number theorist names:M
- Charles MacCluer
- André Macedo
- Jim MacDougall
- John Mack
- Manfred Madritsch
- Péter Maga
- Akos Magyar
- Valéry Mahé
- Kamalakshya Mahatab
- Karl Mahlburg
- Helmut Maier
- Christian Maire
- Vincent Maillot
- Céline Maistret
- Bibekananda Maji
- Alexandre Maksoud
- Gunter Malle
- Beth Malmskog
- Behailu Mammo
- Mark Manasse
- Elisabetta Manduchi
- Michelle Manes
- Alexander Mangerel
- Murugesan Manickman
- Muhammad Manji
- Jayanta Manoharmayum
- Eugenijus Manstavicius
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proceedings of the Third Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24--28 September 2001, (eds. A. Dubickas, A. Laurincikas and E. Manstavicius)
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Volume 4, New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Edited by A. Laurincikas, E. Manstavicius and V. Stakenas, VSP Science 1997
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Volume 2, New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Edited by E. Manstavicius and F. Schweiger, VSP Science 1997
- Guillermo Mantilla-Soler
- Elena Mantovan
- Guo Shuai Mao
- Zhengyu Mao
- Gihan Marasingha
- Antonio Miguel Oller Marcén
- Raffaele Marcovecchio
- Frantisek Marko
- Louis Marmet
- Oscar Marmon
- Antoine Marnat
- Stefano Marseglia
- David Marshall
- Simon Marshall
- Roman Marszałek
- Greg Martin
- Math 539, 2005, Lecture notes on analytic number theory by Greg Martin
- Kimball Martin
- Yves Martin
- Jacques Martinet
- Zuzana Masáková
- Nicolas Mascot
- Marc Masdeu
- John Masley
- Riad Masri
- David Masser
- Henri Massias
- Luca Mastella
- Tapani Matala-Aho
- Ahmed Matar
- Guillermo Matera
- Yuri Matiyasevich
- Crop circles drawn by Riemann's zeta function and some other its nearby properties, Yuri Matiyasevich
- Numerical observations on zeta and related functions, a project of Yuri Matiyasevich
- Finite Euler products (Yuri Matiyasevich)
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of some Hankel matrices related to the zeta and L-functions, a talk by Yuri Matiyasevich
- Approximation of Riemann's zeta function by finite Dirichlet series: multiprecision numerical approach (preprint, Gleb Beliakov, Yuri Matiyasevich)
- The Riemann hypothesis and eigenvalues of related Hankel matrices I (preprint, Yu. V. Matiyasevich)
- Zeroes of Riemann's zeta function on the critical line with 20000 decimal digits accuracy, Yuri Matiyasevich and Gleb Beliakov
- Calculation of Riemann's zeta function via interpolating determinants, preprint, Yuri Matiyasevich
- Annotated slides of a talk by Yuri Matiyasevich on November 22, 2012, at Zeta functions, a conference at the Independent University of Moscow
- New conjectures about zeroes of Riemann's zeta function, Yuri Matiyasevich
- Alan Turing and Number Theory, Video by Yuri Matiyasevich, June 2012, Alan Turing Centenary Conference, Manchester
- Hidden Life of Riemann's Zeta Function, Yuri Matiyasevich
- An artless method for calculating approximate values of zeros of Riemann's zeta function, Yuri Matiyasevich
- Hilbert's tenth problem page
- Hilbert's tenth problem, Yuri Matiyasevich 1993
- Kaisa Matomäki
- Benjamin Matschke
- Kohji Matsumoto
- Makoto Matsumoto
- Kazuo Matsuno
- Charles Matthews
- Keith Matthews
- Lilian Matthiesen
- Eugene Mikhailovich Matveev
- Christian Mauduit
- Kathrin Maurischat
- Farley Mawyer
- Daniel Mayer
- Jacob Mayle
- James Maynard
- Primes in Arithmetic Progressions to Large Moduli I: Fixed Residue Classes, James Maynard, Memoirs of the AMS, Vol. 306, No. 1542, 2025
- Primes in Arithmetic Progressions to Large Moduli II: Well-Factorable Estimates, James Maynard, Memoirs of the AMS, Vol. 306, No. 1543, 2025
