriia Starichkova
- Harold Stark
- An introduction to number theory, H. Stark, Markham 1970
- Alexander Stasinski
- Ander Steele
- Damien Stehlé
- Andreas Stein
- William Stein
- Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis, Barry Mazur, William Stein, CUP 2016, MAA Review
- Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets, William Stein, Undergraduate Text, Springer 2009 (freely available online)
- What is Riemann's Hypothesis? (Barry Mazur and William Stein)
- Math 583 at University of Washington: The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, lecture course (William Stein)
- Average ranks of elliptic curves: tension between data and conjecture, Baur Bektemirov, Barry Mazur, William Stein, Mark Watkins, Bull. American Math. Soc. 44, 233-254, 2007; also see experimental data
- Modular Forms, a Computational Approach, William Stein, Graduate Studies in Mathematics 79, AMS March 2007
- SAGE, Software for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation (William Stein)
- Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory, course notes by William Stein
- Algebraic number theory course book (William Stein)
- William Stein's photos of various number theorists
- An explicit approach to elementary number theory (Course notes by William Stein)
- Explicit approaches to modular abelian varieties, PhD thesis, William Stein, Berkeley 2000
- Modular forms database, by William Stein
- Modular Forms and Hecke Operators Course (Ken Ribet and William A. Stein)
- The Congruent Number Problem (William Stein)
- Raphael Steiner
- Wolfgang Steiner
- Rustam Steingart
- Misja F.A. Steinmetz
- Lee Stemkoski
- Serguei Stepanov
- Codes on Algebraic Curves, S.A. Stepanov, Kluwer 1999
- Number Theory and Its Applications, Ed. Y.C. Yıldırın, S.A. Stepanov, Marcel Dekker 1998
- Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves, S.A. Stepanov, Kluwer 1994, Review by J.H. Silverman, Bull.AMS 33 (1996), 251-254
- Jacques Stern
- Leonid Stern
- Jörn Steuding
- Hurwitz's Lectures on the Number Theory of Quaternions, Nicola Oswald, Jörn Steuding, AMS 2023
- From Arithmetic to Zeta-Functions, Number Theory in Memory of Wolfgang Schwarz, Ed. Jürgen Sander, Jörn Steuding, Rasa Steuding, Springer, 2016
- Diophantine Analysis: Course Notes from a Summer School, Editor: Jön Steuding, Birkhäuser, 2016
- Elementare Zahlentheorie, Nicola Oswald, Jörn Steuding, Springer Lerhbuch XIII, 2015
- The mathematical work of Antanas Laurinčikas - an interim report, J. Steuding, Šiauliai Mathematical Seminar, Volume 3 (2008) 7-51
- Voronin Universality Theorem (Jörn Steuding-MathWorld)
- Value Distributions of L-Functions, Jörn Steuding, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1877, Springer, April 2007
- Diophantine analysis, Jörn Steuding, CRC Press/ Chapman & Hall, Boca Raton, 2005
- Peter Stevenhagen
- Review by Hendrik Lenstra and Peter Stevenhagen of Solving the Pell Equation, Michael Jacobson Jr., Hugh Williams, CMS Books in Mathematics, Springer 2009
- Algorithmic Number Theory, Edited by Joe P. Buhler and Peter Stevenhagen, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications, December 2008 CUP, also see Preliminary version
- Number rings, local fields, elliptic curves, lecture notes by Peter Stevenhagen
- Glenn Stevens
- Famous Functions in Number Theory, Bowen Kerins, Darryl Yong, Al Cuoco, Glenn Stevens, IAS/PCMI--The Teacher Program Series, Volume 3, 2015
- Elementary Theory of L-functions and Eisenstein Series, H. Hida, LMS Lecture Notes 26, CUP 1993, Review, Glenn Stevens, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 67-71
- Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem, G. Cornell, J.H. Silverman, G. Stevens (Editors), Springer 1997 (Review: Kevin Buzzard)
- p-Adic Monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, G. Stevens, B. Mazur, Contemporary Mathematics 165, AMS 1994
- Shaun Stevens
- Cameron Stewart
- Henning Stichtenoth
- John Stillwell
- Jakob Stix
- Kenneth Stolarsky
- Michael Stoll
- Explicit Methods in Number Theory Rational Points and Diophantine Equations, Karim Belabas, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Pierrick Gaudry, Michael Stoll, Mark Watkins, William McCallum & Bjorn Poonen, Frits Beukers, Samir Siksek, Panoramas et synthèses 36 (2012)
- Introductory Number Theory (Course notes by Michael Stoll)
- Descent on Elliptic Curves (Course notes by Michael Stoll)
- Programs (Ratpoints, J-points), Ratpoints finds rational points on hyperelliptic curves, J-points searches for rational points on the Jacobian of a genus 2 curve (Michael Stoll)
- Elliptische Kurven I/II, (Lecture notes in German by Michael Stoll)
- Thomas Stoll
- Jeffrey Stopple
- Matthias Storzer
- Armin Straub
- Oto Strauch
- Marco Streng
- Roel Stroeker
- Fredrik Strömberg
- Andreas Strömbergsson
- Ulrich Stuhler
- Joshua Stucky
- Robert Styer
- Hiroki Sumida-Takahashi
- Qingfeng Sun
- Zhi-Hong Sun
- Zhi-Wei Sun
- New Conjectures in Number Theory and Combinatorics (in Chinese), Zhi-Wei Sun, Harbin Institute of Technology Press, 2021, ISBN:978-7-5603-4378-5. This book consists of 13 chapters, and contains 820 open conjectures in number theory and combinatorics posed by the author.
