number theorist names:W
- Stephan Wagner
- Samuel Wagstaff Jr.
- The Joy of Factoring, Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr., Student Mathematical Library 68, January 2014, AMS
- Sums of Squares of Integers, Carlos J. Moreno, Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr., Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 37, CRC Press 2005
- Cryptanalysis of Number Theoretic Ciphers, Samuel S. Wagstaff Jr., Mikhail J. Atallah, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2002
- The New Book of Prime Number Records, 3rd Edition, P. Ribenboim, Springer 1996, Review of first edition, S. S. Wagstaff Jr., Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 365-369
- Factorizations of bn±1, b= 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 up to high powers (third edition) John Brillhart, D. H. Lehmer, J. L. Selfridge, Bryant Tuckerman, and S. S. Wagstaff, Jr. Contemporary Mathematics 22, AMS 1988 (free download)
- Lucas pseudoprimes (Robert Baillie and Samuel Wagstaff Jr.)
- Strengthening the Baillie-PSW Primality Test, Robert Baillie, Andrew Fiori, and Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr.
- Isao Wakabayashi
- Satoshi Wakatsuki
- Preston Wake
- Matthias Waldherr
- Michel Waldschmidt
- Continued fractions, Michel Waldschmidt
- Autour de l'équation de Markoff, Slides by Michel Waldschmidt, September 2009
- Cours de théorie des nombres, notes by Michel Waldschmidt
- Michel Waldschmidt's lecture notes on L'équation dite de Pell-Fermat and Équations Diophantiennes
- An introduction to irrationality and transcendence methods, course and project outline, draft lecture notes for lectures 1, 2, 3, 5, Arizona Winter School 2008, Michel Waldschmidt
- Introduction to Diophantine methods: irrationality and transcendence, course notes by Michel Waldschmidt
- Questions d'irrationalité (et de transcendance): hier et aujourd'hui, (Michel Waldschmidt)
- Multiple Zeta Values and Euler-Zagier Numbers, etc. (Michel Waldschmidt)
- Linear Independence Measures for Logarithms of Algebraic Numbers, Cetraro lectures of Michel Waldschmidt, July 2000)
- Diophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic Groups, M. Waldschmidt, Grundlehren Series 326, Springer 2000
- Number Theory, Proceedings of the January 1996 Ramanujan Society Conference in Tiruchirapalli, India, Edited by: V. Kumar Murty, Michel Waldschmidt, Contemporary Mathematics 210
- From Number Theory to Physics, (ed. M. Waldschmidt, et al), Springer 1992
- Cinquante Ans de Polynômes, (ed. M. Waldschmidt, M. Langevin), Springer 1990
- Nombres transcendants, M. Waldschmidt, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 402, Springer 1974
- Jean-Loup Waldspurger
- Nahid Walji
- Aled Walker
- Rolfe Wallisser
- Gary Walsh
- Miguel Nicolas Walsh
- Colin Walter
- Paul van Wamelen
- Daqing Wan
- Huaxiong Wang
- Tzu-Yueh Julie Wang
- Xiaoheng Wang
- Xiyuan Wang
- Yuan Wang
- Yuan Wang (Wikipedia)
- Selected papers of Wang Yuan, (Ed.) Wang Yuan, World Scientific 2005
- The Goldbach Conjecture, Ed. Yuan Wang, World Scientific 2002
- Hua Loo-Keng, a Biography, Wang Yuan, Springer 1998 (no longer listed by Springer)
- Applications of Number Theory to Numerical Analysis, L.-K. Hua, W. Yuan, Springer 1981
- Number Theory and its Applications in China, Wang Yuan, Yang Chung-chun, and Pan Chengbiao, editors, AMS 1988.
- Diophantine Equations and Inequalities in Algebraic Number Fields, Wang Yuan, Springer 1991
- Number-theoretic Methods in Statistics, W. Yuan, K-T Fang, Chapman and Hall 1994
- Kenneth Ward
- Thomas Ward
- Dynamics: Topology and Numbers, Ed. Pieter Moree, Anke Pohl, L'ubomír Snoha, Tom Ward, Contempory Mathematics 744, AMS, 2020
- A Journey Through The Realm of Numbers, Menny Aka, Manfred Einsiedler, Thomas Ward, Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series, 2020, MAA review
- Ergodic Theory: with a view towards Number Theory, Manfred Einsiedler and Thomas Ward, Springer 2011
- An Introduction to Number Theory, G. Everest, T. Ward, Graduate Text 232, Springer 2005
- Recurrence sequences, G. Everest, A.J. van der Poorten, I. Shparlinski, T. Ward, AMS Surveys and Monographs, volume 104, 2003
- Heights of Polynomials and Entropy in Algebraic Dynamics, G. Everest, T. Ward, Springer 1999
- Ole Warnaar
- Lawrence Washington
- Elementary Number Theory, James S. Kraft, Larry Washington, CRC Press 2018, second edition
- Elliptic Curves: Number Theory and Cryptography, Lawrence C. Washington, Chapman Hall/CRC 2003
- Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields, 2nd ed., Lawrence C. Washington, Graduate Text, Springer 1997
- Tadashi Washio
- Takao Watanabe
- Mark Watkins