- Primes in Arithmetic Progressions to Large Moduli III: Uniform Residue Classes, James Maynard, Memoirs of the AMS, Vol. 306, No. 1544, 2025
- Primes in arithmetic progressions and sieves, 2022 Crafoord Laureate lecture, James Maynard
- James Maynard discusses his proof that infinitely many primes exist missing each base 10 digit - he uses 7 as his arbitrary example
- Quanta magazine article on James Maynard
- 2020 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory (James Maynard)
- James Maynard: Small gaps between primes (lecture held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations and the Workshop: Analytic Number Theory of the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics 17.07.2014)
- Mike Mays
- Gérard Maze
- Eshita Mazumdar
- Barry Mazur
- The Chern Medal 2022: Barry Mazur
- Afterword to the article Arithmetic on curves (Barry Mazur) BAMS 55, 353-358, 2018
- Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis, Barry Mazur, William Stein, CUP 2016, MAA Review
- What is Riemann's Hypothesis? (Barry Mazur and William Stein)
- How can we construct abelian Galois extensions of basic number fields?, Barry Mazur, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (2011), 155-209
- Finding meaning in error terms, Barry Mazur, Bulletin of the AMS, 45 (2008), 185-228
- Average ranks of elliptic curves: tension between data and conjecture, Baur Bektemirov, Barry Mazur, William Stein, Mark Watkins, Bull. American Math. Soc. posted February 15, 2007
- Article by Barry Mazur on the Tate-Sato conjecture (pdf)
- About the cover: Diophantus's Arithmetica, Barry Mazur, Bull. AMS. 43 (2006), 399-401
- What is a Motive?, Barry Mazur, AMS Notices, 1214-1217, 51 November 2004
- Perturbations, deformations, and variations (and "near-misses") in geometry, physics, and number theory, Barry Mazur, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 41 (2004), 307-336
- Kolyvagin Systems, B. Mazur, K. Rubin, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 168, AMS 2004
- Barry Mazur 60th Birthday Conference photo
- Barry Mazur awarded a 2000 Steele Prize
- Mathematics: Frontiers and Perspectives, Ed. V. Arnold, M. Atiyah, P. Lax, B. Mazur, AMS 2000
- Questions about powers of numbers, Barry Mazur, Notices of the AMS, Feb 2000, Vol 47
- Deformation of Galois Representations and Modular Forms, Lecture notes of Barry Mazur by Chuck Doran and Siman Wong, International Press, Harvard 1995
- p-Adic Monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, G. Stevens, B. Mazur, Contemporary Mathematics 165, AMS 1994
- On the passage from local to global in number theory, B. Mazur, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 29 (1993), 14-50
- Arithmetic on curves, Barry Mazur, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1986), 207-259
- Arithmetic moduli of elliptic curves, N.M. Katz, B. Mazur, Annals of Mathematics Studies 108, Princeton University Press 1985
- William McCallum
- Dermot McCarthy
- Gary McConnell
- Jud McCranie
- Leon McCulloh
- Kevin McCurley
- Wayne McDaniel
- Kevin McGown
- Gary McGuire
- Richard McIntosh
- James McKee
- David McKinnon
- Jimmy McLaughlin
- Cam McLeman
- Christine McMeekin
- Ken McMurdy
- Nathan McNew
- Caleb McWhorter
- Jaban Meher
- Mahya Mehrabdollahei
- Jay Mehta
- Patrick Meisner
- Giuseppe Melfi
- Mentzelos Melistas
- Ricardo Menares
- Alfred Menezes
- Xianchang Meng
- Hartmut Menzer
- Lázló Mérai
- Mircea Merca
- Loic Merel
- Jori Merikoski
- Michael Mertens
- Jean-François Mestre
- Romeo Meštrović
- Tauno Metsänkylä
- Tom Meurman
- Diane Meuser
- István Mező
- Philippe Michel
- Giacomo Micheli
- Yoichi Mieda
- Tsuyoshi Miezaki
- Teddy Mignot
- Maurice Mignotte
- Preda Mihăilescu
- Hiroshi Mikawa
- Djordje Milićević
- Micah Milinovich
- Piermarco Milione
- John C. Miller
- Robert L. Miller
- Stephen D. Miller