- Zhi-Wei Sun's square conjecture with prize
- Conjectures on Representations Involving Primes, Zhi-Wei Sun
- The 24-conjecture with $2400 prize (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Some mysterious representations of integers, a message to Number Theory Mailing List, October 25, 2015
- Problems on combinatorial properties of primes (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Super Twin Prime Conjecture, a message to the Number Theory List, Feb. 6, 2014, from Zhi-Wei Sun
- Unification of Goldbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture, a message to Number Theory List, January 29, 2014 from Zhi-Wei Sun
- Some new problems in additive combinatorics, Zhi-Wei Sun
- On some determinants with Legendre symbol entries, Zhi-Wei Sun
- Conjectures involving arithmetical sequences, Zhi-Wei Sun
- Combinatorial Number Theory in China (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- List of conjectural series for powers of π and other constants (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Open Conjectures on Congruences (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Mixed sums of primes and other terms (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Groups and Combinatorial Number Theory, a survey by Zhi-Wei Sun (pdf)
- Covering Systems, Restricted Sumsets, Zero-sum Problems and their Unification (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Introduction to Bernoulli and Euler polynomials (Zhi-Wei Sun) (pdf file)
- Ade Irma Suriajaya
- Andrea Surroca
- B. Sury
- The congruence subgroup problem - an elementary approach aimed at applications,, TRIM Series, Vol. 24, Hindustan Book Agency
- Andrew Sutherland
- LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Ed. John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, Contemporary Mathematics 796, AMS 2024
- The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database, John E. Cremona, John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight, AMS Notices October, 2021
- Narrow admissible Tuples (related to
the Polymath project on prime gaps) (Andrew Sutherland)
- Partition class polynomials (Andrew Sutherland)
- Weber modular polynomials (Andrew Sutherland)
- Classical Modular Polynomials (Andrew Sutherland)
- Slides from Oberwolfach lecture series "Sieve theory and small gaps between primes" on the Polymath8 project on prime gaps
- Sato-Tate distributions (Lecture notes from the 2016 Arizona Winter School) Andrew Sutherland
- 18.785 Number Theory I (MIT, Fall 2019) (Andrew Sutherland)
- The sum-of-three-cubes for the number 3 has been solved by Andrew Booker and Andrew Sutherland
- 18.783 Elliptic Curves (MIT, Spring 2019) (Andrew Sutherland)
- Order Computations in Generic Groups, PhD thesis, Andrew V. Sutherland, MIT June 2007, Thesis abstract
- Eeva Suvitie
- Masatoshi Suzuki
- Cathy Swaenepoel
- Holly Swisher
- Sylla Lesseni
- Autour d'une conjecture de B. Gross relative à l'existence de corps de nombres de groupe de Galois non résoluble et ramifiés en un unique premier p petit, PhD, Sylla Lesseni, Université Bordeaux, 2005
- László Szalay
- Endre Szemerédi
- Bogdan Szydlo
- Lenny Taelman
- Yuichiro Taguchi
- Tetsuya Takahashi
- Shuichiro Takeda
- Ramin Takloo-Bighash
- A Pythagorean Introduction to Number Theory: Right Triangles, Sums of Squares, and Arithmetic, Ramin Takloo-Bighash, Springer, 2018
- Review by Ramin Takloo-Bighash of Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group, Volume I, by Dorian Goldfeld
- An Invitation to Modern Number Theory, Steven Miller, Ramin Takloo-Bighash, Princeton University Press 2006
- Valerio Talamanca
- Alan Talmage
- Akio Tamagawa
- Matteo Tamiozzo
- Victor Tan
- Naomi Tanabe
- Takaaki Tanaka
- Tatsushi Tanaka
- Yunqing Tang
- Brett Tangedal
- Yoshio Tanigawa
- Takashi Taniguchi
- Terence Tao
- Mohammed Taous
- Koji Tasaka
- B.G. Tasoev
- Roberto Tauraso
- Hisao Taya