- Explicit Methods in Number Theory Rational Points and Diophantine Equations, Karim Belabas, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Pierrick Gaudry, Michael Stoll, Mark Watkins, William McCallum & Bjorn Poonen, Frits Beukers, Samir Siksek, Panoramas et synthèses 36 (2012)
- Average ranks of elliptic curves: tension between data and conjecture, Baur Bektemirov, Barry Mazur, William Stein, Mark Watkins, Bull. American Math. Soc. posted February 15, 2007
- Matthew Watkins
- Chester Weatherby
- John Webb
- William Webb
- Benne de Weger
- Bin Wei
- Fu-Tsun Wei
- Jamie Weigandt
- Peter Jay Weinberger
- Andreas Weingartner
- Jared Weinstein
- Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, Annals of Mathematics Studies Volume 207, 2020
- Perfectoid Spaces: Lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School, Editors and authors, Bryden Cais, Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 242, 2019
- Reciprocity laws and Galois representations: recent breakthroughs, Jared Weinstein, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 53 (2016), 1-39
- Colin Weir
- Alfred Weiss
- The Lifted Root Number Conjecture and Iwasawa Theory, J. Ritter, A. Weiss, Memoirs of the AMS 157, AMS 2002
- Multiplicative Galois Module Structure, Afred Weiss, Fields Institute Monographs 6 1996,
- Review, Cornelius Greither, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 173-176
- Rainer Weissauer
- Marty Weissman
- Michael Welter
- Lin Weng
- Zeta Functions of Reductive Groups and Their Zeros, Lin Weng, World Scientific, 2018
- The Conference on L-functions, Fukuoka, February 18-23 2006, Ed. Lin Weng, Masanobu Kaneko, World Scientific 2007
- Arithmetic geometry and number theory, Ed. Lin Weng, Iku Nakamura, Series on Number Theory and its application 1
- Mckenzie West
- Tom Weston
- Stefan Wewers
- Paul-James White
- Ian Whitehead
- Martin Widmer
- Kazimierz Wiertelak
- Gabor Wiese
- Igor Wigman
- Norman Wildberger
- Andrew Wiles
- Cassie Williams
- Hugh Williams
- The Lucas Sequences, Theory and Applications, Christian J.-C. Ballot, Hugh C. Williams, Springer 2023
- Cubic fields with geometry, Sam A. Hambleton and Hugh C. Williams, Springer 2018
- The Life and Numbers of Richard Guy, a video by Hugh Williams at CNTA 2016
- Solving the Pell Equation, Michael Jacobson Jr., Hugh Williams, CMS Books in Mathematics, Springer 2009
- Public-Key Cryptography and Computational Number Theory, Ed. K. Alster, J. Urbanowicz, H.C. Williams, de Gruyter 2001
- Édouard Lucas and Primality Testing, Hugh C. Williams, Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts 22, Wiley 1998
- Daniel Shanks (1917-1996), (H.C. Williams) Notices of the AMS, August 1997
- Kenneth Williams
- Advances in the Theory of Numbers, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, Eds. Ayşe Alaca, Şaban Alaca, Kenneth Williams, Springer 2015
- Number Theory in the Spirit of Liouville, Kenneth S. Williams, London Mathematical Society Student Texts (No. 76) 2010
- Lambert series and Liouville's identities, A. Alaca, Ş. Alaca, E. McAfee, K. S. Williams, Dissertationes Mathematicae, 445 (2007)
- The Collected Papers of Sarvadaman Chowla, (Vols 1-3), Ed. James Huard, Kenneth Williams, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques , Université de Montréal, 2000
- Introductory Algebraic Number Theory, Şaban Alaca, Kenneth Williams, CUP 2004
- Congruences for L-Functions, J. Urbanowicz, K.S. Williams, Mathematics and its Applications, 511, Kluwer 2000
- Gauss and Jacobi Sums, B.C. Berndt, R.J. Evans, K.S. Williams, Wiley, Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts 21, 1998
- Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, Ed. R. Gupta, K.S. Williams, AMS 1999
- Kay Wingberg
- Arne Winterhof
- Günther Wirsching
- Daniel Wisniewski
- Amin Witno
- Olivier Wittenberg
- Christiaan van de Woestijne
- Julia Wolf
- Marek Wolf (contains some conjectures on the gaps between consecutive primes)
- Jürgen Wolfart
- John Wolfskill
- Dieter Wolke
- Tom Womack
- Peng-Jie Wong
- Siman Wong
- Deformation of Galois Representations and Modular Forms, Lecture notes of Barry Mazur by Chuck Doran and Siman Wong, International Press, Harvard 1995
- Melanie Matchett Wood
- Chris Woodcock
- Kjell Wooding
- Alan Woods
- Trevor Wooley
- Tom Wright
- Han Wu
- Jie Wu
- Gisbert Wüstholz
- Transcendence and Linear Relations of 1-Periods, Annette Huber, Gisbert Wüstholz, CUP 2022
- Arithmetic and Geometry: Ten Years in Alpbach, Ed. Gisbert Wüstholz, Clemens Fuchs, Annals of Mathematics Studies 202, Princeton University Press, 2019
- Logarithmic Forms and Diophantine Geometry, Alan Baker, Gisbert Wüstholz, New Mathematical Monographs (No. 9), CUP 2008
- A Panorama of Number Theory or the View from Baker's Garden, Ed. G. Wüstholz, CUP 2002
- Rational Points, G. Faltings, G. Wüstholz, Aspects of Mathematics 6, 1998, Vieweg
- Christian Wuthrich
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