- Steven J. Miller
- Victor Miller
- James Milne
- The Riemann hypothesis over finite fields: from Weil to the present day, James Milne
- Review of the Collected Works of John Tate (J.S. Milne)
- Elliptic Curves, James S. Milne, Booksurge Publishing 2006
- Arithmetic Duality Theorems, James S. Milne, Booksurge Publishing 2006
- Course Note: Algebraic number theory, Class field theory, Algebraic Geometry, Elliptic Curves, Modular functions and forms, Abelian varieties, Etale Cohomology
- Djordjo Milovic
- Yoshio Mimura
- Ján Mináč
- Zachary Miner
- Gintautas Misevicius
- Piotr Miska
- Raj Kumar Mistri
- Vladimir Mitankin
- Patrick Mitchell
- Michitaka Miyauchi
- Yuma Mizuno
- Yasushi Mizusawa
- Shinichi Mochizuki
- Colette Moeglin
- Marko Moisio
- Chung Pang Mok
- Bodo Möller
- Santiago Molina Blanco
- Richard Moloney
- Giuseppe Molteni
- Maurizio Monge
- Andreas Mono
- Paul Monsky
- Hugh Montgomery
- Exploring the Riemann Zeta function, Hugh Montgomery, Ashkan Nikeghbali, and Michael Th. Rassias, editors, Springer 2017, MAA review
- Early Fourier Analysis, Hugh Montgomery, Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts 22, AMS 2014
- Multiplicative Number Theory I, H.L. Montgomery, R.C. Vaughan, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 97, CUP, September 2012, (MAA Review)
- Ten Lectures on the Interface Between Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis, H.L. Montgomery, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, AMS 1994
- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, I. Niven, H.S. Zuckermann, H.L. Montgomery, (5th edition), Wiley 1991
- Computational Laboratories in Number Theory (CLINT) (Hugh Montgomery)
- Topics in Multiplicative Number Theory, Hugh L. Montgomery, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 227, Springer 1971
- Peter Montgomery
- Dustin Moody
- Yong Suk Moon
- Ben Moonen
- François Morain
- Jorge Morales
- Pieter Moree
- Dynamics: Topology and Numbers, Ed. Pieter Moree, Anke Pohl, L'ubomír Snoha, Tom Ward, Contempory Mathematics 744, AMS 2020
- Dynamical Numbers: Interplay between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Ed. Sergiy Kolyada, Yuri Manin, Martin Möller, Pieter Moree, Thomas Ward, Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 532, AMS 2010
- Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn, the enchanter of friable integers, a survey on the work in analytic number theory of N.G. de Bruijn, by Pieter Moree
- Artin's Primitive Root Conjecture - A Survey, Pieter Moree
- Some number-theoretical constants arising as products of rational functions of p over primes, (Steve Finch, Pieter Moree and Gerhard Niklasch)
- On the psixyology of Diophantine equations, P. Moree, PhD thesis 1993, Leiden
- Carlos Moreno
- Sums of Squares of Integers, Carlos J. Moreno, Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr., Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 37, CRC Press 2005
- Advanced Analytic Number Theory: L-Functions, Carlos Moreno, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 115, 2005
- Review by Stephen Gelbart of Advanced Analytic Number Theory: L-Functions, Carlos Moreno
- Algebraic Curves Over Finite Fields: Error-Correcting Codes and Exponential Sums, C. Moreno, Cambridge Tract 97, CUP 1991, Review, J. W. P. Hirschfeld, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 27 (1992), 327-332
- Laurent Moret-Bailly
- Andrea Mori
- Takayuki Morisawa
- Atushi Moriwaki
- Masanori Morishita
- Yasuo Morita
- Bhavin Moriya
- Stefano Morra
- Travis Morrison
- Jackson Salvatore Morrow
- Matthew Morrow
- Eric Mortenson
- Richard Patrick Morton
- Élie Mosaki
- Nikolay Moshchevitin
- Michael Mossinghoff
- M. I. Mostafa
- Anton Mosunov
- Yoichi Motohashi