- Graeme Taylor
- Martin Taylor
- Martin Taylor (Wikipedia)
- L-Functions in Arithmetic, Ed. J.H. Coates, M.J. Taylor, LMS Lecture Notes 153, CUP 1991
- Algebraic Number Theory, A. Fröhlich and M. Taylor, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 27, CUP 1992
- Elliptic functions and rings of integers, Ph. Cassou-Noguès and M.J. Taylor, Progress in Mathematics 66, Birkhäuser 1987, Review by Ted Chinburg
- Richard Taylor
- Modular Arithmetic: Driven by Inherent Beauty and Human Curiosity, Richard Taylor
- Henryk Iwaniec, Peter Sarnak and Richard Taylor receive the 7th Ostrowski Prize
- Galois Representations in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Ed. A.J. Scholl, R.L. Taylor, LMS Lecture Notes 254, CUP 1998
- The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties, M. Harris, R. Taylor, Annals of Mathematics Studies 151, Princeton University Press, 2001
- Marc Technau
- Niclas Technau
- Jeremy Teitelbaum
- Obituary of Oliver Atkin, Jeremy Teitelbaum, Notices of the AMS, 56, April 2009
- Review of Prime numbers: A computational perspective Reviewer: Jeremy Teitelbaum
- Book Review of Fourier analysis on number fields, D. Ramakrishnan, R.J. Valenza (by Jeremy Teitelbaum)
- Computational Perspectives on Number Theory: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of A. O. L. Atkin, Ed. D. A. Buell, J. T. Teitelbaum, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol 7, 1998
- Nicolas Templier
- Gérald Tenenbaum
- Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory, Gérald Tenenbaum, third edition, Graduate Studies in Mathematics 163, AMS 2015 MAA Review
- Prime Numbers and their distribution, G. Tenenbaum, M. Mendès France, AMS 1999
- A Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erdös, K. Alladi, P.D.T.A. Elliott, A. Granville, G. Tenenbaum, Vol 1, Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer 1998
- Exercicés Corrigis de Théorie Analytique et Probabiliste des Nombres, G. Tenenbaum, Cours Spécialisés - Collection SMF 1997
- Divisors, Richard R. Hall, Gérald Tenenbaum, Cambridge Tract 90, CUP 2008, Review, Adolf Hildebrand Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (1990), 159-165
- Les Nombres Premiers, G. Tenenbaum, M. Mendes France, Que Sais-je? N° 571, PUF 1997, ISBN 2-13-048399-2
- Szabolcs Tengely
- Joni Teräväinen
- Guy Terjanian
- David Terr
- Lea Terracini
- Audrey Terras
- Zeta Functions of Graphs, Audrey Terras, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics (No. 128) 2010, Review by Laurent Bartholdi
- Fourier analysis on finite abelian groups and applications, A. Terras, LMS Student Texts, CUP 1999
- Families of Automorphic Forms, R.W. Bruggeman, Monographs in Mathematics, Volume 88, Birkhäuser 1994, Review, Audrey A. Terras, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (1996), 77-80
- Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces and applications, Vols. I, II, Springer 1985, 1988
- Edlyn Teske
- Damiano Testa
- Yuri Teterin
- Francisco Thaine
- Dinesh Thakur
- Ravindranathan Thangadurai
- Holger Then
- Nicolas Thériault
- Nguyen Xuan Tho
- Lara Thomas
- Lola Thompson
- Frank Thorne
- Book Reviews: An introduction to sieve methods and their applications (Alina Carmen Cojocaru and M. Ram Murty); Opera de cribro (John Friedlander and Henryk Iwaniec) reviewed by Frank Thorne
- Jack Thorne
- Jesse Thorner
- Jeff Thunder
- Jörg Thuswaldner
- Ye Tian
- Robert Tichy
- Diophantine Approximation, Festschrift for Wolfgang Schmidt, Ed. Robert Tichy, Hans Peter Schlickewei, Klaus Schmidt, Developments in Mathematics, 16, Springer 2008
- Robert F. Tichy: 50 Years - The Unreasonable Effectiveness of a Number Theorist
- Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference, held in Graz, Austria, August 30-September 5, 1998 Editors: Franz Halter-Koch, Robert F. Tichy
- Sequences, discrepancies and applications, R.F. Tichy, M. Drmota, Lecture Notes in Mathematic 1651, Springer 1997
