Abrashkin, Victor |
"Local analogue
of the Grothendieck Conjecture". |
Acciaro, Vincenzo
& Fieker, Claus |
"Finding normal
integral bases of cyclic number fields of prime degree". |
Aliev, Iskander |
"Weyl Sequences:
Asymptotic Distributions of the Partition Lengths". |
Antoniadis, Jannis
A. |
"Groups of
Automorphisms of Algebraic Curves". |
Berhuy, Grigory |
de formes trace hermitiennes sur des algèbres étales". |
Bhowmik, Gautami |
"Zeta Functions
of Subgroups of Abelian Groups". |
Bosma, Wieb |
"Signed bits and
fast exponentiation". |
Bouw, Irene I. |
"Reductions of
covers and Hurwitz spaces". |
Brisebarre, Nicolas |
"A recursive
approach for solving some systems of difference equations". |
Brüdern, Jörg |
conjecture revisited: pairs of forms". |
Bruin, Nils |
generalized Fermat-Equations". |
Bugeaud, Yann |
"On the
Diophantine equation (xn - 1)/( x - 1) = yq".
Bundschuh, Peter |
results by analytic methods". |
Cai, Tianxin |
"Chains of primes
or composites on f(x,y)". |
Antoine & Tschinkel, Yuri |
"The number
points of bounded height in equivariant compactifications of affine spaces". |
Cohen, Henri |
"On the density
of discriminants of number fields". |
Cohen, Paula |
"Applications de
la Conjecture d'André-Oort à la transcendance". |
Coleman, Mark D. |
"Averages of
Arithmetic functions in number fields". |
Cook, Roger J. |
"The values of
additive forms at prime arguments". |
Coppola, Giovanni |
"On the
distribution in the arithmetic progressions of reducible quadratic polynomials in short
intervals, I - II". |
Gunther |
"Class numbers,
Eisenstein series and supersingular Drinfeld modules". |
Coulangeon, Renaud |
"Extreme Humbert
forms over algebraic number fields". |
Daniel, Stephan |
"On the sum of a
square and a square of a prime". |
Darmon, Henri |
"Modularity of
hypergeometric abelian varieties". |
Davis, Simon |
Applications of String Theory: Spin Structures on Riemann Surfaces and the Perfect
Numbers". |
Deschamps, Bruno |
"Groupe de Brauer
des clotures totalement reelles". |
Dietmann, Rainer |
"Small solutions
of quadratic diophantine equations". |
Doche, Christophe |
"On the Spectrum
of the Zhang-Zagier Height". |
Douai, Jean-Claude |
"Corps des
modules, Corps de définition et Cohomologie". |
Dujella, Andrej |
"A parametric
family of elliptic curves". |
Elsholtz, Christian |
"A Combined Large
Sieve Method and Applications to the Additive Decomposition of the Set of Primes". |
Fainsilber, Laura |
"An injectivity
result for hermitian forms over local orders". |
Francini, Paolo |
"The function h0
for quadratic number fields". |
Fukuda, Takashi
& Komatsu, Keiichi |
"On Iwasawa l3-invariants
of certain cyclic cubic fields". |
Gaál, István |
"Power integral
bases in algebraic number fields". |
Gallardo, Luis |
"Identities and
sums of cubes in F2n[t]". |
Gardeyn, Francis |
"Action of
inertia and image of Galois on the torsion of Drinfeld modules". |
Gasbarri, Carlo |
"Roth Theorem on
non rational ruled surfaces". |
Gee, Alice |
"Special values
of modular units". |
Bernhard |
Normality of Additive Functions in Number Fields". |
Gonzalez, Josep
& Lario, Joan-C. |
"Manin constants
for Q-curves". |
Richard |
analogues of theorems for curves". |
Guàrdia, Jordi |
computations in genus 3 curves". |
Gusev, Hermann |
"Lemma on
isometric linearization". |
Hanrot, Guillaume |
"A new criterion
for Catalan's equation". |
Harari, David |
approximation on non simply-connected algebraic varieties". |
Hill, Richard |
groups and the Gauss-Schering Lemma". |
Honsbeek, Mascha |
certain nested radicals of depth two". |
Huttner, Marc |
Différentielles et Approximations Diophantiennes d'Intégrales Abéliennes". |
Kida, Masanari |
"Reduction of
elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields". |
Klyachko, Alexander
& Kara, Orhun |
"Singularities of
The Modular Curve". |
Koike, Kenji |
"The Kuga-Satake
varieties attached to double coverings over P1× P1
branched along four (1,1)-curve". |
Michael |
"The upper
estimation of the complete rational exponential sums". |
Kühnlein, Stefan |
"Families of
finite groups". |
Kulkarni Manisha V.
