28 Nov
Samouil Molcho (Sapienza)
Enumerative Geometry of Compactified Jacobians
[click for abstract]
23 Jan
No Seminar
6 Feb
No Seminar
17 Apr
No Seminar
1 May
No Seminar
The seminar is usually held every Thursday at 14:15-15:45 in Aula B. This year seminars will be held in person but you can email one of the organizers if you are interested in attending remotely (through the platform Microsoft Teams).
The seminar is organized by Luca Schaffler and Amos Turchet and maintained by the Geometry Group and the Number Theory Group of the Department of Mathematics and Physics at the Roma Tre University.
We acknowledge the support of the grants PRIN2020: Curves, Ricci flat varieties and their interactions, PRIN2022: Moduli spaces and birational geometry and PRIN2022: Semiabelian varieties, Galois representations and related Diophantine problems, and the support of the Department of Mathematics and Physics at Roma Tre University.