- Robert Tijdeman
- Combinatorial and Analytic Number Theory, (Robert Tijdeman 2007)
- Transcendental Numbers, A.B. Shidlovskii, Studies in Mathematics 12, De Gruyter 1989, Review, R. Tijdeman, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 445-453
- Exponential Diophantine Equations, T.N. Shorey and R. Tijdeman, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 87, CUP 1987, Review, J. L. Brenner, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 145-146
- Jacques Tilouine
- p-Adic Aspects of Modular Forms, Edited by Baskar Balasubramanyam, Haruzo Hida, A. Raghuram, Jacques Tilouine, World Scientific 2016
- Formes Automorphes (II): Le Cas Du Groupe GSp(4), Ed. Jacques Tilouine, Henri Carayol, Michael Harris and Marie-France Vigneras, Astérisque 302, 2005
- Alain Togbe
- Toh Pee Choon
- Seiji Tomita
- Jaap Top
- Berke Topacogullari
- Manfred Toplic
- Lucas Villagra Torcomian
- Gonzalo Tornaría
- Rebecca Torrey
- Árpád Tóth
- László Tóth
- Erik Tou
- Christopher Towse
- Adam Towsley
- Ha Thanh Nguyen Tran
- Sarah Trebat-Leder
- Stephanie Treneer
- Paula Tretkoff (Paula Cohen)
- Enrique Treviño
- Mak Trifkovic
- Ognian Trifonov
- Fabien Trihan
- Salvatore Tringali
- Amitabha Tripathi
- Marina Tripolitaki
- Emanuele Tron
- Sebastiano Tronto
- Lee Troupe
- Timothy Trudgian
- Kai-Man Tsang
- Yuri Tschinkel
- Analytic Number Theory: A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet, Ed. William Duke, Yuri Tschinkel, Clay Mathematics Proceedings 7, AMS 2007
- Eisenstein Series and Applications, Wee Teck Gan, Stephen S. Kudla, Yuri Tschinkel (Eds.) Progress in Mathematics 258, Birkhäuser 2007
- About the cover: On the distribution of primes-Gauss' tables, Yuri Tschinkel, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 43 (2006), 89-91
- Geometric Methods in Algebra and Number Theory, Fedor Bogomolov, Yuri Tschinkel (Eds.) Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 235 , Birkhäuser 2005
- Ari/thmetic of higher-dimensional algebraic varieties, Yuri Tschinkel, Bjorn Poonen, Progress in Mathematics 226, Birkhäuser 2003
- Rational Points on Algebraic Varieties, E. Peyre, Y. Tschinkel, Progress in Mathematics 199, Birkhäuser 2002
- Michael Tsfasman
- Algebraic-Geometric Codes, M.A. Tsfasman, S.G. Vladut, Kluwer 1991
- Wei-Lun Tsai
- Jacob Tsimerman
- Kwok-Wing Tsoi
- Takeshi Tsuji
- Hirofumi Tsumura
- Fang-Ting Tu
- Amanda Tucker
- Thomas Tucker
- Jan Tuitman
- Jerrold Tunnell
- Math 574, (An introduction to rational points on elliptic curves through examples of interesting elliptic curves), Jerrold Tunnell
- Amos Turchet
- Sándor Turjányi
- Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh
- Nikolaos Tzanakis
- Pavlos Tzermias (email only)
- Masao Tsuzuki
- Nobuo Tsuzuki
- Maciej Ulas
- Stephen Ullom
- Douglas Ulmer
- Explicit Arithmetic of Jacobians of Generalized Legendre Curves Over Global Function Fields, Lisa Berger, Chris Hall, Rene Pannekoek, Rachel Pries, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Douglas Ulmer, Jennifer Park, Memoirs of the AMS 1295, AMS 2020
- Atsuki Umegaki
- Eric Urban
- Roman Urban
- Alexey Vladimirovich Ustinov
- Osmanbey Uzunkol
- Jeff Vaaler
- Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Wai Kiu Chan, Lenny Fukshansky, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Contemporary Mathematics 587 AMS 2013
- The Markhoff and Lagrange Spectra, T.W. Cusick, M.E. Flahive, CBMS Monograph 30, AMS 1989, Review, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 24 (1991), 419-424
- Keijo Väänänen
- Marian Vajaitu
- Maria Valentino
- Brigitte Vallée
- Frank Vallentin
- Daniel Vallières
- Joseph Vandehey
- Ilan Vardi
- Firmin Varescon
- Nóra Varga
- Ila Varma
- Juan Luis Varona
- Recorridos por la Teoría de Números, Juan Luis Varona, second edition 2019, Electolibris (the publishing house has closed permanently and the book is now available
free for downloading.)