with Chakraborty K. |
"Solutions of
cubic equations in Quadratic Fields". |
Lalande, Franck |
caractérisation des corps de nombres réels engendrés par un nombre de Salem". |
Langevin, Michel |
diophantiennes polynômiales a hautes multiplicités". |
Lannuzel, Arthur |
"Sur les
extensions pro-p-libres d'un corps de nombres algébriques ". |
Laporta, Maurizio
B. S. |
Bombieri-Vinogradov type theorems on the Goldbach-Waring problem". |
Lauter, Kristin |
Methods for Improving Bounds on the Number of Rational Points on Curves over Finite
Fields". |
Lefeuvre, Yann |
"Relative class
number one problem for dihedral CM- field". |
Lehman, Lerry |
"Computation of
L-series values for twists of elliptic curves". |
Lettl, Günter
& Petho, Attila & Voutier, Paul |
"Simple families
of Thue inequalities". |
Christine |
"Heights over
division algebras". |
Lorenzini, Dino |
"On the special
fiber of Néron models". |
Lorenzon, Pierre |
Hodge-Witt forms and Hyodo-Kato cohomology". |
Mignotte, Maurice |
"A survey on
recent results on Catalan's equation". |
Mihailescu, Preda
& Morain, François |
Cyclotomy Primality Proof". |
Monsurrò, Marina |
"Doubling Trace
forms". |
Movahhedi, A.
Chazad & Kolster, Manfred |
Number Fields with trivial 2-primary wild Kernel". |
Nikolai |
"M. Hall's
theorem and t-sets". |
Nakano, Shin |
"A note on the
rank of ideal class groups". |
Nazarova, Katerina
& Gusev, Hermann |
"On isometries in
locally compact non-archimedean fields". |
Harald with Cohen, Stephen. D. & Shparlinski, Igor E. & Zieve, Michael |
Character Sums and a Special Class of Permutations". |
Matthew A. |
"Gamma Values and
Linear Independence in Characteristic p". |
Perret, Marc |
"On the ideal
class group problem for global fields". |
Peyre, Emmanuel |
"Flags of bounded
height in the functional case". |
Poonen, Bjorn |
families of nonzero elements of Shafarevich-Tate groups". |
Popov, Sergei &
Valentin Voskrenskii |
"Galois Modules
and Models of Algebraic Tori". |
Poulakis, Dimitrios |
"On the reduction
modulo p of absolutely irreducible polynomials". |
Quer, Jordi |
"Fields of
definition of Q-curves". |
Andrei M. |
"A probabilistic
approach to the problem of the defect of good admissible sets in a lattice". |
Rémond, Gaël |
"On the product
theorem". |
Roskam, Hans |
conjecture on primitive roots over number fields". |
Rudnick, Zeév |
"Primitive roots
and the quantized cat map". |
Shiga, Hirinori |
"Toward the
quaternion K3 modular function". |
Sodaigui, Bouchaib |
classes of dihedral extensions of degree 8". |
Solé, Patrick |
Geometries of type Ãn". |
Sonn, Jack |
"Nilpotent Galois
groups over Qnil(t)". |
Stevenhagen, Peter |
"A two variable
Artin conjecture". |
D. Surya Ramana |
"Atkin's Theorem
on Psuedo-squares". |
Swallow, John R. |
Quadratic Descent for Quaternion Algebras". |
Ravindranathan |
"On a Lattice
Point Problem". |
Terai, Nobuhiro |
"The Diophantine
equation ax-by = d". |
Thiebaud, Caroline |
dans un corps des genres". |
Thuswaldner, Jörg
M. |
"The sum of
digits function for number system with negative bases". |
Vela, Montse |
problems with cyclic kernel". |
Galina |
groups and multiplicative h-functions". |
Walling, Lynne |
"Siegel modular
forms, Hecke operators and theta series". |
Wallisser, Rolf |
"A theorem on
entire functions as a principle for proof's on irrationality". |
Wewers, Stefan |
obstruction for the field of definition of Galois covers". |
Winterhof, Arne |
"Results on
Waring's problem in finite fields". |
Wolf, Marek |
"The computer
search for primes of the form n2+1". |
Vyacheslav I. |
torsion of Brauer groups of local elliptic curves with bad reduction and unramified
division algebras over their function fields". |
Yato, Mitsuaki |
"On the
extensions of the group schemes G(l) by Ga over a Z(p)-algebra".
Alessandro |
density theorems for the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function". |
Zhan, Tao |
problems involving prime squares". |