A series of meetings designed to allow post-doc and Ph.D. students to present their research topics and promote collaborations.
On one Wednesday each month, a different research topic is presented in simple and accessible terms.
The seminars are designed to be attended by post-doc and Ph.D. students, but graduates and undergraduates are welcome.
The Junior Seminars are organised by Lorenzo Baroni, Rocco Brunelli, Ilaria Cruciani, Luca Ferrigno, Michele Matteucci, Martina Miseri, Mario Morellini and Federico Pieroni.
Ph.D. courses in mathematics are coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Giuliani.
Enroll yourself or visualise the events calendar.
In this seminar, we explore a class of nonlinear dynamics governed by the framework of mass action dynamics, which models the evolution of systems through pairwise interactions. This framework underpins several important nonlinear models across disciplines, including chemical reaction networks, Boltzmann's ideal gas model, and recombination processes in population genetics and genetic algorithms.
Our primary focus is on the nonlinear dynamics of spin systems, with an emphasis on the Ising model. Specifically, we investigate the convergence to equilibrium for spin systems at high temperatures, where non-trivial correlations are present.
Utilizing Kac's Program, we interpret these nonlinear systems as limits of Markov chain particle systems under the propagation of chaos as system size tends to infinity. This perspective enables us to estimate the rate of convergence to equilibrium. A key aspect of our approach is ensuring that the Modified Log-Sobolev inequalities used to study the particle systems remain independent of system size. When this condition is met, the nonlinear system converges to equilibrium at the same rate as its corresponding particle system.
We will present two methods for analyzing this convergence:
Abstract. After a brief introduction on algebraic curves and what Brill-Noether Theory is about, I will try to give an idea of the geometric meaning of the Clifford index, a classic invariant for algebraic curves. I will conclude the seminar presenting my research project, that starts with a new definition of Clifford index and focuses on the case of hyperelliptic curves.
Abstract. The celebrated Arnold-Liouville theorem provides a beautiful description of integrable Hamiltonian systems stating that the dynamics on compact invariant sets is conjugated to a linear flow on the torus \(\mathbb{T}^n := \mathbb{R}^n/\mathbb{Z}^n\). It is then clear that in trying to generalize this statement to Hamiltonian systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom, one has first to face with the issue of understanding linear flows on the infinite torus. In this talk we discuss the simple characterization occurring in finite dimension and why it fails to apply in an infinite-dimensional setting. Then, we use Pontryagin’s theory of locally compact abelian groups in order to understand the dynamics and we also discuss an analogy with the finite dimensional case, namely unique ergodicity in the absence of resonances.