- Leonid Vaserstein
- Oleg Nikolaevich Vasilenko
- Adrian Vasiu
- Vinayak Vatsal
- Akshaa Vatwani
- Robert Vaughan
- Waring's Problem: A Survey, R.C. Vaughan and T.D. Wooley
- Analytic Number Theory, Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth, Ed. William Chen, Timothy Gowers, Heini Halberstam, Wolfgang Schmidt, Robert Vaughan, CUP 2009
- Multiplicative Number Theory I, H.L. Montgomery, R.C. Vaughan, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 97, CUP, September 2012,
MAA Review
- The Hardy-Littlewood Method, R.C. Vaughan (2nd Edn) Cambridge Tract 125, CUP 1997
- Additive Number Theory of Polynomials over a Finite Field, D.R. Hayes and G.W. Effinger, OUP 1991, Review, R. C. Vaughan, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 28 (1993), 209-212
- Tony Vazzana
- Valentina Vega
- Sanju Velani
- William Vélez
- Rodolpho Venerucci
- Otmar Venjakob
- Iwasawa Theory 2012, Eds. Thanasis Bouganis, Otmar Venjakob, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 7, Springer 2014,
- Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjectures over Totally Real Fields, Ed. John Coates, Peter Schneider, Sujatha Ramdorai, Otmar Venjakob, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 29, 2013
- Guhan Venkat
- Akshay Venkatesh
- Francesco Veneziano
- Alexei Venkov
- Xavier Taixés i Ventosa
- Frederik Vercauteren
- Jean-Louis Verger-Gaugry
- Helena Verrill
- Matteo Verzobio
- Don Vestal
- Wim Veys
- Evelina Viada
- Maryna Viazovska
- Xavier Vidaux
- Marie-France Vignéras
- Formes Automorphes (II): Le Cas Du Groupe GSp(4), Ed. Jacques Tilouine, Henri Carayol, Michael Harris and Marie-France Vigneras, Astérisque 302, 2005
- Arithmétique des algères de quaternions, Marie-France Vigneras, Springer Lecture Notes 800, 1980
- Stefano Vigni
- Fernando Rodriguez Villegas
- Stéphane Vinatier
- Christelle Vincent
- Carlo Viola
- Bianca Viray
- Cristian Virdol
- Pankaj Vishe
- Solomon Vishkautsan
- Vanessa Vitse
- Masha Vlasenko
- Isabel Vogt
- John Voight
- LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Ed. John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, Contemporary Mathematics 796, AMS 2024
- Quaternion algebras, John Voight, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 288, Springer 2021, MAA review
- The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database, John E. Cremona, John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight, AMS Notices October, 2021
- Elliptic Curves, Hilbert Modular Forms and Galois Deformations, L. Berger, G. Böckle, L. Dembélé, M. Dimitrov, T. Dokchitser, J. Voight, Birkhäuser, 2013
- Perfect numbers - an elementary introduction, John Voight
- Seminar notes: Aspects of complex multiplication (Don Zagier), An introduction to group schemes (René Schoof), notes by John Voight
- Paul Vojta
- Arithmetic Geometry, Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, September 10-15, 2007, Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, Paul Vojta, Pietro Corvaja, Carlo Gasbarri (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2009, 2010
- Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, (Eds. J.-L. Colliot-Thelene, K. Kato, P. Vojta, E. Ballico), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1553, Springer 1993
- Diophantine Approximations and Value Distribution Theory, P. Vojta, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1239, Springer 1987
- Topics in Nevanlinna Theory, S. Lang, W. Cherry, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1433, Springer NY 1990, Review, Paul Vojta, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 26 (1992), 153-157
- Ulrich Vollmer
- Felipe Voloch
- Jan Vonk
- Ulrike Vorhauer
- Marios Voskou
- Sergei Vostokov
- Algebraic Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry, Papers dedicated to A.N. Parshin on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Ed. S. Vostokov, Y. Zahrin, Contemporary Mathematics 300, AMS 2002
- Local Fields and Their Extensions, (Second Edition) I.B. Fesenko, S.V. Vostokov, 2001
- Local Fields and Their Extensions: A Constructive Approach, I. Fesenko, S.V. Vostokov, Translations of Mathematical Monographs 121, AMS 1993
- Paul Voutier
- Paul Vrbik
- Maxim Vsemirnov
- Lawrence Vu
- Van Vu
- Borna Vukorepa
- Stephan Wagner
- Samuel Wagstaff Jr.
- The Joy of Factoring, Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr., Student Mathematical Library 68, January 2014, AMS
- Sums of Squares of Integers, Carlos J. Moreno, Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr., Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 37, CRC Press 2005
- Cryptanalysis of Number Theoretic Ciphers, Samuel S. Wagstaff Jr., Mikhail J. Atallah, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2002
- The New Book of Prime Number Records, 3rd Edition, P. Ribenboim, Springer 1996, Review of first edition, S. S. Wagstaff Jr., Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 365-369
- Factorizations of bn±1, b= 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 up to high powers (second edition) John Brillhart, D. H. Lehmer, J. L. Selfridge, Bryant Tuckerman, and S. S. Wagstaff, Jr. Contemporary Mathematics 22, AMS 1988.
- Lucas pseudoprimes (Robert Baillie and Samuel Wagstaff Jr.)
- Strengthening the Baillie-PSW Primality Test, Robert Baillie, Andrew Fiori, and Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr.
