Number theory calculator sites/tables
- Oberwolfach references on mathematical software
- ANTIC: Algebraic Number Theory In C (William Hart)
- apfloat: A C++ High Performance Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic Package by Mikko Tommila
- Arageli (C++ library for computations in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, linear and integer linear programming)
- ARIBAS. This is an interactive interpreter for big integer arithmetic and multi-precision floating point arithmetic with a Pascal/Modula like syntax.
ARIBAS is used for the examples of number theoretic algorithms in the book Algorithmische Zahlentheorie, Otto Forster, Vieweg 1996
- BC (the exact arithmetic Unix calculator program)
- Chabauty, a Magma package for doing explicit Chabauty computations (Maarten Derickx)
- Computational Laboratories in Number Theory (CLINT) (Hugh Montgomery)
- Computations on curves of genus2 and their jacobians (Paul Van Wamelen)
- The first million congruent number elliptic curves (only 3 rank-2 curves need the 2nd generator) (Randall Rathbun)
- Critical Strip Explorer 0.6 (Matthew Watkins and Raymond Manzoni) A Java applet which allows users to 'manually' explore the behaviour of the Riemann zeta function in and around the critical strip
- Diophantine equation solver for finding zeroes of multivariable polynomials over a prime-order field (Norman Wildberger and Michael Leeming)
- Discriminant Exponent Calculator (John Jones)
- ECPP (François Morain's elliptic curve primality-proving package)
- PRIMO, a primality proving program (Marcel Martin)
- The ECMNET Project: Find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM
- EIS, computing Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series attached to lattices, (M. Kuss and J. Bruinier)
- Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) factorization applet (Dario Alejandro Alpern)
- Generic two integer variable equation solver (Dario Alejandro Alpern) (sometimes gives solutions belonging to the same family)
- Euclid, a C program for computing the Euclidean minimum of a number field given by a polynomial (Pierre Lezowski)
- FactInt, Advanced Methods for Factoring Integers, Version 1.5.2 (Stefan Kohl)
- Factoring software (Schulenberg and Associates Inc.)
- FLINT, Fast Library for Number Theory
- Haskell Flint wrapper (Hartmut Monien) This is of interest to people who are interested in implementing number theory in functional programming languages
- FriCAS (FriCAS is a form of Axioma and is a comprehensive computer algebra system of interest to number theorists, especially with its p-adic arithmetic component)
- GMP-ECM (Elliptic Curve Method for Integer Factorization)
- Genus 2 site (Victor Flynn)
- GNU multiple precision package (GMP)
- GL(n)pack Home Page (Kevin Broughan)
- GUESS, Maple package to guess closed form for a sequence of numbers (Bruno Gauthier)
- HECKE, A Modular Forms Calculator (William Stein)
- High Precision Arithmetic Software Directory (David Bailey)
- HYP, Mathematica package for manipulation and identification of binomial and hypergeometric series and identities (Christian Krattenthaler)
- Hypellfrob is a C++ program/library for computing the zeta function of a hyperelliptic curve over GF(p), David Harvey
- HYPERG V 1.0, Maple package devoted to symbolic computation on hypergeometric series (Bruno Gauthier)
- HYPQ, Mathematica package for manipulation and identification of q-binomial and basic hypergeometric series and identities (Christian Krattenthaler)
- IntBasis, a maple package for computing with algebraic curves (Mark van Hoeij)
- Simon Plouffe's Inverter, An online repository of mathematical constants
- JKL-ECM: An implementation of ECM using Hessian Curves, by Henriette Heer, Gary McGuire, Oisin Robinson
- KANT (Michael Pohst: Technisches Universität Berlin)
- Implementations of extended LLL, by Wilberd van der Kallen
- MAGMA (John Cannon: University of Sydney)
- Math-Prime-Util (Dana Jacobsen)
- MegaNumberS (Chris Harrison)
- Metanumbers (Jessy Metaxas)
- MPFR (Paul Zimmermann)
- Multidigit multiplication for mathematicians (Dan Bernstein (dvi 87K))
- MWRANK, a program for finding the rank of an elliptic curve over the rationals (John Cremona)
- NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory (Victor Shoup)
- NZMATH, a Python based number theory oriented calculation system
- OSCAR Computer Algebra System
- p-adic Arithmetic (Stany De Smedt)
- Periods of Hilbert modular forms and rational points on elliptic curves, Adam Logan and Henri Darmon
- Peter Green's Heegner Points Package
- PIPS: Polynomials over Galois Fields, A calculator program by Florent Chabaud
- Primo, a primality proving program based on the ECPP algorithm (Marcel Martin)
- Number Theory with Python (Robert Campbell)
- SageMath (formerly Sage), the Sage Mathematics Software System (William Stein et al.)
- Programs (Ratpoints, J-points), Ratpoints finds rational points on hyperelliptic curves, J-points searches for rational points on the Jacobian of a genus 2 curve (Michael Stoll)
- SHARK : computing Tate-Shafarevich groups via Iwasawa theory (Christian Wuthrich)
- SIMATH (development discontinued)
- Number Theory Programs for the TI-92 (Paul Pollack)
- Implementation of sum of three palindromes algorithm (Lewis Baxter)
- UBASIC 8.8e (Yuji Kida) A basic interpreter with fast multiprecision arithmetic
- WIMS: an online calculator program by Xiao Gang (1951-2014) Also Chen Xin obituary and Notices of the AMS article on
- Wolfram Alpha (computes continued fractions amonst other things)
- XR-exact real arithmetic package (Keith Briggs)
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Last modified 12th September 2024