- Analytic Number Theory. vol.1. The distribution of prime numbers, Yoichi Motohashi, Asakura Books, Tokyo 2009. ISBN 978-4-254-11821-6 (translation into English being undertaken)
- Analytic Number Theory. vol.2. The zeta analysis, Yoichi Motohashi, Asakura Books, Tokyo 2009. ISBN 978-4-254-11822-3 (translation into English being undertaken)
- Spectral Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, Y. Motohashi, Cambridge Tract 127, CUP 1997
- Analytic Number Theory, Edited by Y. Motohashi, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997
- Lectures on Sieve Methods and Prime Number Theory, Y. Motohashi, Springer 1995, ISBN 3-540-12281-8
- Lectures on Sieve Methods and Prime Number Theory, Y. Motohashi, Tata Lecture Notes 72, 1983
- Ali Mouhib
- Philippe Moustrou
- Hossein Movasati
- Akshat Mudgal
- Julia Mueller
- Goran Muic
- Anirban Mukhopadhyay
- Mohammed Zuhair Mullath
- Gary Mullen
- Helmut Müller
- Peter Müller
- Katharina Müller
- Volker Müller
- Tobias Mühlenbruch
- Jan Steffen Müller
- Marc Munsch
- Ritabrata Munshi
- Yuya Murakami
- Leo Murata
- Nadir Murru
- Kumar Murty
- Number Theory Related to Modular Curves: Momose Memorial Volume, Ed. Joan-Carles Lario, V. Kumar Murty, Contemporary Mathematics 701 AMS 2018
- The Mathematical Legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan, M. Ram Murty, V. Kumar Murty, Springer 2013
- Algebraic Curves and Cryptography, Edited by: V. Kumar Murty, Fields Institute Communications, 58, AMS 2010
- Non-vanishing of L-Functions and Applications, M.R. Murty, V.K. Murty, Progress in Mathematics 157, Birkhaüser 1997
- Number Theory, Ed. V.K. Murty, M. Waldschmidt, Contemporary Mathematics, 210 AMS 1997
- Ram Murty
- An introduction to the circle method, M. Ram Murty, Kaneenika Sinha, Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 104, AMS, 2023
- Problems in the Theory of Modular Forms, M. Ram Murty, Michael Dewar, Hester Graves, Springer 2016
- Problems in the Theory of Modular Forms, M. Ram Murty, Michael Dewar, Hester Graves, Hindustan Book Agency, 2015
- Transcendental Numbers, Ram Murty, Purusottam Rath, Springer, 2014
- The Mathematical Legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan, M. Ram Murty, V. Kumar Murty, Springer 2013
- Problems in Analytic Number Theory, M.R. Murty, Graduate Text in Mathematics 206, 2nd edition, Springer 2008
- An Introduction to Sieve Methods and Their Applications, Alina Cojocaru, Ram Murty, LMS Student Texts 66, December 2005
- Book Reviews: An introduction to sieve methods and their applications (Alina Carmen Cojocaru and M. Ram Murty); Opera de cribro (John Friedlander and Henryk Iwaniec)
- Introduction to p-adic Analytic Number Theory, M. Ram Murty, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics 27, AMS 2002
- Problems in Algebraic Number Theory, J. Esmonde, M.R. Murty, Graduate Text 190, Springer 1999
- Review of Elementary Methods in Number Theory, M. Nathanson (by M. Ram Murty)
- Non-vanishing of L-Functions and Applications, M.R. Murty, V.K. Murty, Progress in Mathematics 157, Birkhaüser 1997
- Selberg's conjectures and Artin $L$-functions, M. Ram Murty, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 (1994), 1-14
- Elliptic Curves and Related Topics, R. Murty, H. Kisilevsky, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 4, AMS 1994
- Theta Functions, R. Murty, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 1, AMS 1993
- An Introduction to the Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function, S.J. Patterson, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 14, CUP, ISBN 0-521-49905-4, Review, M. Ram Murty, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (1989), 226-22
- Simone Muselli
- Joseph Muskat
- Simon Myerson
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