- Isao Wakabayashi
- Satoshi Wakatsuki
- Preston Wake
- Matthias Waldherr
- Michel Waldschmidt
- Continued fractions, Michel Waldschmidt
- Autour de l'équation de Markoff, Slides by Michel Waldschmidt, September 2009
- Cours de théorie des nombres, notes by Michel Waldschmidt
- Michel Waldschmidt's lecture notes on L'équation dite de Pell-Fermat and Équations Diophantiennes
- An introduction to irrationality and transcendence methods, course and project outline, draft lecture notes for lectures 1, 2, 3, 5, Arizona Winter School 2008, Michel Waldschmidt
- Introduction to Diophantine methods: irrationality and transcendence, course notes by Michel Waldschmidt
- Questions d'irrationalité (et de transcendance): hier et aujourd'hui, (Michel Waldschmidt)
- Multiple Zeta Values and Euler-Zagier Numbers, etc. (Michel Waldschmidt)
- Linear Independence Measures for Logarithms of Algebraic Numbers, Cetraro lectures of Michel Waldschmidt, July 2000)
- Diophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic Groups, M. Waldschmidt, Grundlehren Series 326, Springer 2000
- Number Theory, Proceedings of the January 1996 Ramanujan Society Conference in Tiruchirapalli, India, Edited by: V. Kumar Murty, Michel Waldschmidt, Contemporary Mathematics 210
- From Number Theory to Physics, (ed. M. Waldschmidt, et al), Springer 1992
- Cinquante Ans de Polynômes, (ed. M. Waldschmidt, M. Langevin), Springer 1990
- Nombres transcendants, M. Waldschmidt, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 402, Springer 1974
- Jean-Loup Waldspurger
- Nahid Walji
- Aled Walker
- Rolfe Wallisser
- Gary Walsh
- Miguel Nicolas Walsh
- Colin Walter
- Paul van Wamelen
- Daqing Wan
- Huaxiong Wang
- Tzu-Yueh Julie Wang
- Xiaoheng Wang
- Xiyuan Wang
- Yuan Wang
- Yuan Wang (Wikipedia)
- Selected papers of Wang Yuan, (Ed.) Wang Yuan, World Scientific 2005
- The Goldbach Conjecture, Ed. Yuan Wang, World Scientific 2002
- Hua Loo-Keng, a Biography, Wang Yuan, Springer 1998 (no longer listed by Springer)
- Applications of Number Theory to Numerical Analysis, L.-K. Hua, W. Yuan, Springer 1981
- Number Theory and its Applications in China, Wang Yuan, Yang Chung-chun, and Pan Chengbiao, editors, AMS 1988.
- Diophantine Equations and Inequalities in Algebraic Number Fields, Wang Yuan, Springer 1991
- Number-theoretic Methods in Statistics, W. Yuan, K-T Fang, Chapman and Hall 1994
- Kenneth Ward
- Thomas Ward
- Dynamics: Topology and Numbers, Ed. Pieter Moree, Anke Pohl, L'ubomír Snoha, Tom Ward, Contempory Mathematics 744, AMS, 2020
- A Journey Through The Realm of Numbers, Menny Aka, Manfred Einsiedler, Thomas Ward, Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series, 2020, MAA review
- Ergodic Theory: with a view towards Number Theory, Manfred Einsiedler and Thomas Ward, (a project that aims to develop enough of the basic machinery of ergodic theory to describe some of the recent applications of ergodic theory to number theory), Springer 2011
- An Introduction to Number Theory, G. Everest, T. Ward, Graduate Text 232, Springer 2005
- Recurrence sequences, G. Everest, A.J. van der Poorten, I. Shparlinski, T. Ward, AMS Surveys and Monographs 104
- Heights of Polynomials and Entropy in Algebraic Dynamics, G. Everest, T. Ward, Springer 1999
- Ole Warnaar
- Lawrence Washington
- Elementary Number Theory, James S. Kraft, Larry Washington, CRC Press 2018, second edition
- Elliptic Curves: Number Theory and Cryptography, Lawrence C. Washington, Chapman Hall/CRC 2003
- Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields, 2nd ed., Lawrence C. Washington, Graduate Text, Springer 1997
- Tadashi Washio
- Takao Watanabe
- Mark Watkins
- Explicit Methods in Number Theory Rational Points and Diophantine Equations, Karim Belabas, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Pierrick Gaudry, Michael Stoll, Mark Watkins, William McCallum & Bjorn Poonen, Frits Beukers, Samir Siksek, Panoramas et synthèses 36 (2012)
- Average ranks of elliptic curves: tension between data and conjecture, Baur Bektemirov, Barry Mazur, William Stein, Mark Watkins, Bull. American Math. Soc. posted February 15, 2007
- Matthew Watkins
- Chester Weatherby
- John Webb
- William Webb
- Benne de Weger
- Bin Wei
- Fu-Tsun Wei
- Jamie Weigandt
- Peter Jay Weinberger
- Andreas Weingartner
- Jared Weinstein
- Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, Annals of Mathematics Studies Volume 207, 2020
