Descriptions of areas/courses in number theory

The ABC Conjecture

Riemann hypothesis for elliptic curves over finite fields

Arithmetic Geometry

Fermat's Last Theorem

Irregular primes

Pell equations


Primes and factoring

Prime number theorem

Prime gaps

Sums of integer cubes

Twin primes

Elliptic Curves

Algebraic Number Theory

L-functions, Modular Forms, Automorphic Forms

Mahler measure

Analytic Number Theory

Computational Number Theory

Congruent Numbers

Well-known constants

Diophantine Approximation, Diophantine equations, Geometry of Numbers, Irrationality

Quadratic reciprocity

Squarefree numbers

Abundant numbers

Aliquot sequences, Perfect, Amicable numbers

Bell Numbers

Bernoulli Numbers


Dirichlet characters

Continued Fractions


Primitive roots and Artin's conjecture

Fibonacci and Tribonacci numbers

Function fields

Goldbach's Conjecture

Hall's Conjecture

Heron triangles

Kurepa's Conjecture

The Riemann Hypothesis

Number Theory and Cryptography

Introductory Number Theory

Extremal Functions in Fourier Analysis

Lehmer's Problem

Markov numbers

Motzkin numbers

Practical numbers

PV numbers (Pisot-Vijayaraghavan and Salem numbers)

Quadratic forms

Binomial Coefficients

Equal Sums of Like Powers/Tarry Escott Problem

Integer Sequences, Well-known Functions

Eigenvalue conjecture

Number Theory Bibliography

Exponential sums

p-adic numbers



Combinatorial number theory

Sieve theory

Carmichael numbers

Carmichael's conjecture

Catalan's conjecture

Class number

Various other numbers

Recreations in Number Theory

Wolstenholme's theorem


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Last modified 4th March 2025