- Perfectoid Spaces: Lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School, Editors and authors, Bryden Cais, Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 242, 2019
- Reciprocity laws and Galois representations: recent breakthroughs, Jared Weinstein, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 53 (2016), 1-39
- Colin Weir
- Alfred Weiss
- The Lifted Root Number Conjecture and Iwasawa Theory, J. Ritter, A. Weiss, Memoirs of the AMS 157, AMS 2002
- Multiplicative Galois Module Structure, Afred Weiss, Fields Institute Monographs 6 1996, Review, Cornelius Greither, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 173-176
- Rainer Weissauer
- Marty Weissman
- Michael Welter
- Lin Weng
- Zeta Functions of Reductive Groups and Their Zeros, Lin Weng, World Scientific, 2018
- The Conference on L-functions, Fukuoka, February 18-23 2006, Ed. Lin Weng, Masanobu Kaneko, World Scientific 2007
- Arithmetic geometry and number theory, Ed. Lin Weng, Iku Nakamura, Series on Number Theory and its application 1
- Mckenzie West
- Tom Weston
- Stefan Wewers
- Paul-James White
- Ian Whitehead
- Martin Widmer
- Kazimierz Wiertelak
- Gabor Wiese
- Igor Wigman
- Norman Wildberger
- Andrew Wiles
- Cassie Williams
- Hugh Williams
- The Lucas Sequences, Theory and Applications, Christian J.-C. Ballot, Hugh C. Williams, Springer 2023
- Cubic fields with geometry, Sam A. Hambleton and Hugh C. Williams, Springer 2018
- The Life and Numbers of Richard Guy, a video by Hugh Williams at CNTA 2016
- Solving the Pell Equation, Michael Jacobson Jr., Hugh Williams, CMS Books in Mathematics, Springer 2009
- Public-Key Cryptography and Computational Number Theory, Ed. K. Alster, J. Urbanowicz, H.C. Williams, de Gruyter 2001
- Édouard Lucas and Primality Testing, Hugh C. Williams, Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts 22, Wiley 1998
- Daniel Shanks (1917-1996), (H.C. Williams) Notices of the AMS, August 1997
- Kenneth Williams
- Advances in the Theory of Numbers, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, Eds. Ayşe Alaca, Şaban Alaca, Kenneth Williams, Springer 2015
- Number Theory in the Spirit of Liouville, Kenneth S. Williams, London Mathematical Society Student Texts (No. 76) 2010
- Lambert series and Liouville's identities, A. Alaca, Ş. Alaca, E. McAfee, K. S. Williams, Dissertationes Mathematicae, 445 (2007)
- The Collected Papers of Sarvadaman Chowla, (Vols 1-3), Ed. James Huard, Kenneth Williams, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques , Université de Montréal, 2000
- Introductory Algebraic Number Theory, Şaban Alaca, Kenneth Williams, CUP 2004
- Congruences for L-Functions, J.Urbanowicz, K.S. Williams, Mathematics and its Applications, 511, Kluwer 2000
- Gauss and Jacobi Sums, B.C. Berndt, R.J. Evans, K.S. Williams, Wiley, Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts 21, 1998
- Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, Ed. R. Gupta, K.S. Williams, AMS 1999
- Kay Wingberg
- Arne Winterhof
- Günther Wirsching
- Daniel Wisniewski
- Amin Witno
- Olivier Wittenberg
- Christiaan van de Woestijne
- Julia Wolf
- Marek Wolf (contains some conjectures on the gaps between consecutive primes)
- Jürgen Wolfart
- John Wolfskill
- Dieter Wolke
- Tom Womack
- Peng-Jie Wong
- Siman Wong
- Deformation of Galois Representations and Modular Forms, Lecture notes of Barry Mazur by Chuck Doran and Siman Wong, International Press, Harvard 1995
- Melanie Matchett Wood
- Chris Woodcock
- Kjell Wooding
- Alan Woods
- Trevor Wooley
- Tom Wright
- Han Wu
- Jie Wu
- Gisbert Wüstholz
- Transcendence and Linear Relations of 1-Periods, Annette Huber, Gisbert Wüstholz, CUP 2022
- Arithmetic and Geometry: Ten Years in Alpbach, Ed. Gisbert Wüstholz, Clemens Fuchs, Annals of Mathematics Studies 202, Princeton University Press, 2019
- Logarithmic Forms and Diophantine Geometry, Alan Baker, Gisbert Wüstholz, New Mathematical Monographs (No. 9), CUP 2008
- A Panorama of Number Theory or the View from Baker's Garden, Ed. G. Wüstholz, CUP 2002
- Rational Points, G. Faltings, G. Wüstholz, Aspects of Mathematics 6, 1998, Vieweg
- Christian Wuthrich
- Xavier Xarles
- Ping Xi
- Xia Honggang
- Xia Xianwei
- Zhengyu Xiang
- Liang Xiao
- Bingyong Xie
- Chaoping Xing
- Maosheng Xiong
- Zhao Xu
- Andrei Yafaev
- Rod Yager
- Tomohiro Yamada
- Shuntaro Yamagishi
- Ken Yamamura
- Go Yamashita
- Takao Yamazaki
- Song Yan
- Jae-Hyun Yang
- Yang Siman
- Tonghai Yang
- Yi-Fan Yang
- Yanjun Yao
- Zijian Yao
- Dan Yasaki
- Seidai Yasuda
- Pavlo Yatsyna
- Soroosh Yazdani
- Dongxi Ye
- Yangbo Ye
- Jeffrey Yelton
- Nadav Yesha
- Cem Yalçin Yıldırım
- Linsheng Yin
- Hieo Yokoi
- Hwajong Yoo
- Jeewon Yoo
- Dong Sung Yoon
- Matthew Young
- Paul Young
- Hiroyuki Yoshida
- Manabu Yoshida
- Kentaro Yoshitomi
- Chia-Fu Yu
- Jing Yu
- Jiu-Kang Yu
- Kunrui Yu
- Myungjun Yu
- Jin Yuan
- Pingzhi Yuan
- Xinyi Yuan
- David Yuen
- Noriko Yui
- Review of A course in p-adic analysis, A.M. Robert (Reviewer N. Yui) Bulletin AMS 39, 113-119, 2002
- Arithmetic of Diagonal Hypersurfaces over Finite Fields, F.Q. Gouvêa, N. Yui, LMS Lecture Notes 209, CUP, 1995, ISBN 0-521-49834-1
- Advances in Number Theory, (ed. F. Gouvêa, N. Yui), Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, 1991, Kingston, OUP 1993
- Akihiko Yukie
- Gergely Zábrádi
- Alessandro Zaccagnini
- Don Zagier
- Period Functions for Maass Wave Forms and Cohomology, R. Bruggemann, J. Lewis, D. Zagier, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 237, AMS 2015
- The 1-2-3 of Modular Forms, Bruinier, J.H., van der Geer, G., Harder, G., Zagier, D., Springer Universitext 2008
- Zetafunktionen und quadratische Körper, Eine Einführung in die höhere Zahlentheorie, Don Zagier, Springer 1981
- Alexandru Zaharescu
- Review by Alexandru Zaharescu of Analytic number theory by Henryk Iwaniec and Emmanuel Kowalski
- Jahan Zahid
- Mohamed Zahidi
- Maciej Zakarczemny
- Asif Zaman
- Umberto Zannier
- Applications of Diophantine Approximation to Integral Points and Transcendence, Pietro Corvaja, Umberto Zannier, Cambridge Tract 212, 2018
- Introductory Notes on Valuation Rings and Function Fields in One Variable, Renata Scognamillo, Umberto Zannier, Springer 2014
- On Some Applications of Diophantine Approximations, a translation of C.L. Siegel's Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen, with a commentary by C. Fuchs and U. Zannier, Birkhäuser 2014
- Some Problems of Unlikely Intersections in Arithmetic and Geometry, Umberto Zannier, with appendices by David Masser, Princeton University Press 2012, Review by Joe Silverman
- Diophantine Approximation, Ed. Francesco Amoroso, Umberto Zannier, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1819, Springer 2003
- Leonardo Zapponi
- Yuri Zarhin
- Abdelkader Zekhnini
- Shaul Zemel
- Gilles Zémor
- Jiang Zeng
- Adrián Zenteno
- Sarah Livia Zerbes
- Elena Nikolaevna Zhabitskaya
- Zhai Shuai
- Zhan Tao
- Chong Zhang
- Deyu Zhang
- Hanbin Zhang
- Lei Zhang
- Liang-Cheng Zhang
- Qiao Zhang
- Qing Zhang (张庆)
- Robin Zhang
- Shengtong Zhang
- Shou-Wu Zhang
- Tianping Zhang
- Wei Zhang
- Wei Zhang (Henan University)
- Wenpeng Zhang
- Xianke Zhang
- Xiaoyu Zhang
- Yichao Zhang
- Yinan Zhang
- Yitang Zhang
- Zhenxiang Zhang
- Stanley Yao Xiao
- Xuanxuan Xiao
- Hang Xue
- Hui Xue
- Central values of twisted L-functions, PhD thesis, Hui Xue, Columbia University, 2002
- Liangyi Zhao
- Lilu Zhao
- Luochen Zhao
- Qinghai Zhong
- Hui June Zhu
- Xinwen Zhu
- Igor Zhukov
- M'Hammed Ziane
- Tamar Ziegler
- Volker Ziegler
- Mike Zieve
- Peter Zimmer
- Paul Zimmermann
- Scott Zinzer
- Sergey Zlobin
- Błaźej Źmija
- Zong Chuanming
- Evgeniy Zorin
- Faith Zottor
- Wadim Zudilin
- Analytic Methods in Number Theory - When Complex Numbers Count, Wadim Zudilin, Monographs in Number Theory Vol 11, World Scientific 2023
- Many Variations of Mahler Measures: A Lasting Symphony, François Brunault, Wadim Zudilin, CUP, 2020
- Apéry's theorem and problems for the values of Riemann's zeta function and their q-analogues, a D. Sc. thesis by Wadim Zudilin
- Neverending Fractions, An Introduction to Continued Fractions, Jonathan Borwein, Alf van der Poorten, Jeffrey Shallit, Wadim Zudilin, CUP, 2014
- number theory and related fields, ed. jonathan borwein, igor shparlinski, wadim zudilin, springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics, vol. 43, 2013
- Zeta values on the web (Wadim Zudilin)
- On the estimates of the measure of linear independence for values of certain analytical functions, Phd thesis, Wadim Zudilin, Moscow State University 1995
- Riccardo Zuffetti
- Ana Zumalacárregui
- Wilson Zuniga-Galindo
- David Zureick-Brown
- Sander Zwegers
- David Zywina
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